Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 874: The discovery of the space god

For the gods of the God Realm, space is still a dangerous and unknown area. They have been sealed in one place for thousands of years, which has almost wiped out their exploration spirit.

For them, the dangerous and desolate space lacking vitality is far from being connected by different spaces, and other planets within close proximity are more attractive.

This is also their sad place. The twisted space connects many planets together, greatly increasing the space for activities and sources of faith for the gods of the gods, and it also makes them lose their aggressiveness in exploring space.

Just need to go through the space gate to reach other planets. Who else will work hard to build a spaceship? Rely on his own strength to fly over a little bit.

Therefore, the moon is clearly only 380,000 kilometers away from Douluo Star, and it is the closest celestial body to Douluo Star. But it is a territory that the God Realm has hardly set foot on.

In order to allow the God of Space to safely travel back and forth in space without a spirit power environment. The God Realm has selected a large number of energy-storing items from the treasure house they have accumulated over the years.

If you put these props decades ago, even if they were seen by Cheng Ying, they would have to straighten their eyes and slobber, then each of the stored energy is enough to allow Extreme Douluo to squander, and it is worthy of being placed in the world. Artifact.

But let alone him now, not even the citizens of Tulips, even the strong Douluo mainland who was provoked by digging the tulip heritage, would not be particularly surprised to see this kind of props. After all, they actually saw a lot of this situation. Especially in the Tiandou Empire. Every town-level unit will have a large reserve of soul power.

Even the total amount of soul power reserves in third-tier small cities will not be less than the personal power of the main god, of course, there must be a huge gap in quality.

"Your mission is to detect and give feedback. There is a huge source of spiritual energy on the moon, and this source has been used by the mortals on the surface.

Although those annoying is not to be feared, the power of this ancient ruin should not be underestimated. You must not be careless, once you find something special, send it back to report the situation as soon as possible. "

For the last time the **** of kindness told the **** of space, before his eyes, the **** of space looked like a nouveau riche. Let's not talk about big gold chains and small watches. There are two large rings on each of the ten fingers.

There are four or five necklaces hanging around his neck, and there are countless earrings on his ears. If you remove the earrings, you will find that his earlobe has been smashed by a sewing machine, all with holes.

He even wears a ring on his toe. This is undoubtedly a **** outfit. Wearing such a set of artifacts accumulated in the God Realm over thousands of years, the God of Space appears confident.

"Don't worry, my current strength is compared to the Supreme God, although there is still less. But I am afraid that even the God Realm Committee, no one is stronger than me!

Everyone is waiting for my good news! Those mortals will have to pay a price sooner or later if they come into contact with things that do not belong to them. I will let them understand the price of taking God's things without God's permission. "

The God of Space is full of confidence and vowed to say that he can fight ten mortals. In order to resist the spiritual erosion that originated on the moon, half of the magic in his body is used to defend against mental attacks, which can be described as armed. Arrived at the tooth, under the seeing off of the gods of the gods. The God of Space also embarked on his journey.

Starting from Douluo's ocean, this place is far away from the mainland, and will not be monitored by the Douluo people. There are still gods of skill and space that are free from gravity. When other gods came, they would have to accelerate to the first cosmic speed like a spacecraft before they could leave.

But he was much simpler, just staring at the sky, he instantly moved to the clouds, and at another glance he moved to the stratosphere. After teleporting upward three or four times in a row, the air around him has disappeared.

He was hovering in the vast space with an uncomfortable expression. Although he had a strong physical quality, he would not be killed by vacuum and low temperature. But being unable to breathe, plus the experience of whole-body cupping, is definitely uncomfortable.

The gods are obviously not species that evolved to survive in space. Even if their bodies are strong, they can be in space. Survival does not mean they can adapt to life here.

In contrast, the inhabitants of Tulips have accepted it from the beginning. Our journey is based on the idea of ​​the stars and the sea. Many of the transformations are carried out to adapt to the space environment. Although not as powerful as the gods, the experience in space is even greater. Much more comfortable.

Just like breathing, they can use light energy to produce oxygen for breathing through photosynthesis. Of course, in a worse environment, they can also stop breathing, and rely solely on the energy in the body to convert internally to maintain cell activity. UU reading www. uukanshu. com and these are just basic operations for them.

The **** of space adapts to the space environment for a short time. It also initiated an instant transfer in the direction of the moon.

In areas that have not been explored, the distance he can transfer each time is limited, and it is basically difficult to exceed the range of 500km. This range is huge enough on the surface of the planet, and it is even exaggerated. But it is too small at the scale of the universe. Even the moon closest to Douluo Star. It also needs to teleport many times to reach it.

The process of approaching the moon can probably be described by Wangshan running to death. The existence of the moon can be seen from a distance, and even the craters above can be seen clearly with the eyesight of the gods. Of course, the craters seen by the God of Space are just disguise, and the surface of the moon has long been turned upside down.

Although the God of Space has no way to directly see through this layer of disguise. However, I still feel that the crater on the surface of the moon looks a little unnatural. As the **** of space approaches the moon, this sense of disharmony is getting stronger and stronger.

He didn't know how this sense of violation came, but he felt that the moon he saw was like a texture. It's just a three-dimensional texture in the three-dimensional world.

And soon, his sense of disobedience was confirmed to be real, and he came to the satellite warning zone that revolved around the moon.

This group of satellites formed a brand new spiritual barrier over the moon. It's as if a whole new shell has been added to the moon. Before approaching the satellite constellation. With the naked eye, only a shell projected by the satellite group can be seen.

The **** of space penetrated this shell by instant transfer. Seeing the real situation on the surface of the moon, just this glance made him unforgettable for a lifetime.

[To be continued]

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