Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 870: Writer VS Ghost Hand

"A lot of soul beasts are promoted. That's because there are so many soul beasts in the competition! Now there are thousands of soul beasts in 100,000 years, and the average strength is still stronger than that of Title Douluo of the same level. It is normal to have this record, you wait The record of the soul beast empire began to frustrate during the demigod battle.

If this kind of problem does not consider biochemical technology, it can only be smoothed out by time. "Cheng Ying shrugged. Although he is a soul beast, he did not take much special care of the soul beast.

When he reached his current position, racial differences no longer matter to him. Anyway, no empire can resist a round of anti-matter guns.

"Here! The biochemical transformation technology you said! The work that was originally completed by borrowing the power of the protagonist's halo has now become one of Douluo's power systems!" The Ice Emperor screamed in the direction of the battlefield.

Over there, someone was confronting Chen Bin. The opponent was a general of the rebel army, staring at the pirated kaleidoscope and launching a range attack on Chen Bin.

Energy spots appeared on the ground, and the next moment was a beam of light rising into the sky. Chen Bin relied on his agility to dodge left and right.

Although the pirated Shalunyan can be copied in large quantities, it is a pirated version after all. It can randomly generate super powers but cannot summon Suzuo Gundam.

As a result, users have limited protection against themselves and must adopt a more conservative strategy to fight.

"Huh? I'm a little impressed by him with a sword!" Cheng Ying noticed that the evil giant sword with constant eyes in Chen Bin's hand: "Isn't this my imitation of the magic sword Apo Piao?"

ice King:"……"

"I think you must have changed the original name of this thing. What is Apo Biaobao?"

"Ahem, it's a semi-finished product anyway, but he can use it quite smoothly."

On the battlefield, Chen Bin flexibly avoided the opponent's attack. If he couldn't avoid it, he sent an arc-shaped impact with the magic sword in his hand to offset the attack.

The magic sword in his hand seemed to fit his physical strength very well. It can increase his power exponentially. When creating this sword, the power of blood energy had not yet been created. The sword spurred by soul power was completely unable to meet his designer's expectations, so it was thrown into the depths of the laboratory.

Someone dug this grave right now, and dug it out again. But in this new era, shine together with the power of the heart.

The generals of the insurgents could not help but see cold sweat on their foreheads. It was not that he was so unbearable to fear opponents, but that the eyes on the magic sword released breathtaking power.

It is a magic sword in itself, coupled with the spells that have been applied to shock the mind, it is conceivable that it will oppress the soul of such a strong person who has not orthodox practice.

At the same time, Chen Bin also broke through to the distance suitable for his attack, leaped up and raised the magic sword, and slapped it towards the ground.

With this blow, he burned a large amount of blood, the blood gas turned into a column of steam, and the earth broke apart, bursts of bright red blood spewed out from the ground, blowing the rebel generals into the sky.

"Appeared! Bengshandi Slash!" Cheng Ying's eyes lit up. This was not designed by him, but a skill developed by Chen Bin himself under the influence of the protagonist's aura.

This was not over yet, Chen Bin knew that his opponent still had the ability to save his life, and before he escaped with the reaction force of the light spot calibrated on the tree, he raised his red arm.

The whirlpool-like airflow rotates rapidly, attracting the opponent towards him, accompanied by the strangulation of blood energy.

"Soul addicted to seal the devil!"

Seeing that the battle was about to end in this way, the rebel general who was attracted to Chen Bin suddenly showed a triumphant look, and in the next moment, countless spots of light appeared on his body.

His abilities are very powerful, as long as he is within sight, he can calibrate his position and explode high-energy shocks, but this one obviously has two shortcomings.

One is that the marking of the light spot is too obvious, unless you are blind, it is impossible not to notice such an obvious mark. The other is that the light spot can only eject energy to the outside.

Therefore, it is useless to mark the light spot on the enemy, and there is no way to launch that kind of shadowy attack.

But there are ways to make up for shortcomings, and different abilities naturally need to be matched with different tactics.

Since the light board with obvious suggestiveness can be easily avoided, then change to another way of fighting. Just a series of attacks made almost everyone think that he is a long-range mage-like character.

In fact, his body hasn't been strengthened too much. Only by relying on ordinary exercise can he have his current physique, which is much worse than his opponent.

If you look at it in close combat, you won't have an advantage, but if you match his own ability, this will completely change. He can put the light spot on the enemy's feet, naturally it can also be on his own body.

He was pulled over by Soul Devourer Seal Demon Slash, and his whole body lit up with bright spots. Then beams of light bloomed from the body like a hedgehog.

Chen Bin was too late to escape, and a beam of light pierced his The distance between the two people was too close, even if he tried his best to escape, there was no room to escape.

However, he also quite decisively knew that at this distance, running away was the most unwise choice. He should continue to maintain such an energy impact on the fingers, and then rotate on the spot. He is about to be cut into several pieces.

Therefore, he didn't evade, exchanged the wound for the wound and cut it down. After the magic sword was stained with blood, he began to draw blood frantically.

The blood drawn was fed back to his body, and he was quickly repairing the scars on his body. The best at blood warriors is to go shopping in battle, because as long as they hurt the enemy, they can recover their injuries. They are well-deserved berserkers.

Unsurprisingly, the rebel generals who were opponents also chose to rotate their bodies. Let the beam of energy jetted out of the body turn into a sharp blade.

A series of scars surfaced on Chen Bin, but he created more serious wounds on his opponent at a faster speed.

The two people are fighting harder for whose fate is now. There is no doubt that there is a case of blood replenishment. Such a desperate style of play, after all, Chen Bin had the upper hand.

With the blood almost drained, his opponent finally stopped the attack and fell on the field. The result of the game was judged. The medical robot began to grab two people at the same time.

"Slightly disappointed, the duration of the protagonist's aura is still a bit short. Otherwise, he might be able to develop awakening.

But in theory it seems difficult to do it, the magma beam sprayed from my brother. No matter how you look at it, it's no longer in touch with blood. Cheng Ying whispered, thinking about whether to get another career out. Sharpshooter is good, and satellite support can be provided!

[To be continued]

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