Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 860: Undead realm

With the rapid increase in the number of applicants, this time the unprecedented Great Sacred Assembly in the entire continent also opened on the site of the Silver Empire.

Cheng Ying delivered a speech for the opening ceremony on behalf of the former Tulip Principality. Although it was only a Principality in name, people all over the continent knew its weight. There must be something wrong with thinking of Tulip as a Principality.

In the center of the huge fighting arena, a holographic projection of a kilometer high appeared, and only this size could allow the audience to see the speech in a circle around the fighting arena.

"It's been a long time since I showed up in public. I want to come to know that I am a person who doesn't like ink very much. Just say a few words!" Chengying beckoned to the audience and players around the venue.

"Presumably everyone knows how cruel the wars on the mainland have been in recent years, and there must have been family members who died in the war. If I can tell you to give up your grievances and live together peacefully, then I too value myself.

I think, if you don’t let you fight happily, you won’t be able to get out of that tone. So we held such a game. Any grievances and grievances will be resolved here. Don’t go outside and scream innocent. Anyway, I can tell you clearly, here. In the film arena, no one can beat anyone to death, so please do your best.

Even if you meet a colleague, you can use the ultimate move with confidence, even if you turn people into ashes, you can still come back to life in this area.

I know that it’s still a long way from an event to let all countries put down their hatred. Then I will turn this arena into an undead place. After the game, the Silver Arena will be permanently open and everyone can come here. Give vent to negative emotions, but do not bring any grievances out of it.

As for now... I announce that the first World No. 1 Budo Contest is officially kicked off. You can try to kill people in this field as much as you like. "

Cheng Ying didn't push too much, but the amount of information in these few sentences was amazing enough. They could still understand the power that turned a hundred miles into powder before, but this undead domain was too outrageous.

They had never heard of such a field. According to legend, only the Blue Silver Emperor possessed the immortal spirit ability, and that was not true immortality, but as long as the Blue Silver Grass was not extinct, it would not die.

In the first time, there were soul masters who did not believe in evil. Naturally, among the representatives of the empire who participated in the competition, there were dead men from various countries. This group of people was also staunch. They wiped their necks and sprayed blood on the faces of the people next to them. They were scared nearby. There was a commotion in the audience.

But soon an even more astonishing scene happened. I saw that the person who was already dead slowly floated up, with tiny spots of light merging into his body, and the hideous wound on his neck almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Even the dead man himself didn't react, and he touched his neck in shock when he landed again.

"I'm not dead?" His consciousness was clearly interrupted. He should have died completely, but now he is alive and kicking again. The only thing that can prove that he died once is probably only the blood on his body.

"Hey hey hey! Those who committed suicide in the auditorium! The system has recorded your identity information! Pay me a fine within a week! No fighting or suicide is allowed in the auditorium! Do you know that cleaning blood is better than giving It's troublesome for you to resurrect!" Chengying's painful voice came from the loudspeaker, making the audience smile, and soon there will be self-discipline robots to clean up the blood.

A robot with a second AI is holding a section of intestines, and asked the dead man who cut his belly and committed suicide: "This is your intestines, do you want them? I have collected your blood, and asked me to help you fill them. Blood sausage?"

Dead man: "??"

God's **** enema? Who dares to eat this! What kind of robots are these! I'm afraid there is a pit in my mind.

There is more than one kind of ai stranger robot. This is not bad. Some dead men looked at the robot directly with their brains in their brains and asked him if he wanted to add some Zilan.

This is not to blame for these robots. The material basis determines the culture and morals. In the eyes of Douluo people, cannibalism is already quite unreasonable, let alone eating oneself, that is simply something that a madman would not do.

But for the residents of Tulips, eating their own flesh is not a big deal. Everyone carries a small vitality field made of a small piece of life gold, and ordinary limb injuries can basically be healed instantly.

The nanomachines in the body can easily control the human senses and cut off the pain. It is a bit curious at best to chop off one's own limbs when there is no pain.

As for the custom of eating oneself, it actually originated from a few dead houses that were too lazy to get out of the house. They were too lazy to get out of the house and felt that the takeaway was too slow, so they gave themselves a knife, so they ate meat. Eating is not their physiological needs. , It’s just a kind of entertainment, so whether this can replenish energy for the body is the least important They posted the video of cooking their own limbs on the Internet by the way, and the head can be cut off. Under the background of the age when the body grew from the neck, this video became popular, so this custom became popular.

According to official discussions, it was found that there was no need to prohibit it, but that it was forbidden to cut substances with more than one-tenth of the mass of a body at a time.

It's just that the Douluo people's worldview is obviously too different from that of Tulip. The robot habitually asks these suicidal guys if they want to waste their bodies, but they almost frighten them away.

It is a while to be able to commit suicide for the owner. It is a completely different concept to be able to watch one's body being made into a dish without changing its face, and to taste the saltiness.

Compared with their discomfort, the representatives of the countries are all in shock. The technology contained in the undead field is simply terrifying. They can't even understand it, and even the gods in fantasy don't have such authority.

"Actually, it's not so exaggerated!" Bingdi whispered: "If we really don't die, we won't be invincible."

"Haha! That's why I have to fool them! How can immortality be possible? The universe must face heat death. How can human being immortal? Unless the setting can be fundamentally changed, how can immortality be possible.

It is only the vitality field and the atomic control field that surround the arena. At their level of battle, most situations can be healed by the vitality field, and in rare cases, they can also use the atomic control to reshape their bodies, looking undead. It's almost done, no one can tell anyway.

Hey-hey! Just to scare the voyeurs above, I don't know what the expressions of the guys hiding in the gods are now, I guess it must be wonderful! Immortal! This is something that even gods must pursue. "

[To be continued]

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