Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 858: World 1st Martial Arts Tournament

The news of Tulip’s comeback and the news of the World’s No. 1 Martial Arts Conference spread to this planet that has been in the flames of war for many years.

This news is like the first Olympic Games held in Athens in Greek history to replace war. Although it is an unrealistic idea, although it does not conform to the law of general social development, it is as fragile and unreal as a dream.

But people are willing to believe, believing that this game can bring about a peaceful future, just like knowing that the end of the universe is falling into heat death during the increase in entropy, and life is still stubbornly walking against entropy, and will never get tired of it. .

To do something, there is no need to be reasonable, because life itself is the greatest miracle in the universe! What is impossible is nothing compared to a bunch of messy atoms that spontaneously form a life capable of self-replication.

Smith Jianguo was in retreat originally, he has become the secret weapon of the Star Luo Empire, a powerhouse with the power of a demigod at the Title Douluo level, if he breaks through the hundredth level, he may reach a whole new level.

The empire required him to practice in retreat before breaking through the 100th level, and to retreat under a special high-concentration spirit power environment, but the retreat did not block the network signal, so that he got the news of the world’s first martial arts conference. After breaking through the barrier, without the permission of the top of the empire, he used his social account to publish the information that he was going to participate in the game.

As a new powerhouse of the Star Luo Empire, his popularity is also quite high, coupled with Chengying secretly guided public opinion, his heroic deeds and the whale-sounding covenant with Chihiro are almost household names on the mainland.

At least in the Star Luo Empire and the Soul Beast Empire, he was an absolute hero, and he was the kind of hero full of legends.

Regarding the manifestation of his strength, countless people on the mainland are also looking forward to it. After all, this is the only known Douluo who has obtained a million-year spirit ring and spirit bone.

Even in the Tiandou Empire, Smith’s founding of the country has a high reputation. The lure of the symbiote did not cause more casualties, but instead saved many naval officers from working hard with the symbiote. In addition, Chihiro in his story is a member of the Tiandou Empire. As a hostile country, the people of the Tiandou Empire had a good impression of him.

By the way, Chihiro also has a group of fans of her own. Even though her heavy metal music is not acceptable to everyone, there will be a group of people who can catch up with her radio waves after all...

Public opinion has become the umbrella of Smith’s founding of the nation. With the Soul Beast Empire firmly supporting Smith’s founding of the nation, even if the Star Luo Empire wants to temporarily switch its propaganda, it is too late. Moreover, the Internet world is the territory of the Soul Beast Empire, and all its members. The fight between handsome men and beauties and other races is simply looking for abuse.

"Your Majesty... the Jianguo regiment leader has privately announced that we will participate in the competition. We..." Military Minister Xingluo looked ugly as Dai Huanyu reported the situation. Not only was Smith Jianguo, there were already a demigod and several titled Douluo in the name of peace. Announced to participate, even among the rebel forces that have been besieged and suppressed, the strong who opened the kaleidoscope and the blood hand declared to participate, and were sheltered in the Silver Arena of Souls, and the joint attack by the legions could not make the soul fighting. The slightest ripple in the field's shield is no longer a simple technical generation difference.

Dai Huanyu sighed: "Let's put away all the little tricks! That person has really come back. Don't be ashamed of playing tricks in front of him. The old Xueye should have a little bit in his heart. He didn't dare to do anything to Jianguo. , Unless he wants his own Heaven Dou City to become the next Heaven Dou Soul Arena.

Corresponding to Smith Jianguo, telling him that the empire supports him, assigning him a set of biomass mechas, and, like the national announcement, that I will also participate in the competition. "

"Your Majesty, think twice!" The Minister of Military shook his hand and almost threw the da in his hand to the ground. If the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference is really reported successfully, the mainland is likely to usher in long-term peace. Then he will be the military. Although the minister is not useless, he must be greatly reduced.

Hearing this, Dai Huanyu did not respond positively, but said another topic: "Do you remember the e381 project!"

"Remember, your Majesty tried to break through the atmosphere and reach space with his individual strength. The closest success has reached low-Earth orbit. It was only because of the thin spirit power in space that he had to return. What did your Majesty say about this?"

"Don’t understand? What we have been unable to do so far, but Tulip did it sixty years ago. Look up at the stars! People who can’t keep up with the times will be eliminated sooner or later. We recognize reality. We No one can beat the Star of Return. It is stronger and more advanced than the previous Warden. The next era is destined to be an era of peace. So what we have to consider is how to catch up in peace as soon as possible. Bridge the gap between us.

Have you forgotten the tragedy of Xingluo First Republic? The change in form and the forced compromise are, after all, the lingering remnants of the old The current Douluo Continent is no longer the continent that can solve everything with tactics and personal courage. "


In the Heaven Dou Empire, the gray-haired Chen Qin looked at his sword and said nothing for a long time. He was the first human power to step into the demi-god combat power. With the cultivation of Limit Douluo, he was able to achieve half. God-level attack power.

But after all, he is an old man of the last era. He missed the best age of cultivation and did not catch up with the recovery of his spirit power. He has been stuck at level ninety-nine for fifty years, and he has never been able to break through, even if his sword intent is always As he progressed, many demigods were afraid to fight him head-on, but the limit of soul power eventually made him have to face a reality.

He is too old. The human body has a limit. If he does not break through the demigod, his lifespan will hardly exceed two hundred years. The dark wounds in his youth are infinitely magnified on this old body, and he can feel his own life. There is not much left.

"Father! You want to participate in the world's No. 1 martial arts conference!" Chenxin rushed in. Although he was nearly half a hundred years old and his cultivation level reached a demigod, he would still be frizzy when he encountered his father's problem. Like a child.

"Yeah! Why, look down on my old bones?" Chen Qin gently placed the sword on the ground, but there was not the slightest bit of swordsman's fierceness on his body, and some just blended into the natural peace.

"There are already few strong players in the Heaven Dou Empire. If I don't make a move with this old bone, wouldn't it be let Xing Luo's group of animals look down upon him?"

"But your body..."

"What's the point of sitting here, even if you can live for 10,000 years?" Long Sword Muran disappeared, and the old figure also disappeared in the courtyard.

[To be continued]

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