Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 841: Anti-Spicy Chicken Shredded Battle Armor

"See you in Douluo for a long time (

Chengying kicked Tony out. This guy's brain was so big that he couldn't see the brain at all. Chengying had goose bumps. Objectively speaking, sleeping is impossible.

But if you want to think in an idealistic way, then this idea is simply terrible, because this thing cannot be falsified from the idealistic concept, because the thinking before and after waking up is indeed not coherent, and it is impossible to rely on it. Self-monitoring to complete the falsification.

Toss the brain, to get rid of this painful thought, normal people will never think about this kind of problem, even philosophers will not think about such a painful problem.

It's just that Chengying seems to have grasped the first line of thought. The civilization that was exterminated before, although every individual has died, is the civilization a continuation? Why can the humans on Douluo Continent survive the civilization gap every time? Is it possible that the starting point of each round of civilization is the same group of primitive people who create civilization? It's horrible to think carefully.

Chengying didn't continue this conjecture. With his current level of technology, it was too early to consider this issue. What's more, he himself was a traverser. Even if the conjecture was true, this reincarnation had nothing to do with him.


Back on the battlefield, the Cursed Warrior was not as leisurely as Chengying and Tony, and he was still thinking about telling the ghost stories of the interstellar age. At first, he thought that the soldiers were just appearances, and only the first encounter was the elite.

But soon he realized that he was very wrong, that the strength of each of this group of fighters would not be weaker than the one at the beginning, or even stronger, able to beat himself five or five times.

Anyway, he is only a genius among the hundreds of millions of cursed soldiers, but now he is at a 50-50 match with any soldier? Is it in this river?

Not only is it being beaten, his men are even worse, the elite are only the elite of the dark elves, facing the starship **** that is full of Edman alloy armor, there is no resistance at all.

In the face of this situation, the cursed warrior no longer cared that this was inside the battleship, and immediately threw a black hole grenade, facing the place where the most oncoming enemies were facing.

The use of a black hole grenade inside a battleship is likely to cause the entire cabin to disintegrate, squeeze it inward, and squeeze the user into the black hole alive. After all, it is a gravity weapon. An analogy is that you want to throw your opponent with super strong gravity. Die, it's okay to die in an open area, but if you have a huge alloy plate above your heads, you're going to die! There is a high probability that the two will be crushed to death together.

Fortunately, the inner compartment of the battleship was also coated with Edman alloy. Although it was very thin, it barely supported it and did not collapse.

"I'll go! Frighten me!" Tony just joined the battlefield when a black hole grenade came over with a blur of his face. It was terrible. Fortunately, he had been prepared for it a long time ago. The anti-gravity field unfolded and exploded in the black hole grenade. The core point forms a strong antigravitational field to counteract the gravitational force it generates.

Although Tony was still awkwardly shifting toward the center of the explosion, he was unharmed, and rushed out of the gravitational field intact, knocking a punch on the face of the cursed soldier.

This time, the cursed warrior was hit and flew directly, and at the same time, behind Tony, a group of floating cannons were suspended, and the strong impact slammed the cursed warrior from the air to the ground, and the terrifying energy ripples blew the dark elves. He was staggering and couldn't get up for a while.

Discovering the thorny situation, the elites of the dark elves also acted decisively. They took out the black hole grenade for the first time, and threw it in Tony's direction, ready to die with the enemies in the entire cabin, creating a breakthrough for the cursed warrior. chance.

Tony saw so many black hole grenades flying back, and the hair exploded.

For a while, the anti-gravity field was running at full force, but this time it was not precisely acting on the center of the explosion, but with Tony as the center, expanding outwards with all its strength, like a pungent sky plug with increased power but reduced scope.

Tony has his own reason for doing this. The power of the black hole bomb is reflected by gravity, and the effect of gravity on the entity is similar to pulling a tablecloth, and the things on the tablecloth will naturally move toward gravity with the pull. The center is close.

Tony did the opposite. The anti-gravity field was equivalent to letting him push out the tablecloth quickly. As long as the push speed was faster than the black hole grenade pulling speed, he would not point into the black hole speed.

In fact, he succeeded halfway. Although he was not drawn into the black hole, the huge gravitational force acted on him like a five-horse corpse. If it weren't for the armor set outside, he might have been torn into several sections. NS.

Even if his body was not torn, his internal organs would not be able to withstand such a wild tear, either being crushed or bleeding. Fortunately, Tony's body was injected with strong vitality, this kind of injury can be repaired quickly.

During this round of explosion, the crumbling compartment had begun to dent inward, and the corridor in which they were fighting was obviously thinner than the other compartments.

The cursed warrior took advantage of Tony to repair his injuries. The other warriors were photographed in a black hole and they dared not come close. They crossed Tony and rushed towards the bridge.

But within two steps of the run, he was hit by a floating cannon in the back: "Hey buddy! I'm not a qualified fighter to leave behind my opponent and run away, let alone I have already taken action, and if you let you run to the bridge, I'm too bad. Save face!"

Tony gradually eased from Chengying's ghost story, and started fighting again while breaking his mouth.

"I think you need to care about your soldiers. They just used black hole grenades in such a small space. They hurt a lot more than me! Look at this, the **** has been squeezed out! By the way, your **** turned out to be green. That's it!

What do you eat on weekdays? Isn’t it because you can’t eat meat and don’t digest well! what! Sorry, I didn't notice, it turned out to be intestines and not shit. I'm really sorry, it turns out that your blood is green!

I remember that guy Chen always said, as everyone knows, blood is green, it seems that the blood of the universe race is full of ferrous iron! You see, we humans are different, all of them are trivalent iron, eh? Wait a minute, don't do it, you haven't answered my question yet! "

Of course Tony is not really so boring, but it takes time to repair his injury, so he is afraid that he will be beaten directly.

It's just that the cursing warrior hasn't done anything yet, and a teleporting light suddenly flashed behind Tony, an ink-like impact that blasted Tony directly away.

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Go to the main control room!" Malekis appeared resolutely.

"Spicy chicken shreds! You actually came in person, just so! Let you see my anti-spicy chicken shreds armor!"

As soon as Tony spoke, Chengying couldn't help covering his face. Normally, Tony would definitely not lose to the spicy chicken silk without ether, but if he wears the anti-spicy chicken silk armor...

[To be continued]

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