Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 824: What are you doing to provoke him?

Eddie has to follow along with whatever he said this time, and even showed an expression of ambition like a villain. The meaning is very obvious. Drake bullied him so badly, and he should bully everything he said this time. Go back!

   Tony Stark who doesn’t know! After Tony lifted the mask of the battle armor, Eddie recognized it immediately. Although the Life Foundation was powerful, it was nothing compared to Stark Industries.

   He went this time. To put it bluntly, he went to the Fox and Huwei.

   In order to welcome Tony's visit, the Life Foundation urgently stopped all research on the symbiote, and moved the tramp and the symbiote to a hidden secret room to ensure that they would never be discovered.

   At the same time, Drake also disguised many serious experiments. As a company that focuses on life sciences, he still has many serious topics here, such as the cure of cancer.

   In this way, Drake finally ushered in the day to officially meet Tony.

There are only two people who came with Tony, one is Eddy and the other is Chengying. What Eddy is here to do, Drake can think of it with his toes. As for Chengying, because they wear very ordinary clothes, but A casual suit was used by him as Tony's bodyguard.

   After all, Iron Man relies on battle armor. He should be very fragile. It is normal to hire a bodyguard who can fight.

Since the three of them came in, Drake stared at Cheng Ying, watching him inexplicably, he just followed to watch the excitement, in case the riot took possession of Drake, the venom jumped out to make a moth. What is such a hostility?

"As you can see, this is our main topic. How to make humans break through the shackles of cancer. Our thinking is that cancer is not a simple disease, but the force of human evolution. Cancer cells can divide unlimitedly. If human somatic cells can also do this, it may be able to break the upper limit of human life span. In fact, we have made breakthrough progress in rabbits."

Drake’s explanation is so eloquent, and someone else might believe it, but Tony is so foolish. The stuff Drake said sounds **** to him, and the experimental data is also written up temporarily. Tony bet that these experimental samples have just been bought within three days. If it is the main project of the Life Foundation, then he does not need to come. The Life Foundation will go bankrupt in less than a month.

"Needless to say, I can't see your sincerity, false data, temporarily bought test products, and him. This guy is five big and three thick, and the test tubes are reversed. I bet 500 million dollars, this guy. It's a white coat put on by the security guard temporarily. I think you actually know what I'm here for.

   Someone told me that your company is conducting extremely cruel human experiments, trying to fuse humans with aliens. I hope you can show your sincerity, release the experimental subjects, and stop this crazy attempt. "

   Tony has already made things clear. Faced with the pressure of Stark Industry, Drake has no room for struggle. The two are not the same at all.

Eddie also jumped out at this time, took out his mobile phone, and showed the photos he took. Inside are all Life Foundation laboratories, where cruel and inhuman human experiments are being carried out. Many homeless people who participated in the experiments are already The symbiote eroded and turned into a corpse.

"Do you have anything else to say? The evidence is solid, Mr. Drake, I wish you a happy life!" Eddie finally said what he was holding in his stomach, and he returned the happy life to Dray. gram.

   "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! The villain is determined! I really don’t know the heights! There is no way! This is what you forced me! Do it, kill the bodyguard first!"

  Drake was secretly backing away when he was talking. When he finished speaking, hundreds of brawny men with guns rushed out around him, and they launched a brutal and inhumane strafe at Chengying.

   "Huh? Why are you hitting me?" Chengying looked dumbfounded, and if you were to kill the bodyguard first, you would kill him first? Do you feel so frustrated? Was he used as Tony's security guard?

The venom in Eddie's body suddenly rushed out of hundreds of gunmen, and he was a little nervous. Although bullets could not hurt him, grenades, especially high-temperature flash bombs, could still hurt him, one hundred. Well-trained mercenaries, the threat to him is still quite big.

   Just when Venom saw that all the guns were aimed at Chengying, he instantly stopped panicking, panicking! If this group of mortals can kill Chengying, Venom will screw off Eddie’s head on the spot and kick Thanos as a ball...

   Eddie: "???"

   Tony was already preparing to release the battle armor. Although he has been remodeled, although he is already quite strong, he will still be very painful in the face of a rain of bullets.

Then, he also noticed that the bullets were all heading towards Chengying, and the dead fish eyes were immediately revealed. That's okay. If Drake could kill Chengying, he would screw off Jarvis’ head on the spot and give it to the Hulk. When the chamber pot.

   Chengying faced the rain of bullets and showed a painful expression. He found Tony, but didn't want to scare Drake. In the end, he had to make a deal with him. Isn't this just finding Tony for nothing?

Cheng Ying felt helpless, stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Vientiane sky moved. The bullets in the sky started a satellite-like spiral movement around him, and finally gathered in his palm, forming a small iron ball of more than 20 kilograms~www.wuxiamtl .com~ It can be seen that these mercenaries have really fired shots just now.

"I said, can you consider stopping your human experiment now?" Chengying said, snapping his fingers, more than a hundred mercenaries, like dominoes, fell one by one, and the last one did not. The only person standing in the hall was Drake.

   Drake, who looked at this crushing power, was desperate. How could such an opponent be defeated? With his protection, even if there is an armored division, it is impossible to kill Tony! Not to mention that there is no armored division in the Life Foundation.

   In the end, Drake was forced to disband the research team on the symbiote under Tony's pressure, and only then did the three plague gods be sent away.

Drake leaned weakly against the cold glass of the laboratory and sat on the ground. This time he lost everything. Don’t think about the slightest progress in the study of symbionts. Tony’s staring at him, he didn’t resist. force.

   There is such a terrifying bodyguard next to Tony, he won back everything he lost.

At this moment, a little girl appeared in front of him, like a ghost. The hollow eyes and slightly stiff movements made Drake very familiar. It was the symptom of being possessed by the symbiont~www. cash] Follow vx public. Public account [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

   [To be continued]

   ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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