Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 805: Mind Scepter

Loki really didn't want to go to the earth in person. According to his estimation, the guy who drew the Frost Giant King into a hobbit last time probably lived in seclusion on the earth.

The strength of that ghost is probably close to Odin's level. And there are only two at a time. If he goes to the earth, he will provoke those two ghosts. Even if he was given a powerful weapon inlaid with spiritual gems, he would definitely be beaten out by shit.

The problem is that Thanos is also not easy to talk about, if he fails to complete the agreement between the two parties. Not only is the throne gone, I am afraid that his life will also be threatened. Even if the **** is beaten out, he may beat his **** back when he encounters Thanos.

The two evils are the lesser one. If there is no other way, Loki can only go to the earth in person and use the power of that powerful cane to change the situation of the war.

At present, the Qitarians still have a great chance of winning. Motherships are used as a base to continuously produce cloned soldiers. Their strength is completely endless, while the soldiers on the earth are basically chicken tiles. dog. There are only one or two strong players, and it is impossible to turn the tide of the battle.

Even if the guy in the steel suit can stay in his heyday. With the continuous investment of troops, his role will also appear to be stretched.

After that, the invading forces have penetrated into different cities. He had only one person and certainly couldn't handle it.

However, just when Loki had this idea, there was a sudden flash of thunder in the atmosphere. Several troop carriers of the Zetaru were unfortunately plunged into the thunderstorm in the atmosphere.

The terrifying Thunder tore their shields to pieces, and the internal precision components were destroyed. The troop carrier, in the shape of a giant beast, fell into the sky with billowing black smoke.

After losing its backing, it was quickly burned out by the atmosphere. Only a few pieces of debris were left falling to the surface like a meteor shower. Did not cause any harm.

Seeing the thunder, Loki couldn't help but shiver. As a god, he couldn't be afraid of thunder. All he was worried about was the person who came with the thunder and lightning.

Sure enough, in the thunderstorm, a figure carrying a hammer appeared. There is no doubt that it is Thor. Because his little girlfriend is an earthling, Thor also has a considerable sense of belonging to the earth.

Under the call of S.H.I.E.L.D., without much hesitation, he joined the Avengers. For the Qitarians who are like shit-cutters in the universe, he originally lacked a good impression, and it was normal to take action at this time.

Thor, who has mastered the power of Thunder, is much stronger than this period in the original book. Although he couldn't control his power as precisely as Iron Man, he could eliminate a large number of miscellaneous soldiers at once.

But his hammer gave it the power to break the shield directly in the air. As long as he intercepts the landing troop carrier in the atmosphere and smashes their shields, he can directly burn the wreckage of the troop carrier by the atmosphere, which can be said to greatly reduce the pressure on the front battlefield below.

In addition, as another powerful superhero, the Hulk has also stepped into the battlefield.

Huge size and terrifying power make him the ultimate demolition worker. The building can be blasted with one punch.

Tony stared at the Hulk and ran to the Stark Mansion. He was dumbfounded. Fortunately, at this moment, there was a soft mental wave in the mansion.

The manic Hulk was also diverted by mental fluctuations. Went to attack the troop carrier that looked like a huge centipede.

The huge power of the Hulk exploded with unscientific effects. Obviously he weighs only a few tons. But one punch down can knock a 10,000-ton troop carrier into the ground with one punch.

With the guidance of Chengying, the Hulk will demolish the buildings as little as possible. Most of them hit the troop carrier with one punch, even if the opponent's strength advantage was great. Under such frenzied bombing, it was quickly suppressed.

Suddenly three powerhouses of this level appeared on a mere earth. It also caused the Qitarians to fall into a daze.

For a while, even if all of their forces are clones, the speed of clones is a bit unable to keep up with the killing speed of the opponent's superpower.

As for whether high-tech weapons are useful for these people? Obviously, the weapons in the hands of these miscellaneous soldiers are obviously useless. Tony's steel battle contains strong metals, even if it is hit from the front, it will remain unscathed.

The Hulk's defensive power is even more incomprehensible. From his appearance to the present, the Hulk seems to have never even seen blood. Not to mention bleeding, his underwear hasn't been worn. It can be seen that his defense is so strong that it can be said to be incomprehensible.

Thor, the **** of thunder, although he does not have such an insoluble defense, he is a god, and the power of thunder in his body is endless, and it is definitely not easy to harm him.

Faced with the elite power that these miscellaneous soldiers could not handle, Loki finally couldn't sit still. If he didn't do anything quickly, he might be caught by Thanos and smashed out the ~ In desperation, he can only drive a flying vehicle to fall towards the direction of the earth.

Although he did not know that the cane in his hand had infinite gems. But that kind of powerful psychic ability, in his view, can completely change the situation of the battle.

The power of the earth is completely supported by those super powers. As long as you can use the power of your mind to destroy one, or instigate a superhero. Then the balance of victory will tilt to him again.

How strong his elder brother is, he knows very well that even if he has a powerful weapon in his hand, it will affect his mind at best, and it is difficult to directly control it.

So the first one was excluded from the selected target. As for the big green man, it seemed that he had no brains. Fight with anger based on the instinct in the body. Even if it was controlled, he would still only attack the allies, and he would be excluded from the options if he couldn't achieve the same effect.

In the end, the only thing left was the guy wearing the armor, and it could be seen that most of his strength was in his armor. This is also the easiest object to deal with by the power of the mind.

Relying on the power of science and technology to strengthen himself, but still can't make up for his fragile body of a mortal, as long as he controls it casually, the mortal's mind can be easily controlled by himself.

Maybe you can use this person's powerful armor to fill in your brother, an unforgettable lesson for life.

Rocky plunged into the earth's atmosphere with this fantasy. It also fell into someone's mental detection range.

"Very well, since you choose to cast yourself into the net, then I can be a little more polite to you."

[To be continued]

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