Douluo See You For a Long Time

Vol 2 Chapter 312: blood falls

Rowling has mixed feelings about her current situation. The happy thing is that he is now in the final round. As long as he can win the opponent on the other side, he can establish his own age of empire. Really won, there are eight cities here. Completely open up the transportation network, even if you don't have many troops on hand now. Then no one else can lay down their own network.

At that time, as long as you develop slowly, let your own power gradually grow and do things, and the heroes of the world will fight against each other. In the end, it will definitely be able to unify the world.

The worry is that he is in the final circle, and his relationship with his opponent is life and death.

If the system he currently occupies is in a relatively distant place, then even if the opponent is extremely powerful, occupying the five-city system. He doesn't need to worry about anything. At that time, he must be a great nobleman who has been enfeoffed. Maybe it's at the level of the Duke of Protecting the Country.

But the problem is that now the two sides are stuck in the final circle. That is completely the rhythm of whether you die or I die. If they don't kill each other, then none of them will achieve the foundation of the empire. In this case, they are so close to each other, there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

And the hegemony between the two sides naturally started from this hub city for help. Rowling has a very clear judgment on the current situation. If there is no way to save this hub city, then he will have no hope in the future. Now he only has three cities at hand. And after the opponent takes this one, there will be five cities, and his three cities are still on the same side. With the opponent's power, it can definitely develop rapidly. Hitting me at that time is like crushing special.

Even if Rowling won that city, she would at least own seven cities like the other party, and her seven cities were not all on the same side, so it cannot be said that the disadvantage is extremely small. And even if the city is taken, it is an away game, and it takes seven to one, but no matter what, the city must be taken, if it is, it will be fatal.

The main force was directly sent out by me. Upon the other party's request for help, I directly opened the city gate and retreated into the city, and came to the other side through the portal. At this time, a fierce battle was going on in the city. The city wall over there is still the old-fashioned seven-square city wall. Facing the attacks of today's era of firepower, there is really nothing to see.

Fortunately, the strength of the attacking troops on the opposite side is not good or bad. It is wrong to say that they generally understand how to apply the tactics of that era? They didn't dig trenches, but filled them with human lives. It can be seen that the besieging enemy is indeed very weak. The small army besieging the city alone exceeds 70,000, which is even smaller than the number of residents in Rowling's cities.

It is conceivable that the person occupying these seven cities should be the predecessor of a certain minor nobleman. In this way, there will not be such a small number of troops at hand.

Although the good gentleman in that world has no limit to the understanding of the empire structure. But it's also very vague that the probability of winning seven against one is not so high. Also very vague. What are the requirements for the capital of an empire?

At that time, Luo Lin was also devastated. The teammate on my side also belongs to the type of mud supporter who is going down the wall. If so, he would stand on that city without thousands of soldiers at the beginning. Fortunately, if there is one less city on the opposite side as a support point, I can still find a way to defend it. But now there is only that one city. There is no other way but to stick to it. I can only wait for no one to support me elsewhere. Or no one sneak attack.

But I can only speculate as to what empires out there and what humans did before the spatial redistribution.

If it is definitely not necessary, I will try to unify that world myself. Afterwards, the information I learned nearby was quite limited. At least they knew about the invasion of void creatures. There is no certain understanding of the consequences of the invasion of void creatures, or the redistribution of space.

Ask for collection, please recommend tickets~

But that would at least give us a little bit of relief. The retreat will definitely begin. The other party can't continue to cultivate superhumans. And in that respect I can't say that I'm at a disadvantage. Although my father passed on to me some of the skills needed for warfare in the age of firepower, my family is not a small nobleman. So there is no limit to the inheritance of ordinary people. There is no limit to the cultivation methods or the various materials for cultivating magicians. In short, not poor. If the efficiency of cultivating ordinary people is higher than that of the opposite. Before the opposite side cultivated and recuperated for a period of time, the number of supernatural beings might be even fewer than it is now. At this time, it is even more correct to want to defend the city wall.

I am now also sending messengers everywhere to inquire about the surrounding intelligence. Look at the underdogs who have no other possibility of contending for hegemony. Occupies a sufficiently convenient transportation hub. At that time, you can't try to borrow soldiers here. Come out to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Luo Lin naturally didn't have any intention of releasing water before supporting him later. The strength of the troops above the city is almost ten times less than that of the troops below the city. In that case, even a seven-square city wall like the crowd tactics would be difficult to defend.

The opponent has a strong force and has occupied so few cities. There is really no hope of becoming a new round of emperors. It seemed too wise to continue to resist at that time, but at that time, a small group of reinforcements suddenly disappeared outside the city. Although the number was not less than 8,000, they brought a small amount of artillery and ammunition.

Those animals tend to be more nutritious. In this way, the ant colony cannot grow more slowly until there is not enough food. The size of our king is also constantly expanding. The smaller the body, the smaller the brain, and the lower the wisdom. Gradually, he got rid of his instincts.

【To be continued】

It is true that the sudden appearance of a small amount of artillery has indeed reversed the situation of the battle to a considerable extent. The opponent didn't expect to be able to get closer to the city wall a little bit by digging trenches and through relatively large oblique angles. We did end up digging on top of the city, trying to dodge the shots at the top of the city that way. But it directly let the engineers run over to dig and expose them within the range of the fire. After the successful excavation of Haogou, a small number of casualties will be paid. More importantly, if it is certain that there is not enough counterattack force at the top of the city, it is absolutely impossible to send people out of the city to attack and fill up the trenches when the night is coming. That also means that the casualties paid later are all in vain before that.

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are no eight cities on their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. Few of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

In that process, the ant that is the smallest and also the emperor of the nest changed first. I am the least intelligent of all ants. I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my predecessors before gradually becoming overwhelmed by human intelligence.

Cheng Ying felt as if she had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. Very sensitive to the surrounding perception. It can only start from scratch little by little and redevelop.

It's just that it can only solve the problem for a while. The other party was leaning against seven cities, so they had to worry about any supply issues. Being blocked at the gate of the city cannot be left at all. On the other side, although we can't get enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the occupied city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there is no little noble so enough. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and if there are fewer craftsmen and the like. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities in their own side that cannot be continuously produced, the population size cannot be compared with that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle goes on, if the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on his side will become more and more cruel under the bombardment. With or without reinforcements from inside, it is almost possible to hold that city.

The positive power contained in the blood, plus some talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller before adjustment. Possesses a weaker aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dared to go on an expedition, he would just wait for his expeditionary army to be wiped out. In that kind of situation, apart from sticking to it, I also thought of some other, worse solution for a while. It's also bad. Although the opponent has a small number of people, there is still no big gap between me and me in terms of tactical command.

Rowling is weaker than those on both sides at the tactical level. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was re-stabilized very slowly, and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your lord obeyed the heavens, and the portal appeared directly in the place where he was stationed. There are no less than seven gates within a hundred miles. That is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you can still get a dragon. If you continue to resist in the corner, hum!" The effect of disintegrating the morale in the city in this way can be considered very significant.

Just when those people were having fun fighting for hegemony in the sky, did anyone notice. In a remote city, not a single drop of blood fell there.

The flower stained by my blood. A small amount of ants were attracted very slowly. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And it is fed to larvae and male emperors as food.

Now I'm just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limit. Thinking about such simple questions gave me a headache. Even so, I still insisted on thinking and expanding my group. Let the body that you occupy grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can adapt to that world better. I count myself among the luckiest of blood. Others either fell into the endless void, or fell under a lifeless celestial body, and the unlucky ones may fall directly into the white hole. And as the only lucky one, if I want to seize the opportunity.

It must be training tolerance, and soldiers can maintain discipline when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not be able to defend the city wall. It's also bad, and I don't have weak generals in my hands. Although the number is not so small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary people. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreat. The opponent paid a lot of casualties on top of the ferocious firepower. It seems that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, we couldn't digest it. Instead, we were gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into a part of oneself by the blood.

As for the reinforcements in the interior, there is no way to think about it from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, which belongs to an isolated island hanging in the sea. If we go back by conventional means, the distance is 104,000, which is not enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as slowly as possible. The artillery that he transported over was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, artisans outside the city are required to transfer. Transfer to the hub city I occupy. At this time, the industrial system must be fully activated. On the one hand train fewer soldiers to supplement city defenses. On the other hand, make less artillery. To deal with the enemy's siege.

It didn't have a drop of blood because it was badly wounded. It was because the spatial rules of that world were too distorted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and accurately land in that relatively stable area of ​​space, which is basically possible. Now I have summed up a lot of rules. In the future, I can only try to send a drop of blood back. To be honest, it should be a small amount of blood to fight the probability. For this reason, I created blood cells that are as small as a planet, divided us into drop after drop, and launched them towards the universe. Relying on the little rules and probabilities that I have mastered. Finally, a drop of blood was successfully brought into the stable space.

It's just that the little nobles are not as powerful as the little nobles. We have cultivated a small number of knights. UU Reading Many of those people have mastered extraordinary power. The speed and strength are simply comparable to good people. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, a small amount of artillery. Among those people, no one was able to rush down the city wall. Destroy the artillery with the heavy weapons you carry. The bad thing is that those extraordinary people are not enemies. They came under heavy fire before climbing down the walls, and none managed to escape before destroying a cannon or two. Those who didn't were directly bombarded and killed under the city wall.

A small amount of food was sent back. Ants that are not aggressive cannot rely on their own venom to hunt and kill relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And having produced such a small amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to complete the development from scratch.

With getting rid of the primitive instinct, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he is? I also remembered what I was going to do when I came there. I don't intend to personally unify that world. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of human beings who understand that world?

It is not terrible to go to the city wall alone, but what is terrible is that the weak gather together and attack together.

Douluo see you soon

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