Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1241: Let the arrow fly for a while

Although it is called an arrow, the speed of that thing is close to the speed of light. It is not easy for those present to see his trajectory. Even Rong Nianbing couldn't guess what he wanted to do for a while.

He had suppressed the **** of greed before, fighting against knowledge, but this time it was his turn to lack knowledge.

This is really not to blame for his lack of knowledge, but this matter has nothing to do with knowledge at all, it is determined by the characteristics of the system.

Rong Nianbing didn't hesitate to face the greedy **** who turned all his body material into energy at once. Since the opposite party has to wait for the attack he launches to fly for a while.

Then you must not wait, and what the enemy wants to do must be prevented. Just kill the opponent before the enemy's strategy takes effect. Then all the troubles are solved.

With this mindset. On the top of Rong Nianbing's head, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, both hands clasped the body of the Clear Sky Hammer, and abruptly enlarged the already huge sledgehammer to the extent of covering the sky and the sun. In the form of physical matter, the super-fast blow was directed at the **** of greed.

This devastating blow has almost reached a terrible level, and now the defense of the God of Greed, who has little physical material left, has also been reduced to the lowest level. The original ontology represents indestructible degenerate matter. At this time, only a thin layer was left. Seeing to be torn apart by this attack. Together with the energy body, it turns into fly ash.

However, at this moment, the body of the greedy **** actually gave birth to matter out of thin air, which made the emotional **** feel threatened, and immediately poured a large amount of energy to urge the attack secret method that he had just mastered, and madly consumed the energy of the greedy god.

However, the energy of the greedy **** seems to be endless, and in an incredible posture, the body material of the greedy **** was born out of thin air.

No matter how much energy the Emotion God puts in. How fast is the erasure? The gods of greed are counteracted, and they recover slowly and firmly.

This phenomenon is completely beyond Rong Nianbing's worldview, and he can also do things like creating things out of thin air. Just consume a lot of energy. Transform into the desired substance. It’s not that difficult.

But this is not a real creation out of thin air. It takes energy to transform into matter, but the greedy **** in front of him has truly created matter out of thin air. The surrounding matter and energy are almost zero. In this case, he can forcibly reshape his body, which is beyond the scope of science and technology that he can understand.

"Is it dark matter?" Rong Nianbing also has a little knowledge of this aspect. No way, even for tulips, the research on dark matter is very limited. Conventional observation methods can hardly affect dark matter, and even physical contact can hardly be done. The entire research process is almost purely speculative.

The previous speculations may be correct. But the later, the greater the error generated by these speculations. Finally speculation on dark matter. It has become a donkey's lips that don't match the horse's mouth.

But he can only guess in this direction. Maybe dark matter has some way to transform into normal matter, but this can only be a guess.

There is no help in the current situation. Even if it is really the transformation of light and dark matter. He is also unable to intervene. In contrast, there are some more useful things in his speculation. For example, the source of this unstoppable repair.

If you think of the system as an operating mechanism of the game. That invincible state of infinite repair. Generally only appear in the process of upgrading or transforming.

In the face of this state, if you force an attack, it will generally only waste energy. Because the existence of this concept of system often means rigidity. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to give the host help beyond the task reward. This also means that in this general process similar to upgrading, the security of the host is almost inevitable.

Launching an attack at this time may cause the consumption of the system itself. If it is Chengying here, he will definitely take this opportunity to output crazy output. No matter how powerful the system is, it is just water without roots and trees without roots, and the size of the tulip is huge, and the two parties must be even more at a loss for the consumption of the system.

But Rong Nianbing was different, his power was originally limited. It is impossible to squander the tulip as a whole civilization. During the invincible period when encountering this level of upgrade, the best way is to stop the attack, increase the distance, and start holding big moves by yourself.

He did the same, and learned from the Phoenix skill how to make the attack continue to draw external power and become stronger. He also learned how to double his instantaneous output from the light cannon attack later, plus the absolute defense of the semi-finished products on hand. After all, he was barely able to complete a charged attack.

Although this kind of big move that needs to be held back is somewhat difficult, it is not completely impossible. If Rong Nianbing goes all out, it is still possible to increase his output ten times at a time, but in actual combat, it is undoubtedly quite difficult to use such an attack. The charge will be interrupted if it is not completed.

Fortunately during this time. Although the **** of greed can continue to repair the body. But it also seems to have lost the ability to attack. Just like a cutscene, forced attacks are useless, but the transformed person will not attack during this time.

The **** of emotions is very clear. The situation in front of him undoubtedly means that the God of Greed is undergoing a certain transformation. If not, he may not have a chance to attack before he has a new power.

The fact is also The attack of the greedy **** is not aimless. Now that he has been driven to a desperate situation, and he has already seen the flame tulip symbol on the Rong Nianbing defensive cover, it means that it is meaningless to continue low-key development.

After this battle, he will be spotted by Tulip anyway. In this case, the main task can be advanced. The attack he just fired was not aimed at Rong Nianbing at all. He aimed at a probe in the solar system. It was a detector launched by Tulip, which came to explore the spirit power environment here.

It is flying towards the wreckage of the sun. Check the situation there. And the arrow of the greedy **** just hit the detector.

This is also his first main mission to destroy the tulip probe in the solar system. With his strength, completing this task is easy. After all, he has strengthened his body into a degenerate state, even if it is only initially completed. It is more than enough to deal with the most common detector.

And the changes he is showing now are exactly the result of receiving the rewards of the task.

[To be continued]

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