Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1238: Eat the uneducated loss

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Facing the growing attack. The **** of greed has no time to think, how can it be done? Just watch it and release the attack directly.

However, the top priority now is undoubtedly to solve the immediate attack, and it is not difficult for the greedy **** to deal with this attack. He has a lot of one-time skills at hand. Take out any of them to deal with the immediate attack.

Although this attack has grown for a while, the growth effect is obvious, not as good as the previous Flame Phoenix. The tricks temporarily learned by the God of Emotion were released without further study. The effect is as good as the original version.

But it has surpassed three times the highest output of the God of Emotions. If the **** of greed does not use his hole cards and relies on his own ability to deal with this attack, he will definitely be seriously injured.

If the fire phoenix attack is released again, it will also be due to the growth time. Short and suffer.

But the skills are diverse. After being released, the ability to grow is just one of the skills that absorb the power around you. There is also a skill that directly uses the surrounding environment to play multiple damage.

The **** of greed chose this one and released it. The light cannon with the thick water tank was solved in one shot, and the chaotic light ball that grew to half.

"But so, what can you do if you learn it? Can you win me if you learn it?"

The **** of greed found that he could deal with the attack simulated by the **** of emotion with a one-off skill that was not very powerful at random. Can you surpass me if you learn it?

"Do you think it doesn't matter if I learn it? The growth rate of the attack just now is so slow. You can break him before it grows. But what about this?"

Speaking of the God of Emotions, a light cannon similar to the one just before was released in his hand. The **** of greed did not expect. The opponent can even learn this trick. Without precaution, he was bombarded by an instant skill. Suddenly, it flew upside down and hit the shield.

This time it turned out to be slightly injured. In the past, his body would not be hurt when resisting the attack of the God of Emotion. The attack rate of this trick just now. Although he is not as skilled as he is. But it is also 50% higher than the normal output of the God of Emotions.

"I found that the principle of this trick is much simpler than the last one. I was stuck in stereotyped thinking before. In fact, as long as the previous one is simplified, it is the one in front of me. It's easy to use. It can be released by accumulating energy. . I feel that as long as I use it a few more times, I can use it as a flat.

Thank you for showing it to me. If I master it well, my attack power will at least double. I wonder if you can withstand a double-strength attack?

If there are other moves, just use them. I can't wait to learn more moves. "

The greedy **** spit out blood, not because he suffered multiple injuries, but because he was angry. Really suffered an uncultured loss. Skills released by yourself. I can't learn it myself, but the enemy can learn it all at once. There is nothing more frustrated than this.

He doesn't even know whether he should release different types of skills now. If it is learned by the emotional body again, wouldn't it strengthen the opponent?

Although the God of Emotions has just mastered it, he is very unskilled. It's not as subtle as the original version, and the attack power multiplier is actually not high. But the problem is that their skills are not one-off! It can be used in conjunction. Use it whatever you want. The **** of greed has a lot of cards. After all, it's limited, and it's useless if you use it.

Faced with the God of Emotions becoming stronger and stronger, the God of Greed has been somewhat unable to support it. The most important thing is that there is not much material in the enchantment. At most, he can recover his energy for two or three times. In this case, he will exhaust the material here in a minute or so of fighting at full power. Then you must use your own body material to fight. Once the body's material is used up, it basically can only be slaughtered by people.

After all, this is space, and after being exploded by a supernova. The bombed, deadly space. Not a bit of extraordinary power was added. Unless you return to the God Realm. Otherwise, he would not be able to fight in the original way of the gods.

"No way. You are too strong. You can even learn my moves. Then I can only apologize. I'm sorry, I have to kill you." The greedy **** was a bit painful, and drew a picture from the system. card. The name of the move, Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon. It is said to be the strongest. Fire attribute physical combat skills.

The released power has exceeded the level of mass-energy conversion, and the released energy can be increased by five hundred times with special skills. As long as it hits, it can definitely kill the opponent in seconds.

The **** of emotions also felt the deadly threat. Give up all the offensive behavior directly.

"Oh, it's so shameless! You can do whatever you want with a system, right?"

The face of the greedy **** changed: "You actually know the existence of the system. Then it will keep you even more so. Give it to me to die!"

In an instant, 90,000 tons of material was emptied by the greedy **** at once, and in his palm, there was an unparalleled high temperature. It seems that the speed of each atom of these substances released has reached the theoretical maximum temperature of the speed of light.

Temperature is often used to describe the active degree of molecular thermal motion, so there is absolute zero but it is almost impossible to determine the highest limit temperature ~ ~ But according to this definition to speculate. The upper limit of temperature should be every atom of the object. The speed of heat movement reaches the speed of light. This temperature is almost impossible to reach the immediate attack, I am afraid it is only close.

But this is scary enough. Enough to annihilate everything in this enchantment.

"Gan! What a **** lunatic!" The emotional **** violently used all his energy for defense. At the same time, the enchantment was revoked. At this time, he was maintaining this level of enchantment, and he was completely looking for a disease for himself. Only when the barrier is opened and the high temperature is released as much as possible can there be a glimmer of life.

The temperature is unbelievably high, and it is a huge fire dragon that is shining enough to dazzle people's eyes. Released from the hands of the greedy god, the dynasty roared fiercely, and the emotional **** swallowed it.

Facing a certain kill that cannot be avoided. The **** of emotion gritted his teeth and crushed the cross necklace on his chest. The props named as Rebirth Ankh by evil taste.

He also didn't know whether this prop could save his life, so he could only inject energy into it with all his strength, hoping that he could survive the unparalleled heat.

[To be continued]

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