Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1220: Book of truth

The so-called Book of Truth is actually an encyclopedia of capital recording all the science and technology and scientific conjectures of Tulip. This book will be constantly updated with the development and progress of science and technology. The Book of Truth in the hands of the Heaven Dou Empire is actually only a copy. And it is only a small part. The theory stops at the theory of relativity, and the technology stops at the nuclear fusion, but this is enough for the revival of civilization.

Because the technology in this is not an exaggeration to say that it is all-encompassing, from the tillering of rice to the manufacture of satellites, it contains almost all the technical details of a civilization’s early rise, and even some chapters explain how to work reasonably. Without being discovered.

The soul beast empire is running out of time, and relying solely on one's own strength to develop technology, it is very likely that the soul beast will not be completely degraded.

The biggest problem they face. Actually, it is not the deterioration of the body. No hand is not a fatal problem. Human palms are indeed extremely flexible, which is the result of years of exercise. If a child is born, there is no need to carry out complicated tasks with fingers. Then his hand and beast's claws will not be much different.

Similarly, the limbs of soul beasts can become quite flexible as long as they are exercised. Even if compared to the palm of the hand, there is still a certain gap. This gap can also be made up through the cooperation between different spirit beasts.

For them, the real problem is communication. Vocal cords are organs in most mammals, and most animals also have the ability to make sounds. But whether it can make a sound that is complex enough to become a language is related to whether a group can evolve civilization.

Even on earth. The early Homo sapiens, both in physical and brain capacity. Compared with Neanderthals, they are all inadequate. However, as a result of evolution, Homo sapiens developed into later humans, while Neanderthals became extinct, leaving only a small amount of blood in the current humans.

The reason is that their linguistic ability is weaker than that of Homo sapiens, and it is relatively harder to unite a larger ethnic group. This shows how important a unified language is to an ethnic group.

On the land of the Central Plains, without Qin Shihuang's unified writing and weights and measures, it would not have become like Europe. At that time, Qin Wei would have a century-old feud in Hexi, and then Hexi staged the last lesson. The children would cry and never learn Qin language. NS;

The poets of Jin cried bitterly. Where is Jin? I couldn't find her on the map. After the reunification of blood and fire, I yelled that Jin is a high-level nation and the rest of the nation must make soap;

The people of Song State, who once pacified Qi Zhen Chu, resurrected again. Mozi invented the kite to commemorate his motherland and named it Song;

The famous poet Qu Yuan devoted himself to the Bashu people's war against the invasion of Qin and died of illness, leaving an unfinished long poem;

When Qi was under the 72 city of Yan and was about to perish, an ugly peasant girl named Zhong Lichun stood up and claimed to have been guided by her ancestors. The tribe betrayed, tied to the torture frame and slandered as a female fairy;

The king of Chuzhuang did not speak for three years. He actually disguised himself as an apprentice and went to study in Gaojing. After returning, he made a blockbuster and formed a new army to tie the hair right gusset;

King Zhao Wuling reformed the military system, claiming that the Sanjin can only be unified by iron and blood...

These things seem to be playful, but without a unified language. The reality is likely to develop in this direction.

This is still within the same race, not to mention that the soul beasts are not the same race at all. Without the same language to communicate, the gap between each other will definitely be deeper, and we will feel that because of the difference in skin color. Other races of skin color are ugly or difficult to touch, not to mention the soul beasts of different phyla, genera and species.

And over time, with their use of vocal cords. This organ is also beginning to be damaged. Many amputee spirit beasts do not have this organ, and it will be completely degraded in a short time.

If it is not possible to manufacture communication devices that replace language in large quantities before then, the spirit beasts that seem to be united now will probably fall apart.

Rui Wenwen also knows just how important the tasks she shoulders. To protect her safety. Ditian sent two hundred reticent King Kong ants as guards.

In this age where body size determines combat effectiveness, only a hard exoskeleton can increase combat effectiveness while maintaining the same size.

The weight of the King Kong Ant is 1.5 times that of an adult man, and it has a carapace that can hardly be destroyed by a bullet. The speed is not particularly exaggerated, but the power is huge. It is one of the few races that can still maintain considerable combat effectiveness after the spirit power disappears.

Their only shortcoming is probably their reticence. Even when they were full of spirit power, they rarely communicated in words. More is the use of specific pheromone between ants, so even if they completely lose the ability to happen after their soul power disappears, it will still not have much impact on the communication and coordinated operations between them.

It can be regarded as the most suitable guard for Rui Wenwen, after all, Rui Wenwen now looks like a big three-eyed If it weren't able to spit out people, she would definitely be regarded as a beast.

What's more, she is so long that it makes people feel like a lot of supplements. If she is not careful, it is very likely that humans will besiege and kill the stew.

In this chaotic period, human beings cannot maintain order within human beings, let alone protect the safety of foreigners like her.

After losing her soul power, Rui Wenwen also lost the shelter of her luck. The combat power is actually relatively weak among the many soul beasts. If he was allowed to set off alone, he would probably not be able to reach the destination alive.

Even with numerous escorts and protections this time, they were still attacked by humans on the road, and the human government has lost its ability to control the place. Not to mention restraining them from harming the soul beasts.

Fortunately, the abilities of these big ants are still very reliable. Several attacks did not cause any casualties, but in Heaven Dou City, there was still chaos. Rui Wenwen couldn't help but feel lost when she looked at the huge cities with black smoke everywhere.

The Heaven Dou Empire was too chaotic. After losing the aid of technology, there were burning, killing and looting everywhere. If it weren't for the spirit beasts' inherent physical advantage, they would have been simmered now.

Seeing this chaotic state in Tiandou City, people really have to wonder whether the Tiandou Empire's royal family has been slaughtered, after all, without the super power, the royal family has no particular advantage.

There are too many people who want to see the imperial family suffer. If they rush into the imperial palace, the imperial family, and the book of truth in their hands, may not have been destroyed.

[To be continued]

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