Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1215: Real stowaway

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Among the remains of Oscar's selection of weapons, on this planet, the real Taisho is now squatting there, shivering.

Poseidon: "..."

Yes, this guy was also resurrected, because he has the registered citizenship of Tulip, and he himself has the right to be resurrected unconditionally in the event of an accident. Chengying originally didn't care, whether he was killed too. So he was resurrected easily.

But compared to the time of other people's resurrection, Poseidon was resurrected much later. As a result, he saw more things. He could still understand the tearing of the planet. Not to mention tearing apart military mechas, with a single blow, you can destroy a planet as big as Douluo. Turned into chaotic matter, it can even turn all the planets into iron to release energy.

Therefore, it is normal to fight and tear up the planet, and it is more fun to blow up the planet than that.

However, what happened next was completely beyond his understanding. Why did the star suddenly expand? Why does the sun overhead occupy more than 50% of the area in the field of vision? Whose stars can expand so much? How much energy is it that contributed to this horrible scene?

Although it is said that he would probably not die even if he fell into a star with his equipment, but the stellar matter was obviously photographed at a speed close to the speed of light. If this is hit, there will be no scum left.

Then he saw the whole planet split, taking the sky as the cover and the earth as the furnace, turning it into a super factory. The hands of countless creations locked Tang San like the lock of the sky. No matter how hard he struggles, he can only do anything. He was taken away by a violent supernova explosion.

Then there was darkness in front of the Seagod, and when he opened his eyes, the terrifying explosion and the apocalyptic scene were gone. It was replaced by a peaceful continent. He appeared in an ancient military base. The divine consciousness swept to the outside world, and found that the spirit power, etc., the messy energy was gone. But its energy body, its body modification and the equipment it carried, are basically intact.

These gadgets are extremely precious to Poseidon himself, but they are really nothing compared to military equipment. Therefore, in the process of reshaping his body, he reshaped these things with ease.

It's like the country rescued you during the earthquake and reimbursed your smashed mobile phone. This situation can be considered luck at best. No one thinks that the country will feel distressed because it reimburses you for a mobile phone.

Poseidon is very dazed now. Because he didn't know what happened, why did he come alive inexplicably? Everything that just happened was a dream. Or what other possibilities? He spread out the power of divine consciousness, almost wrapped the entire planet, and then found that the plants and trees here had not changed. It's just that the soul-returning power has disappeared. All kinds of disasters caused by the disappearance of soul power are happening constantly.

This situation is too weird. If it was just a dream before, why would soul power disappear? But if it's not a dream, what's the situation in front of you? Tang San was killed, but Tang San won.

Duke Tulip, this hasn't hit anyone's family before, and the machine has restarted the map? Or after winning, the Titan, who felt that the planet was destroyed, was broken, so he repaired it again. Or he was defeated, so the Duke Tulip took a group of people to hide in the reshaped planet in the spiritual world, relying on the time difference between inside and outside, to live here.

There are too many situations, and now he can't get in touch with Tulip's homeland, he can't even connect to the Internet, and he can't be sure of the current situation. This made him very anxious.

In fact, on the outside of the New Douluo, there is a huge barrier that is used to shield the noisy electromagnetic waves in the nearby universe. Douluo Xing originally had such a barrier, after all, the surrounding information was basically developed by Tulip. If they are not shielded, they will be exposed to noisy electromagnetic waves. Almost all frequency bands are flooded. It is impossible to develop normally.

And this level of barrier also blocked the normal communication between Poseidon and Tulip. After all, he is now resurrected in Douluo's homeland. It's stuck b. It is impossible to use the citizen channel to upload information.

The current group of Poseidon panic. The previous battle made him deeply feel the weakness of himself and the gods. Go **** with the tulips! The gods of the gods are all hugged together, and they are not enough to be beaten with one hand.

At first, Poseidon felt that he had obtained the best equipment below military weapons. In front of the regular Tulip team, even if he couldn't beat twice, it should still be possible.

Now think about how naive my thoughts were back then. It is not difficult to see the comparison from ancient times to modern times. The gap between military weapons and civilian weapons is growing.

In ancient times, peasants with **** and soldiers with spears fought with each other. As long as the physical fitness and combat experience of both parties are similar. The winning percentage is actually not much worse.

But you let modern people hold the sharpest kitchen knife in the house. Or the chainsaw in the king of cold weapons. Going to fight a soldier with an assault rifle, not to mention that the winning rate is zero. By analogy, when technology develops more advanced. The gap between military and civilian use will also be bigger and more frantic.

The only thing Poseidon thinks now is to escape the tulip's rule as soon as possible. In this kind of place, he is no longer as simple as a sheep in a wolf pack. But especially the caterpillars in the wolf pack, if you are not careful, you may be trampled to death.

The problem is that he can't escape although all his belongings are restored. But his spaceship exploded. This is not restored. The country will reimburse you for mobile phones, personal clothing, and even portable computers. But you expect the state to reimburse you for private yachts. This is probably unlikely.

Therefore, Poseidon can now drive mechs at most, but he can't fly out of the solar system with this thing! Without a warp-speed engine, relying on advancing, accelerating, and flying hard, can you fly to Proxima in the year of the monkey? There is no space passage for the gods here. At most, Poseidon's spatial ability allowed her to teleport at will on a continent. Even if let him move instantaneously every second. By the time they fly out this week, they are probably exhausted.

In other words, he is now trapped on this planet. And I don’t know if the tulip is alive or dead, and what to do with it. I don't know if Tang San was killed.

So that he can only stay here. Relying on his mental power to release exploration. He didn't even dare to interfere with the real world outside. For fear of overdoing it, Tulip came to a mechanical descent and killed him. After all, these things he did and the debts he owed. Putting it in a tulip is estimated to be enough for hundreds of years in prison. If he was given the whole charge of destroying primitive civilization, he would basically not be able to get out in this life.

[To be continued]

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