Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1206: Fierce battle

It's impossible for Tang San to know the question Chengying said, but he instinctively wanted to avoid it. After all, without this power, he doesn't even have the capital to talk to the shadows.

What's more, he has already mastered this power, and there is nothing he doesn't understand. Even if there is something wrong with the source of this power, he doesn't feel that there is any hidden danger in using him.

"It's useless to say more! Tulip Duke, if you want to convince me, then show the power that can defeat me, otherwise, together with your technology, let's be run over by the wheels of history!"

Facing Tang San's aggressiveness, Cheng Ying shook his head helplessly: "If you say it, just do it. Is it really your usual style and mastery of the trinity-level technique? Then just verify it with my guess."

"Heh! Obviously what I have mastered is the innate qi that is stronger than the power of Chaos, but you have to name it a weird-sounding technical term, and you will not let go of your hypocritical mask when you die. Is it?" Tang San condensed the darts into a handful of them, which seemed to be just darts, but the technology contained in it had already surpassed the atomic level.

Cheng Ying faced Tang San's seemingly unpretentious darts, with a solemn expression, something that looked like a dart could release a force field, disrupt any atomic-level defense, and at the same time create antimatter, directly annihilating the target being attacked.

The most tricky thing is their tracking function, the spatial level lock, which makes Cheng Ying difficult to dodge, and can only dodge continuously one after another, and the card is about to be hit for the ultimate dodge.

This is simply more difficult than pressing all the qte in the action game for the first time. Cheng Ying can only have a chance if he concentrates and disturbs Tang San's mentality.

"Don’t you know what it means to die? You can threaten me with death. Don’t you think it’s too pediatric? And your use of technology is too rough, I can see that you understand the subtle What the sub-technology can do, but how to achieve it is completely unknown. Only the simplest force can be used. That is to split the structure of the atom.

This basically belongs to the category of instinct. There is no effective development of your power at all. You can be instilled with inspiration, experience, and even knowledge. But knowledge needs to be understood and integrated. Learning takes time. It requires hard work to study.

These can't be instilled into your mind all at once. Therefore, even if you have a higher technology. It can only be like an orangutan carrying a machine gun. Instinctively pull the trigger in the most primitive way. "

"Shut up!" Tang San roared, he found that Duke Tulip was much lower in technology than his. But it is extremely difficult to deal with. It is not to say that leading the level of science and technology will definitely be able to overwhelm the opponent. It depends on the use of technology. If the steam engine and pure mechanical principles are pushed to an incredible height. The weapons of war that were made. It may not necessarily be the case that the mainstream internal combustion engine during World War II had weaker or even stronger machinery.

"Don’t tell me anything about it here, you put gold on your face, and you can say that you can die after hearing the truth. If you think it doesn’t matter if you die in battle, why is this just a clone here? Why isn’t your question? Dare to come and fight me to the death? Is this what you call the scientific spirit? You laughed at me!"

Tang San also made continuous progress during the battle, which was like playing a game. Even the players who are in the dish play more times. Practice makes perfect, mastering the skills in the game, and even bugs.

Although Tang San lacked enough knowledge to use his current power. But knowledge does not have to be acquired through learning. It can also be summarized by exploring the unknown.

Even if Tang San didn't take the initiative to do this, he had been influenced by the tulip culture over the years. I am immersed in deduction and induction every day, and my unconscious way of thinking is also affected. Began to passively understand. This level of technology.

However, compared to learning what is available, the effect of such continuous exploration is even more insignificant.

Tang San took a deep breath and threw more hidden weapons. Even if he faced only a clone, he would kill the clone here.

This time, his attack became even more tricky. The use of space power is also more adept. While the attack was locked, it could also instantly appear in any corner of Chengying's side. And flew towards his body at high speed.

This makes this avatar a little embarrassing. The collar of the clothes was drowned out by a small piece. Although it was only a small piece of material, the power of the annihilation of positive and negative matter was terrifying. The violent explosion directly blew him into the air. Relying on the short-distance space transmission, he stabilized his situation.

"Of course I can die for the knowledge I am after. But what you have is not enough. You have only mastered matter more precise than atoms. The distance will unify the four basic forces. There is still a considerable distance.

This is more than that. You can't explain the power of the containment at all. Even more unable to travel to higher dimensions. There are too many that cannot be explained by your current technical level. And right now at your level. I don't need to come here in person. Because our main technology data is very close to yours. "

Chengying teleported and avoided again, while continuing to use trash talking to continue delaying time.

And he was trying his best to attract Tang San's attention. At present, the small antimatter star has flown to a position close to the orbit of Venus. Here it is. The level is through electromagnetic wave communication. There has also been a considerable The range that Tang San's mental power can cover is quite huge. So you can directly see what is happening on the moon. This is not even his limit, and he can continue to expand the scope of his mental scan. Within the scan range. Although everything that happened was passed back to the user in a form that surpassed the speed of light.

But there is also his drawback, that is, the speed limit of the scanning range expansion is the speed of light. Every time the scope is spread out, the process of taking it back is quite troublesome.

After Tang San tried the novelty at first. He did not expand his scanning range again. This made him miss an entire flying antimatter planet.

Chengying tried to hold back the hatred of the other party as much as possible. Instead, you don’t have to worry about your plan being exposed. Tang San was not a soldier who liked observing the situation in space.

He tends to focus more energy on the enemy, and then look for flaws. Look for a chance to kill with one hit. So he didn't even know that destruction was getting closer and closer to him.

[To be continued]

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