Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1204: Antimatter star

Both sentries are professionally trained, and have been told that the strange phenomena that may appear on this planet are those similar to containment objects, or humans with incredible powers.

These are existences that may be beyond their control. Even if they have powerful technological equipment, they may be killed by such existences. Or stay. Irreversible impact.

No matter how Tang San looked at it, it was all of this type, and it was an extremely dangerous type. At least judging from the technology he currently masters. It has even surpassed the cutting-edge level of tulips, and it has surpassed quite a lot.

The two warriors immediately opened the shield to the maximum and released the hand of creation at the same time. This is a technology that can transform substances and atoms into each other. Different elements can be transformed into each other. At the same time draw a huge amount of energy. Just this piece of equipment. If thrown to a traverser who has just crossed. That is the invincible golden finger. If he is in an alchemy flourishing continent. Then he must be the strongest alchemist, for him to turn stones into gold. The simplest trick.

Of course, the two fighters would not release such a weak element as Jin, according to the preset procedures in the Hand of Creation. A layer of covered physical shield blocked the two of them.

In the next instant, Tang San's attack had already arrived. The shield had no effect in front of him.

The seemingly spherical shield with no dead ends, compared to the shield that can only defend one side, there may be gaps in the shield. It looks more perfect. But in fact, the shield has many energy nodes. If the technical level is the same. Can't take advantage of these flaws. But if the technical level is crushed, these flaws will make the shield as fragile as paper.

Tang San hardly output any energy. The shield suddenly shattered. Even the resulting backlash smashed the shield generator together. In contrast, physical shields do not have so many weaknesses. A spherical solid shield enveloped them. When the special elements are arranged, the distance between the nuclei is very small, making the effect of this shield even more exaggerated than that of Edman alloy.

However, Tang San had already mastered a much finer structure than this, and easily disintegrated the front of the shield. It was like a piece of woven fabric, if a few threads were drawn. The removed location can become extremely fragile. As long as a very light attack can make him collapse.

After all, the tulip is a material that has not fully grasped the strong interaction force. The structure of the shield was still successfully built by relying on the characteristics of different elements. Tang San could directly extract the trinos from it, destroying the integrity of the shield structure and making it fragile.

This is an unequal battle. Tang San's technical prowess had already been crushed. Although the mechas of the two fighters used stronger materials and were protected by enchantments at the same time, they began to collapse every inch of Tang San's approach.

The technological gap makes the vehicle they drive as fragile as tofu. In Tang San's eyes, these mechas were all riddled with holes, full of countless weak nodes and flaws.

It's as if we use the naked eye to see a sharp blade with only one line, but if we take a high-power microscope, we will see uneven depressions on it.

In Tang San's eyes, these parameters were so accurate that the outrageous mecha was nothing more than jagged blades under a microscope, full of traces of shoddy craftsmanship.

"Prepare to evacuate and upload the consciousness, the soul data backup has been copied, good luck!" The voice of the two fighters resounded in their headsets, and then there were expressions of relief and fear on their faces, and they could feel it. Something disappeared from their bodies. And their subject consciousness has now appeared in another place, and what remains in place is a soulless body.

But the physiological structure still allows this kind of body to work, and it follows the influence of the brain and hormones to make judgments. Therefore, although there is no soul, the two people have expressions of fear on their faces and began to fight back.

So far, there are still many people who cannot accept the method of extracting souls to resurrect. Because the body left in place is too much like a living person. If instruments and precise experimental tests are not passed, it is confirmed that all actions of these expelling shells can be determined by calculation. No one can find that there is no soul in this body by feeling and getting along.

In many cases, the parties even fell in love with these soulless bodies, leading to a series of complex ethical issues.

However, there is no doubt that most people are still willing to accept the resurrection of souls in a mortal situation and allow their bodies to withstand death.

The bodies of these two fighters fiercely resisted Tang San's beheading. But they could mobilize the matter under the planet to transform mass to energy and launch an attack.

Relying on the power stored in the mecha, all they can do is dying to struggle. The Hand of Creation wanted to directly transform the atoms in the syrup, so that almost all opponents could be killed in seconds. It was a pity that any atom in Tang San's body was not the Hand of Creation and could be affected. Even transformed Tang San's entire body into a chaotic state. Destroying all his body structure will not kill him. Because his thinking consciousness and genetic information have risen to the quantum level. Ordinary physical obliteration is meaningless to him, and he has truly achieved the blood rebirth in Xiu Xian's novels, even without a drop of blood. Even if there is no residue, they can be In the face of such an enemy beyond the scope of conventional power, the two sentinels have been wiped out within a minute. This was the result of Tang San deliberately playing around with them.

"It looks like I'm going to take action." Chengying sighed, "It's a pity that this strongest clone can hold him down for enough time. Such a guy, if he hits the mainland, even I want to. No. Is there any way to solve him without paying a huge loss."

Chengying's clone suddenly opened a space door in front of him, and stepped into it in one step. In the next instant, he appeared behind Tang San. At the same time, the huge mental power slammed down. Even if thinking has been quantized. But in the face of the same mental power acting on the quantum level, he still suffered a violent blow. Tang San seemed to have been hit in the head by a giant hammer, and plunged from mid-air to the beach below.

"Sure enough, spiritual power is not the same thing as soul power. It seems that even if it is the existence of creating soul power, it does not fully grasp the soul-related abilities." Cheng Ying thought secretly in her heart, while looking solemnly at the same time. Tang San got up in a while.

[To be continued]

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