Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1202: The final madness of the protagonist halo

Although Tang San made a breakthrough, he also exhausted all the energy in his body and all the micro-machines he had accumulated.

"Is it going to die like this?" Tang San cried out in his heart: "I'm not reconciled! I haven't changed the world! I haven't revived the Tang Sect! I haven't found a way back! How can I die like this! "


"Have you begun to ignore the logic?" Cheng Ying frowned and looked at what happened on Douluo Star. He felt the turbulence of the entire spirit power circle. The entire spirit power circle covering Douluo Xing was trembling, including the spirit power stored in the moon base, even though it had been restrained by nano-machines, there was still a slight turbulence. This happened to show that the technical content of spirit power was even greater than that of a tulip. The nanomachinery is much higher.

"It should be the last time." The Ice Emperor also stared at Tang San's position. This time all the spirit powers in the entire galaxy were affected. I'm afraid this is the limit that the spirit power can do.

"Be alert, the moon's star-based heavy artillery is ready to be turned on! If nothing can be done, spray antimatter planets toward the stars. The explosion power caused by the mutual annihilation of moon-sized antimatter and stars will exceed the supernova explosion, enough to wipe out the galaxy. If this can’t prevent the protagonist’s aura from erupting, then our homeland may not be able to contain it!” Chengying pulled the subject consciousness away from the giant brain of the moon, turning it into a simple host, and at the same time notifying the Martian sailor Kunpeng in the canyon evacuated.

"Prepare to extract the soul data of all creatures in Douluo star, record the atomic arrangement of the planet, and prepare to replicate it on a nearby habitable planet. With this brain as a carrier, it should be possible to retain the soul data of all Douluo people.

At least many clinical trials have proved that as long as the soul data is kept intact, the body's remodeling can be successfully resurrected even if there are some problems. "Shengying activated whatever device was activated, and saw his once assisted brain burst into blue light, and the dark blue quantum sparks pulsed on the surface of the brain. With the activation of the device, the giant brain gradually It becomes a translucent light and shadow.

"The brain quantization is complete, start uploading data!" AI's emotionless voice began to broadcast.

"Ready to start!" Chengying assisted the operation through mental synchronization, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really shocking! The pure quantum brain, the increase in computing power is even enough to carry all the data of Tulips, including none of the planets. The arrangement of atoms, and even the soul data of each person.

But once the brain is transformed into a quantum state, it can no longer become an auxiliary brain for the human body. It loses all inspiration and creativity. It can only be used as a simple calculation tool, and it will even continue to dissipate as it is used. "

The improvement of individual strength and the evolution of civilization are often in a spiral relationship. Although the strength of a healthy scientific and technological civilization collective is definitely greater than the strength of an individual, in many cases, if the strength of an individual is not improved, the advancement of civilization will fall into a bottleneck.

Tulips are caught in such a bottleneck. Connecting auxiliary units to the brain has increased their computing power to the apex, and after a certain number of computing units are added, they will no longer be synchronized with the brain, that is, they cannot be like intelligent creatures. Full of inspiration.

After many attempts, Tulip chose the quantum brain. This is the most likely way to increase thinking ability while maintaining creativity. Unfortunately, although the quantum brain is successful, the volunteers who participated in the experiment did not. It has become the fault of no creativity like artificial intelligence. Although there is no abnormality in daily life, in the concept of tulips, loss of creativity is equivalent to death. The biggest difference between intelligent creatures and ordinary matter in the universe It lies in the endless creativity. Without this creativity, intelligent creatures have become an extremely complex and sophisticated self-discipline machine.

"The soul data has been uploaded, biological data is being recorded, terrain data is being recorded, and the starry sky view is being checked. After the calculation is completed, please give instructions."

Compared with the huge amount of soul information, material information does not require a quantum brain at all. After compressing the amount of information, a tulip hard disk is enough to record. After all, to restore Douluo Star, it is not necessary for every atom to be reproduced perfectly, and no one can notice that the order of the atoms in a certain sand has changed.

"Teleport! Go find a star with a similar starry sky, copy a Douluo star, and prepare for soul reincarnation."

The characteristics of the soul are very strange. Unless the same soul is divided, it is impossible to have two. Even if one is copied as it is, there can only be one. Of the two same souls, one will disappear randomly.

Cheng Ying could use this method to extract all the souls of Douluo Stars, leaving the next Douluo Stars with only a soulless body of self-discipline.

There has always been a debate about whether a body without a soul is considered a human being. Until recently, the quantum brain triggered a revolution in computing power, and this question has not been answered. That is not human.

Because the quantum brain can calculate all the development in a closed system without soul by calculating the trajectory of each atom. Even if the people inside look similar to ordinary people, all their actions can be calculated, and as long as you add If you enter any volunteer with a soul, there will be major deviations in five to seven days after the push, and the situation after one month is basically irrelevant to the push.

The result of this time has finally allowed most people to agree with the theory that people without souls are not humans.

If you want to erase the galaxy, Douluo will definitely but only a soulless body will die.

Turning his perspective back to Tang San's side, his extreme unwillingness triggered the final power of the protagonist's halo. After being suppressed for many years, once he rose up and failed year after year, Tang San's mentality was about to explode, as his anger and unwillingness accumulated. ...


A lock was opened, and the fourth layer of soul power was unlocked! Every time a layer of soul power is unlocked, his authority will be improved by a leap. Tang San has just broken through the third layer of seal, and he has not yet been familiar with the power, he feels that a broader world is unfolding in front of him, and every atom can be He controlled it. At noon, he understood that the Seagod’s power to produce and destroy everything at will, turning everything into chaos, is a co-existence!

At this level, Tang San has already stepped into the same level of technological threshold as Tulip, controlling every atom and realizing the random transformation of natural matter. Most importantly, he doesn't need tools!

But this didn't seem to be over yet, the final craziness of the protagonist's halo far exceeded Tang San's imagination, and his understanding of spirit power continued to improve!

[To be continued]

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