Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1194: Pick up

"Fire!" Adams gave the order, and all the crew members immediately took their positions and activated the weapons on the sailor.

The plasma cannons or soul-guided cannons of unusual battleships. The Sailor still uses the most traditional kinetic energy weapons. It looks like this kind of weapon is a bit backward, but in fact it is not the case. On the contrary, the destructive power of kinetic energy weapons. It's often more terrifying.

Just like the space-based weapon that no one dared to provoke Tulip back then, it was just a kinetic energy weapon. Force frame does not affect the size of the weapon's power.

The way this peculiar warship pushes its weapons is also stranger. The shells it fires are not propelled by gunpowder. Instead, it relies on the peristaltic muscles in the barrel to provide kinetic energy.

It felt like this shell was thrown out by a strange creature, but it was different from a weapon thrown by a human arm, the structure of a battleship's main gun. Compared with the human body, it is more suitable for launching weapons.

The same is relying on muscles to throw, but the speed is not the same. Kinetic energy weapons can hardly exceed the speed of sound underwater. But that means that it is slowed down by the resistance of the water after being ejected.

And this kind of resistance is not impossible to weaken, you are the starter with the diving function, how can you not design the function of fighting in the water? In order to make up for the lack of firepower, powerful underwater mobility and combat capabilities are undoubtedly necessary.

Before the shells were fired. The high-temperature liquid gas is emitted first, and the emitted gas expands rapidly. In the advancing track, leaving a straight and empty track. In this track. The water was drained away. Yes, it can fly at extremely fast speeds just like in the air.

It's like pushing an object to make it slide. It was found that he was sliding very close and very slowly on rough ground. So I applied a layer of lubricating oil to the rough ground.

The effect of this approach is undoubtedly immediate. It can greatly increase the range and power of the battleship’s main gun underwater, although it still wastes a lot of energy and breaks the resistance of the water. But it greatly improves the upper limit of attack speed and power.

The cannonball swiftly advanced through the empty gas pipeline. Super fast under the water at supersonic speed. Shooting towards the Octagonal Tablet that was about to surface, the Octagonal Tablets never met, and they would encounter a sneak attack underwater on the eve of the success of the plan.

Gestalt's will is not perfect. When the data is not perfect, the calculation will make mistakes. This time the mistake caused them to suffer a heavy blow.

The main gun of the battleship Sailor is not the type that takes a long time to reload in one shot. It is a fast-fired cannon with super-fast speed, and there are a large number of blooming shells in the shells fired.

Today's flower bombs are no longer simply to release the power of explosions. Instead, it releases a group of high-temperature plasma, evaporating everything around it.

Such an attack will undoubtedly be reduced in underwater power, so the plasma needs to be sent to a place close enough to the target with a cannonball.

The shells fell like dense raindrops and exploded continuously. The Bafang Monument immediately suffered heavy losses, and their speed dropped drastically underwater. In the face of warships with specialized underwater moving speeds, the flight speed can only be slightly faster. It is impossible to cause any damage to the warship. Even if the opponent doesn't open any shield, these octagonal monuments, which are difficult to resist the powerful underwater resistance, can't leave even the smallest scratch on the armor of the battleship.

The difference in tactical choices between the two sides led to an asymmetrical battle. The inability to leave the water makes the sailor completely bullying.

Brilliant fireworks bloomed underwater, that was the picture of plasma bursting and burning, and all of them were paralyzed Bafang stele corpses.

In the deep sea, they have nowhere to escape. Gestalt will let them choose to die with the guy in front of them, but even this attempt was unsuccessful. After they approached, they were captured by a large number of tentacles on the battleship. It was even captured alive.

"Bai Ze, can you parse out what is in it? What is the technical level of this thing?" Adams asked a crew member in a white coat.

"It's not possible for the time being, but the structure inside can be observed, which is a level higher than our controllable high-energy cells. It should be a technology that surpasses our era. However, from the perspective of the use of technology, Rough. It's not like a rigorously tested device. This style is more like a temporary design by a scientist."

Bai Ze put the microscope back into the box. Just because of his good habit. Most of the experimental equipment was saved in the bumps.

"Is that so? Sun Moon Continent suddenly appeared with technology that surpassed ours? Or is it that these were not made by them." Adams was lost in thought, and the legacy of the tulip was possible to any extent. But those fleets had obviously encountered attacks from these Neumann aircraft just now, and the two sides should not be in the same group.

"Retreat! Don't get involved in their fight. A group with such technological strength is not something we can afford. The Briar Flower Legion is also not something we can provoke."

Adams's strategy seems quite persuasive, always giving in blindly. However, this period of actual action is a relatively reasonable plan. The kind of deliberate involvement in the center of the incident, and then using all sorts of vertical and horizontal methods to seek huge profits, can only succeed with considerable luck. And luck is precisely the most difficult thing to control.

Adams chose the most secure route and naturally would not take the initiative to join the center of the battle.

However, the trees wanted to be quiet and the wind continued. They wanted to leave, but it was too late. There are also energy nodes in the sea. In other words, a huge fleet can even be teleported in the ocean.

The moment the Maelstrom appeared, many fleets sent over to try to support it. Although their support has not had any effect. But after the vortex subsided. However, the Voyager package was not in the middle.

Adams' attempt to evacuate failed again. Those battleships that were lucky enough to survive the vortex. With a bit of conscience, he immediately informed the other warships of what the Sailor had done. This made the warships who thought they had encountered the sea monster and were ready to fire the first time to stop.

It was really the Sailor, who was too hideous and a normal person. The first reaction to this thing was to pull the trigger.

It's just that the army is an extension of politics, and politics is never emotional. Although the sailor rescued a large number of warships, his request for evacuation was not approved.

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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