"The whole army strikes, prepare to attack!" After a short period of hesitation, the commander decisively issued an order for the whole army to strike.

These weird things are self-replicating too fast. If they are allowed to continue to proliferate, the size of the Bafang Monument may have reached an unbelievable level when the army comes to encircle and suppress the Bafangbei. When the time comes, there will be a decisive battle, and the loss will be hit. Terrible.

Although the soldiers received the order to die, they were not afraid. Although they firmly believed that heaven seemed a bit ignorant after death, but with solid evidence and it can be fully confirmed that they can be uploaded consciously after death, it is indeed possible for countless people to die for it. of.

The shield generator was unilaterally lifted and replaced with multiple regional shields, and through long-range energy transmission, each fighter's personal shield was strengthened.

At the same time, everyone also took out individual weapons, a plasma lightsaber, and ultra-high-temperature sharp blades confined by plasma, a terrifying melee weapon that can easily cut through tank armor.

In theory, weapons tend to be small and remote, and it is best to kill them directly before seeing the enemy.

However, this situation is based on the fact that the physical fitness of both combatants remains unchanged, when the physical fitness changes. The applicable weapons will also change.

"Turn on the overload mode! The nerve connection safety lock is blown!" As each soldier enters his own overload password, the nerves that limit their thinking speed are unlocked, and the thinking changes from flowing along the nerve line to moving along the metal. The current flowing in the auxiliary line.

The transmission speed of nerve signals ranges from hundreds of meters per second. Accelerating to close to the speed of light, under normal circumstances, people are always unable to deal with such a huge amount of information. Being in this state for a long time is almost equivalent to a long-time all-out concentration.

Normal people stay in this state, they will feel tired for about seven to eight seconds, and will not be able to concentrate, if they force their attention. Will cause great pressure on the individual's brain.

In the overload mode, the limitations on the speed of thinking and nerve transmission will be released, and everyone can easily dodge bullets like the protagonist in The Matrix.

See clearly the trajectory of the bullet. Then I saw the bullet at the same time. Make dodge or attack actions.

The speed of the Bafang Tablet is as fast as a bullet or even faster than a bullet, and their improved dynamic vision just allows them to see these little things flying in the air. The lightsaber in his hand swung quickly, woven into a dead light web in mid-air, and cut everything passing by into pieces.

This kind of weapon was called a divine weapon by Douluo decades ago, I'm afraid it's not an exaggeration. But here, they are just standard weapons equipped by everyone. In the battle against the top powerhouses, it is mass-produced goods that cannot be put on the table.

It only increases the price of an attack, and often reduces its own defense. The capacity of the personal shield is too insignificant compared to the legion shield.

The increase in neural response speed only means the increase in reflex speed does not mean that no food will be produced. Not all decisions can be resolved by a high-speed reaction. In some cases, soldiers have to face the frontal collision of the eight-square stone in a fierce battlefield confrontation. Each collision will cause the shield capacity to drop sharply by one section.

When the shield is not attacked, the capacity will recover at a slow rate. The capacity of the shield is like everyone's health bar. Once this blood bar is empty. Take the fragile body of human beings. Under the siege of locusts, it only takes a moment. Will be torn into pieces.

Under such a intensive attack, every soldier is like a bloodline. Gradually, the soldiers also start to work together. When you focus on doing the same thing, you tend to be more efficient.

Therefore, some people began to be specifically responsible for attacks, and some people used physical interactions and were specifically responsible for blocking. The defensive power of physical shields is undoubtedly stronger than energy shields, whether it is enchanting the shield body or Installing a stronger shield generator on it can greatly strengthen its defense. The defense on the surface of the shield is even comparable to that of the legion shield. The only problem is that the defense area is too small. It must rely on the user's subtle awareness and operation to withstand the attack, and the small size makes it impossible to install an inertial damper.

The user has to withstand all the reaction force brought by the impact, so it may happen that the shield has not been broken, but the person has been knocked off.

Another group of people completely gave up attack and defense, concentrated on manipulating underground energy nodes, mobilizing energy flow through individual equipment, and helping teammates and themselves quickly reload their shields. In this battlefield, it is almost like a nanny-like role.

The soldiers who are gradually responsible for the offensive are also divided into different options for long-range and close combat. Different numbers of fighters began to form small groups. Dealing with a large number of enemies that are not weak alone, such a tactical team can often achieve unexpected results.

It's just that no matter how good the exchange ratio is, it doesn't make much sense when the enemy can replicate itself quickly and the number of soldiers is close to unlimited. Unless the speed of reducing the number of enemies exceeds the speed of their self-replication. This battle is meaningful, not chronic death.

It's just that the commander has been worrying about one question, that is, do these locust-like enemies have the control of the main messenger behind the scenes? If so, I would think of it with the IQ of a normal person. As long as a small amount of self-replicating troops is left as a reserve team ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and quickly self-replicating in a relatively safe place, they will almost never be able to eliminate these monsters.

And things always tend to develop in a bad direction. After paying huge losses, the soldiers finally saw the hope of suppressing the eight-square monument. Under their full encirclement and suppression, these fast-flying little things can no longer be at the same time. Taking into account fighting and self-replication. The huge number has also begun to be quickly reduced after the quantitative advantage has gradually diminished.

Just when everyone thought victory was in sight, a thick cloud suddenly floated on the horizon. It was another wave of eight monuments densely packed with unknown geometry.

At first glance, it seems that the number is even larger than those just now, if they also join the battle. It is almost impossible to reduce the number of enemies to the extent that they can be eliminated.

"Prepare for a decisive battle! We have no retreat. Behind is our homeland. We are ready to remove all restrictions. Even if the entire army is wiped out, they will not be allowed to break through the line of defense." I don't know who made this suggestion first. Afterwards, more and more people responded.

[To be continued]

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