Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1185: Continental Defense Net

A torrent of energy descended from the sky, as if to drown everything, the light blue barrier was teetering in the torrent, Tang San had planned to wipe them all out.

But the power of the shield was somewhat beyond his expectations. The attack just now used a bit less intensity, and it didn't even break open.

"It's interesting. Can the same amount of energy play a higher role here? Is the human body on this continent different? Or is it affected by some factors?"

Tang San carefully observed the rapidly recovering shield. Finally found some clues. It seems that an endless stream of energy converges under their feet. Infused into their shield.

"Interesting, does your strength come from the earth? So what if your feet leave the earth?"

While Tang San was wondering why the shield could exert higher energy efficiency on this continent, the garrisoned soldiers who were attacked had already sounded the alarm and went to the nearest headquarters to call for support.

The enemies they are facing now are clearly beyond their capabilities. Just look at the casual attack from the opposite side. They almost broke the shield of the Legion. Just know how difficult it is for the other party.

Such a strong man is on this continent. There is also. At least they think it is. There was one in the nearest legion command. When he wants to come, as long as he can invite others, the problem should be solved relatively easily.

However, there is no doubt that there is a huge gap between reality and ideals. They can no longer support the arrival of support. Tang San just hit it casually. Not serious at all.

After observing the energy flow for a short time, he grabbed their spherical shield.

For a while, the entire barracks felt the sky shake. And soon they found that their feelings were not wrong. The sky and the earth are indeed shaking, because they fly together with the earth under their feet.

On the surface, it looks like a hemispherical shield, which is actually a whole spherical shape, while the underground part is inserted into the soil. In general, few people go underground and try to attack.

However, this time it was obviously an exception. Tang San uprooted their shield, as well as the part of the shield underground. Take them directly into the air at a height of 100 meters.

Only then did they truly realize the huge gap between themselves and each other. The land at the foot of the barracks. The diameter is at least a few hundred meters. Although it is only a hemisphere. The quality is also quite terrible.

It doesn't need to be too much, it will be no worse than a small nuclear explosion if it is dropped directly from a height of 100 meters. The whole day was a hindrance to Zhenxing.

After they were lifted into the air, Tang San launched another attack. The intensity of the attack was the same as the last time.

Only this time. The shield was easily punctured, and a torrent of terrifying energy blasted directly onto the land in mid-air. The huge rocky soil is torn apart.

Along with the explosion, there were soldiers from that battalion. Although they all have the ability to fly. However, the integrity of the flight equipment can be preserved in the explosion, and there is no coma, and less than half can be successfully started. For a time, it was like earth-colored fireworks. It burst in the air, and only a handful of people managed to escape.

The news of their heavy losses was passed back to the headquarters as quickly as possible. In addition to their losses. Another ground vein node was damaged.

At this moment, the command headquarters realized the seriousness of the problem. Ground vein nodes are cables made of rare metals, which are buried in the ground in large quantities. It's like a wire. It's just that what is transmitted is soul power. It is an important part of Sun Moon Continent's strategic defense system and infrastructure construction.

Can charge local weapons. It can also provide energy for local civilian facilities. Can establish such a ground vein network. It also benefits from the rich rare metal resources of the Sun Moon Continent.

These metals that have been invaded by spirit power and have changed their internal lattice structure often have strange characteristics, which are usually very suitable for the transmission of spirit power. More able to transform soul power into various forms. Easy to use.

In other respects, the Sun Moon Continent may not be ahead, but in terms of high-pressure long-range soul power transmission technology, they can be said to completely crush the entire planet. Pass from one side of the mainland to the other side. The soul power lost among them is almost negligible.

This allows them to. It is easy to centralize the use of energy across the continent. The energy produced by an energy core can also be easily transmitted to the whole continent.

The ground vein node is destroyed. The ground vein network near here is paralyzed, which is an extremely bad attack, which is almost equivalent to a direct declaration of war. Therefore, the nearest headquarters immediately entered a state of emergency combat readiness and reported the bad news to the Provisional Government.


At the same time, Tang San flew underground with great interest. More than five hundred meters were dug into the ground. Finally saw a cable that had just been broken by the explosion.

"Interesting thing. I can't directly control the spirit power transmitted inside. Is it because of the metal wrapper on the outside? Soul power can circulate here at high speed. If I can invade this network system. Is it OK? Occupy the soul power of their entire continent?"

It was also necessary for Tang San to extract the spirit power in the condensed atmosphere. Exhausting energy, I want to condense the soul power that is about the same as the production capacity of a large soul power factory. It also requires his endless accumulation of momentum, which can't be done in a short time. If you can use these ready-made, collected soul power. It is definitely a very good help for him.

It was just that he had just probed his soul power into this cable and found this energy transmission pipeline. Interrupted the transmission of soul power by itself. It's as if the fuse has blown out.

"Tsk! It's so stingy!" Although Tang San was complaining, it was not too surprising. In such a huge energy network. There will definitely be a setting to prevent the theft of soul power.

Otherwise, wouldn't many people dig a hole and steal it? With his current ability, he wants to crack these settings. It's not too difficult. But if you do that, you will lose out. At the same time, he collects the spirit power in the air, and the efficiency is higher.

"I don't know if this thing is spread all over the mainland, or only has one in the barracks? It seems that the development of which continent is not too bad." Tang San felt that he still underestimated the enemy.

How to say the thorn flower legion is that it once pushed the mainland across the country, and it has inherited a lot of tulip heritage. Such forces are rather strange if they don't have any black technology at the bottom of the box.

Tang San heightened his vigilance again. Ready to head towards the mainland. However, he overlooked a problem. That is, the strongest force on this continent is not on land.

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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