Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1181: Don 3's first defeat

The sudden beam of light was an energy-storing high-energy light energy blow, and Tang San was almost hit. If it waits until the spirit power senses the attack and is evading it, it will no longer be able to avoid it. Fortunately, he felt the concentration of high energy at the beginning, and he was vigilant. He began to evade immediately before the laser was fired, and avoided the attack.

In the final analysis, for this kind of powerhouse, the most threatening thing is still laser weapons, laser weapons that are high enough to cause significant damage to them in one blow. The kind that requires continuous irradiation is definitely useless.

The beam of light dissipated, and a strange milky-white mecha rose from the ground.

Rather than saying that this thing is a mecha, it's better to say that this thing is actually **. It looks a bit like a mass-produced machine in EVA, but it is much smaller in size and only about ten meters in height.

"I said you are the strongest man on the mainland. Is it necessary to bully our patrolling soldiers?" This time, his voice was different from before.

"Huh? What is this? Is it hermaphrodite?" Tang San had said that he was too much, obviously a feminine voice, but now it has been changed to a male voice, which is really weird.

"It's rare and weird, haven't you seen a two-person mecha?" Chen Zihan's ill-tempered voice sounded from the loudspeaker. The infected lacked the top combat power to compete with the major strengths, the most powerful ones. Although Chen Zihan is very strong among the demigods. However, compared with the ultra-standard combat power of various countries, it is still not enough.

So together with Yake, they formed a strange combination. During the battle, the two people were connected by cables and shared neural signals. Chen Zihan was equivalent to a wingman plus half a tool man, responsible for semi-automatically controlling his own power to attack. , And Yake makes tactical planning with his own super computing power.

This perfectly brings into play the weird talent of Yake playing games and starting armor.

As long as the disparity in strength is not to a certain extent, this combination will basically not lose in the battle, which can be regarded as a certain degree of use of Yake's characteristics.

"Is it your level of strength? The energy intensity is average, but even Xiuxian is just getting started. Can you beat me just by driving with two people?" Tang San felt the two driving mechas in front of him. The guy, I'm afraid he didn't come here to die.

He has also heard of two-man driving type mechas, but those are early products of Tulips, which are designed to imitate the mechas in the Pacific Rim. It requires two people with a very high understanding to drive, and the battle is not very good. Flexibility is purely an equity strategy for which the technology is not yet mature.

Even now, there are very few instances where two-man driving can improve combat effectiveness.

Tang San launched an attack without thinking much. He has already controlled all the spirit power within ten miles of radius. A single blow is the power of hundreds of tons of nuclear equivalent.

Regardless of the fact that this power is insignificant compared to nuclear bombs, this is a directional cluster attack that can hit almost all the power on the target, and the destructive power it causes is quite terrifying.

What surprised him, however, was that this seemingly inflexible mecha was easily avoided.

"Huh? This ability to predict? Is it my illusion?"

Tang San's fingertips burned a nuclear fusion ring, and then a continuous attack was launched towards the strange white mecha.

Intensive attacks weave into a net. There are almost no gaps, even if it is placed there, giving people enough time to think, I am afraid it will be difficult to find. A way to avoid the past altogether.

However, the mecha you are talking about is just like Neo, who is hiding from bullets, and James Bond who is hiding from lasers, relying on a set of weird and unrestrained actions. Penetrated the past through the gap of the attack.

Tang San was finally a little shocked this time, just in that set of attacks, in his calculations. Obviously there is no way to escape without damage. But the other party actually found the one he had missed in that instant.

"How did this guy do it?" Tang San was lost in thought. This time the opponent does seem to have something.

While he was thinking about it, the mecha on the ground jumped violently, followed by an oncoming punch.

Theoretically, this punch should not be able to move talent, but Tang San's evasive movement did not play any role. It was as if he had deliberately flashed over and let the opponent hit. This feeling is simply too weird.

"What's the matter with you?" Although Tang San was beaten out, he was not injured. An attack of this level was still too weak. There was no pure physical output of any energy attack, unless it was strong enough to punch him. It is broken into elementary particles, otherwise it would be difficult to cause serious damage to him.

"We are not obliged to tell you how to do it. And you burned all the land we planted. Even the roots of those seeds were burned. The next time we plant them, we have to replant them. Don't pay. Don't even think about leaving if you pay a price." Yake had already switched weapons while speaking.

In his hand is his favorite bow and arrow, this time on the bow and arrow, it has been replaced with a powerful high-explosive arrow. It also bears super strong armor piercing function. The only flaw may be the speed of the arrow.

But this may be troublesome for others, but for Yake, there is no difficulty in hitting the enemy. Just make a little prediction, and then use a few arrows to force the opponent to move.

There will be no mistakes in his prediction. So after shooting five arrows in a row. The sixth arrow successfully hit Tang San and exploded violently. Tang San backed away unscathed. But only he knew it. A small blood hole was left in the center of the palm that was used to resist the attack.

"What kind of evil are you two?" Tang San saw that he couldn't escape, so he immediately changed to grind all the nearby projectiles into powder.

Although this will cause these attacks to be detonated in advance. But with his defensive power, even if it detonates early, it can't cause any damage to him.

It's just that his senses are flawed after all, in the interference of the explosion. Another arrow that didn't know where it came from, penetrated the smoke of the explosion and hit his chest.

This time a stronger defense was stimulated. Just forcibly repelling him did not cause any harm. But this made Tang San sweat all over. No harm was caused to him, but the attack power of the opponent's weapon was not enough. The one used to attack oneself in front of him is really the strongest weapon of the other party. I'm afraid not. If he can really break the defense. It may not be without threat to one's own power.

Thinking of this, Tang San had already begun to retreat. He came here to adjust his mood, but not desperately. The sense of crisis brought to him by the combination in front of him was even stronger than that of Emperor Baihu.

[To be continued]

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