Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1138: Silicon-based virus

"Don't quarrel, everyone, the soul power test results have come out. There is no abnormal soul power fluctuation in this person, and the disease on his body should not be caused by soul power.

Our thinking is probably limited by inherent thinking. The cause of his disease may be an existence completely outside of our cognition. Re-analyze the blood sample and use a high-power microscope to study the tissue sections at hand separately. Everyone They are also experts in various fields. Don't let go of any unusual details. "Li Junping patted the table and set the tone of this meeting.

Immediately after distributing the tissue samples, they researched in this laboratory and exchanged their own results.

Li Junping took a blood sample and carefully observed the internal situation, trying to find out what was wrong. She was the discoverer of Sylva’s induced pluripotent stem cell technology, which is almost a milestone in the medical field. The existence of has also made her one of the most admired medical experts.

It’s a pity that the problem at hand is completely beyond the scope of her cognition. Whether it is bacteria, viruses, or parasites, causing such severe damage in the human body, it needs to absorb the nutrients in the cells and the human body, and then replicate itself, through The circulatory system spreads throughout the body, continues to replicate itself, absorbs nutrients, and causes damage to a large number of cells.

This mode of action is destined. It is easy to find their presence in the microscope, because when the disease is so obvious, these smiling pathogens must have spread all over the body and the number is huge.

More importantly, these pathogens will stimulate the immune system and cause the number of white blood cells in the blood to increase rapidly. This can be easily observed with a microscope, but the patient does not seem to have any immune response. Necrotic cells are very counter-intuitive.

The blood samples she observed were very clean, and even other relatively common and less harmful bacteria were quite rare. This makes the experts have to suspect that what caused the disease is not a biological, but a natural phenomenon, similar to nuclear radiation, but it has not been discovered by people.

It's just that in theory most natural phenomena should not be entangled with a person's individual. It's like nuclear radiation. Cause people to die rather than live. It is because the radiation instantly smashed all the chromosomes in the human body. At least it destroys the ability of cells to divide. As a result, the cells in this person die, and life is over. You don’t even need to die, as long as you die to a certain extent. It's over if it can't sustain life.

If this is the case, just inject it into the citizen system. Preserved pluripotent stem cells. You can re-repair the broken body little by little. Before all the injured cells die, replace them as soon as possible.

However, Lin Li was about to replace all the cells, and the disease and ulceration of his body were still going on. This situation was really puzzling.

Li Junping could only continue to observe the blood samples carefully, and tried to test the blood to analyze the abnormal substances in it. This time, her tests seemed to have achieved certain results.

An abnormal protein was discovered. This substance should not appear in the blood. This has a breakthrough effect on the analysis of the condition. She announced the discovery in the first time. Experts in this area immediately took the protein to analyze, and the results of the analysis were obtained in less than ten minutes.

From the efficiency of this analysis, it can be seen that Sylva attaches great importance to this special case. The analysis results show that this protein should be hemoglobin that has been shattered and destroyed. The iron ions in this body have been extracted. , Red blood cells seem to die differently from other cells, and they die faster. This results in having to maintain the blood transfusion of the patient all the time.

The meeting restarted, and Li Junping first spoke: “I think there should still be an unknown pathogen in the patient’s body, and this pathogen has a high probability of requiring iron ions. We can analyze the iron ions enrichment in the patient’s body to find the patient’s body. Pathogen.

Zhang Zhiwen, you are an expert in this area. Directly use isotope labeling to label iron ions in hemoglobin. I will cooperate with you to use patient pluripotent stem cells. Appropriate red blood cells are used for the blood transfusion of the patient.

Everyone else. Go all out to maintain the life of the patient. We must before the pathogen invades the brain. Find and solve him! "

End of the meeting. Everyone is not the kind of character that will grind Yang Gong. Acting very quickly, Zhang Zhiwen quickly used isotopes to prepare a nutrient solution for inducing cell differentiation.

Li Junping concentrated on taking out the citizen stem cells for cultivation, and began to differentiate again. Their actions were extremely careful, because Lin Li's stem cells were running out.

Continue to divide in this way, the stability of the cell's genes will be greatly reduced, which is like the life span of human beings is always limited, and cells cannot divide indefinitely.

Even if Lin Li survived this time, the probability of developing cancer would be greatly increased, and his body would gradually suffer from various senile diseases, and his life span would probably be reduced by half compared to ordinary people. After all, the cells in his whole body have been dead for several times, and it is appropriate to directly deduct the upper limit of life.

The isotope-labeled hemoglobin was quickly formulated, and a new bag of blood was injected into the patient’s body. Then, everyone was staring at the scan results nervously. The enrichment of isotope will answer all their doubts. What pathogen caused this disease.

The quiet needle drop in the conference room can be Everyone dare not even breathe loudly, all staring at the scanned image, which represents the red spot of iron ions in the marked hemoglobin

Over time, the red spots did not start to accumulate, but the number began to decrease one by one. this phenomenon. Experts are extremely puzzling. Could it be possible that this time the pathogen can kick the neutrons in the isotope away? This sounds unscientific, okay?

"Ahem! I think it may not be that the number of isotopes has decreased. It is because they have overlapped. The pathogens are not concentrated somewhere in the patient's body, but evenly distributed in the patient's body. But the number is very small. So It is difficult for us to find it with a microscope. Now that the red dots representing isotopes have decreased, I am afraid it is not because the elements have been destroyed. It is because they have gathered together and overlapped.

This observation is meaningless. We re-acquire tissue samples, observe under a microscope, and look for places where the isotope is enriched. I think those should be pathogens. "Li Junping awakened the dreamer, and many experts started to take action. This time everyone finally saw the light.

[To be continued]

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