Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1136: Thriving Sylva

Biotechnology does have its advantages. In essence, the use of biological organisms for industrial production is equivalent to the use of individual Neumann machines. These devices can replicate themselves. After a product is finalized, it can spring up like bamboo shoots. Production.

And they don't need any chemical energy, they only need to provide a large amount of organic matter, and their physical and mental needs can be met by planting grass, and by cultivating corresponding plants that can absorb sunlight, they can quickly convert solar energy into the energy they need.

Even though Sylva had been heavily surrounded, the empire still did not dare to close the encirclement too tightly. In an area with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers, there were more than 7,000 square kilometers of land, of which at least half. It is because the infected person does not have the ability to effectively control it. Plants that can absorb solar energy efficiently can provide a large amount of energy to the underground.

Even though these energy sources are still somewhat insufficient, a large amount of high-strength organic materials also alleviate the threat of insufficient metal minerals among the infected.

Sylva has begun an unprecedented rapid development and is preparing to try the ignition of a nuclear reactor. This is the industrial town of the Tiandou Empire. There are abandoned nuclear reaction facilities and nuclear materials that are too late to be cleaned on the surface.

The concentration may not be enough to rub nuclear bombs, but after refining, it can barely be used to heat the reactor. There have been no attempts in this area before because there is no suitable material on hand.

The scarcity of metallic minerals makes it difficult for them to synthesize high-strength alloys by themselves. In this case, if they continue to rely on metallic materials, it is almost impossible for them to increase the strength of the material to a level sufficient to support nuclear reactions.

It wasn't until they changed a technology tree and started experimenting with organic materials that they gradually touched the doorway and produced materials with sufficient strength. It won't be long. They can successfully ignite.

And here is a large amount of nuclear fuel left on the surface. It can provide them with energy consumption for hundreds of years. Coupled with the absorption of light energy from the earth's surface. Their energy will no longer be scarce, and the speed of future technological development will reach an incredible degree.

Currently this incredible underground city. It has become deeper and larger.

A large number of underground buildings are made of biological materials and can be seen on the construction site. The building is like normal. Grow out quickly. But if you think that the creeping building walls are extremely soft. That would be very wrong.

After the cells grow and become stable, they lose their activity quickly. The cell membrane ruptures, and the organic matter contained in it reacts quickly with the cell wall, forming a tight support like a crystal lattice between each cell. The seemingly soft building materials will harden quickly, and the strength is even more ridiculous than shoulder concrete.

Seeing a cart of grass and leaves after being dried. It is sent into the filling port, and then the building grows rapidly as it continues to swallow organic matter, which is really an indescribable feeling. Especially after the entire building is completed. Attached to the surface of the building is like a blood vessel, and the things that are used to transport the mechanism will collectively die and fall off, just like a huge creature with muscle necrosis and ulceration. It seems to be very lost, the first time I saw such a picture, it may even leave a psychological shadow.

However, the adaptability of intelligent creatures is still very strong. After the initial discomfort, the infected people gradually adapt to their own unique style of painting, a touch of Cthulhu style industrial system, and even occasionally try to do something in their own homes. Biochemical eyeball grilled skewers is an authentic Kejia dish, Cthulhu’s Ke.

The excavation of underground space was originally a very troublesome task. The infected people lack high-strength metal and it is difficult to make their own shield machines.

In the past, it was aided by the powerful individual strength and exercises. Forced excavation, and later encountered the troops encircled and suppressed by the empire. Then Jiao changed several shield machine blades. Although that thing is sturdy, it is a consumable item after all. The digging process will inevitably wear out. Lead to the seized blade. After being assembled and used a few times, it all shattered.

This also once restricted Sylva's expansion. After all, his personal power was limited, even if he was practicing soil-attribute exercises, he would at most be underground. Drilling out to look like a research institute, they are going to build. However, it is a city with hundreds of thousands of people in the future that may accommodate millions of people. This is definitely not something that a few people can do, and it is impossible to have so many people. Specially practice the exercises of map and soil attributes, which are used to open up underground space.

Every aspect of a city needs manpower to maintain. The people responsible for the excavation project can only have a few thousand people at most. If they excavate purely by manpower, it will be known that day when they will be able to expand the scale of the city to the level of one million people.

Okay. Later, the biochemical technology gradually developed, and the scientific research department cultivated giant mining worms.

They have sharp mouthparts and can easily thousands of years of hard rock formations. And swallow gravel and soil, relying on the powerful muscles in the body to compress. There are also high-density pillars that can be used as building materials. The engineering team jokingly called these hard building materials as **** alloys, which means **** as hard as alloys, which is quite appropriate in a sense.

These high-density building materials will be shipped away. As a supporting pillar between the various underground layers, a worm has a total of 18 esophagus, a total of 19 esophagus, and the mouthparts chopped up and swallowed rocks. Will be moved by the mouth. Distinguish the different hardness The harder will be compressed into the small esophagus with compression and peristalsis. They will be squeezed spirally into the thicker esophagus.

These harder rocks are compressed. Like steel reinforced concrete, the strength of stone pillars is greatly enhanced, making these **** alloys have extremely high strength. It can support the huge pressure between huge soil layers.

The biggest goal of these worms is to dig into the asthenosphere underground. Use the temperature difference between the magma and the ground to build geothermal power generation facilities. Provide a large amount of geothermal energy for the city.

Before the nuclear reactor is ignited, this will be the most important source of energy for the city. Even after the ignition, it will still become an important energy supplement. After all, even if the empire is capable, it is impossible to dig into the asthenosphere, and then circle them all to prevent the magma from flowing in their direction. This is the present, Hill Watt can find the safest and most reliable source of energy.

It's just that they didn't expect that this excavation will bring them unexpected joy. The former Tulip people found prosperous atmospheric creatures in the sky, and there are also prosperous biological groups in the underground where they have never been. .

[To be continued]

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