Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1126: Tang 3's Awakening Experiment

Even with Tang Hao's mind, he almost thought he was dreaming when he saw this scene. After confirming it many times, he could only believe that what was in front of him was the reality.

"Dad! I woke up and kept quiet about this beforehand. As long as a while later, we don't have to endure such a stubborn life! I promise those people who bullied us before, I want them to give it back a hundred times." Tang San said firmly.

"You're fine! Nothing is fine!" Tang Hao patted Tang San on the back, he has experienced too many ups and downs in his life, and now he only hopes that Tang San can grow up safely.

Tang San was silent, and sighed in his heart that the world was unfair. It was unfair that his father had an extremely talented talent, but he wanted to spend his entire life! Since the world is unfair, he will go against the sky!

"Don't worry! Just wait a few more days, and wait a few more days, no one will dare to bully us!"


Although it is not difficult to untie the seal of soul power, some equipment is still needed, such as ordinary microscopes and equipment that can input current at a specific frequency. These may be done by the human body alone in the tulip. There are many incredible things. Strength has become a natural ability.

But in Douluo Continent, Tang San needed to prepare equipment himself. Fortunately, he still has some savings. He entered the finals in the previous game and the team gave him a full 50,000 bonus. Although he became a vegetative, the team has been considering how to recover the 50,000 bonus.

But at least the money is in his account now. He can move as long as he is not dead. The equipment is not particularly sophisticated and can be bought directly online.

After studying hard for more than ten years in the spiritual world, Tang San can be described as a master of theory. Although there is still a lack of hands-on ability. But for many years of cultivating hidden weapons, his hands are very stable, and he can precisely control every detail of the experiment.

In addition, the difficulty of directly opening the first layer of seal is actually very low. As long as you enter the password according to the script, you can get the first batch of soul power to unlock the seal. With this basic tool, you can use this part for subsequent operations. The soul power is complete.


Chengying's recent research has fallen into a bottleneck. This is a common occurrence. It is impossible for anyone to explode every day. The microscopic robot that replaces soul power is stuck at the nanometer level. If you want to go further, you must obtain it in theoretical physics. The breakthrough allows the irrelevant functions of the microscopic robot to be completed in quantum form.

It does not mean that nano-robots can be made with the accuracy of incoming materials at the nanometer level. A robot with complex functions cannot have only one or two parts. Even considering that functions can be achieved through collective cooperation, there are hundreds of parts. So if you want to make robots more microscopic, you have to involve the quantum field, and this is precisely the most troublesome thing for Ying Chengying.

The physical parameters of Douluo Continent are obviously different from reality. The more the microscopic level, the greater the gap. The effect of the observer effect here is greatly reduced, so that the specific thoughts of intelligent creatures will even cause changes in microscopic particles. , Which facilitates the manipulation of the micro world at the same time. It also brought huge troubles to exploring the objective laws.

Different people, because of different thinking patterns, observe different phenomena. This has brought huge troubles to each other’s cooperation. The objective law must be eliminated only after the influence of subjective factors has been eliminated. This thing cannot be done by a person with strong mental power alone, so he intends to touch it quietly. Fish for a while, for example, see if anything interesting happens in Douluo Continent.

Many times, life is more nonsense than novels, so observing the life trajectory of some interesting people may be more exciting than reading novels.

But when he shifted his attention to the past, he found something dazed about on the planet in front of him. A large amount of unlocked soul power appeared.

The so-called large amount is probably the total amount of spirit power of a first-level spirit master, but for the spirit power that is almost impossible to unlock by spontaneous combustion, it is already a very outrageous amount, and it is definitely not a natural phenomenon.

This made Cheng Ying a little curious: "Is it possible that the Douluo people have finally become acquainted after so many years, realizing that soul power is such an extremely microscopic existence, and the interference that can be made in reality is more than that of a soul master? "

If it is said that before the realization of the mass production of nanomachines, he is still more worried about the Douluo people suddenly opening up, after all, it will allow the natives of Douluo Continent to catch up with the technology level quickly, if you don’t want to fall behind, then Tulip will definitely follow an evil path. Even if you win by then, it will be hard to turn around.

But now, even if the soul power suddenly disappeared in this world, the blow to the tulip would not be fatal, if it was said that even the essence of the soul power was not understood at all. At least the end of this track can be seen now. As long as you work hard, one day you will be able to catch up.

Moreover, in Douluo's scientific research environment, once it comes into contact with this short-cut general industrial route, I am afraid that the social structure will quickly reverse the wheel and return to the era of respect for the strong.

Although everyone’s tools are unlocked soul powers, and one person can realize most of the functions of the entire industrial system, there is still a big difference between small workshop-style production and large-scale industrial production. Even if this group of people get taboos Whether the speed of technological development can catch up with the normal speed of Tulips climbing the technological tree remains to be discussed.

The most urgent task now is to guide public opinion so that the public will not be confused by the future technological explosion in the Douluo Continent, recognize the hidden dangers in and strengthen the Tulip people’s national self-confidence and national pride. Feeling, let the people believe that relying on their own strength and the tens of billions of industrial population, even if they climb step by step on the ground, they will not be slower than the apes who do elevators.

This part of the thoughts only flashed at the moment Chengying cast his gaze over it, and when he saw clearly who was instigating the unlocking spirit power, his expression became subtle in an instant.

"Tsk? Where did the little mouse steal our things without knowing it?"

Originally, Chengying still had three points of worries. If the person who discovered this knowledge was an old scholar obsessed with scientific research, it would be a little troublesome. If he was a broad-minded emperor, the danger would be even greater.

But it was Tang San who got this stuff, and it was a technique that he learned secretly. On the contrary, he didn't worry at all. The same knowledge and different application methods can achieve completely different effects.

With Tang San's mentality, I'm afraid he would regard this knowledge as his most precious wealth, and he would not disclose it at all.

[To be continued]

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