Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1123: Cracked version of soul power

According to Chengying's guess, soul power is likely to be a kind of tiny particles in the microscopic to quantum domains, each of which has more diverse functions than nano-robots. This can be seen from the effect of soul power.

But the power that such controllable microscopic particles can show is by no means as simple as soul power. Let’s just say that these soul power destroys the atomic structure and simulates a nuclear explosion. It’s easy, but under an electron microscope, The experimenter tried to manipulate the spirit power to cut the nucleus, but failed. In fact, the spirit power did not cause any onlooker level changes at all. The experimental metal was cut in half, like a knife that appeared out of thin air, everything changed. All are reflected on the macro level. This strange experimental result has aroused the interest of all researchers.

Then began the study of the "non-working" behavior of spirit power, thus gradually cracking the first level of authority of spirit power.

This is the change that made Chengying list this technology as taboo knowledge, because the soul power of unlocking authority can initially interfere with the nano-level onlooker structure to a certain extent, in other words, as long as there is soul power. , You can use soul power to replace machinery for nano-level processing.

The film storage technology is not worried about hitting the existing mechanical processing market. It is unnecessary for him. The reason for the storage is that the soul power shows too obvious traces of human interference. If you make your own scientific and technological system too dependent on cracking Version of the spirit power, then if one day, the real master of the spirit power suddenly changes the password so that the spirit power cannot be cracked, then the entire industrial system will collapse.

There are many things that cannot be corrected if the foundation is crooked. Just like the width of the railway on the earth, you can think about it with your toes and know that there is a problem. The power of the train is extremely high. The narrow railway is worthy of the carrying capacity of the train. NS? But if this thing is fixed, there is no way to change it. If you want to change it, you have to demolish and rebuild all the railways across the country. No one can afford the cost.

What's more, if you change someone else's home without changing it, your car will not be able to get out of the door, and the track will not be wide at all. So that the current train can obviously be made more spacious, but due to the limitation of the distance between the rails, it can only be made tightly.

This is only the railway. It is conceivable that if the foundation of the entire industrial system is a castle in the air, it is not a problem of returning to the pre-liberation. Maybe it is possible to return to the apes. Therefore, this technology is listed as The top taboo knowledge.

The technology developed by cracking the spirit power authority is too easy. Numerous problems of the century that make people bald to the liver will be solved in front of the super tool of the soul power after the cracking. If the technology is announced, no one can resist. In spite of this temptation, even Chengying chose a group of heroes who volunteered to be isolated from the world and sealed it in the center of the earth to continue scientific research in this area. And for this small group of people, the speed of scientific and technological progress has been slightly surpassed. Tulip is currently at the forefront of technology.

As the spirit power authority was cracked time and time again, the speed of technological progress accelerated again and again, as if there was no bottleneck at all, and all problems were not a problem in the face of the super tool of spirit power.

Many insiders at the time believed that filming was pedantic and that there were such good tools. Wouldn't it be fragrant to use them where the basics are not involved?

But Chengying knows exactly how tempting this thing is. In the beginning, it may just be used to test some data, but the bottom line is such a little breakthrough. Can you test the data, can you machine the machine?

It is too slow to manually polish a higher precision machine tool. The spirit power is used to build a higher precision machine tool, and then it is used to produce a few missing precision machine tools. Isn't this just a technology explosion?

After having tasted the sweetness, I wanted to do more things with soul power. The black technology exploded out of many technologies of Tulip came from this way, and there were many hidden dangers in the middle. It was not too much when the technology was sealed in the beginning. It was too strict, but after discovering that I was also breaking through the bottom line again and again, I finally made up my mind to completely seal this technology, to the extent that I can't even touch it.

However, after all, this Pandora’s box was opened by Tang San. For Tang San, the road to science and technology was too difficult. It was a hurdle by step. If you devote yourself to scientific research, you may not be able to complete one in your life. A major technological breakthrough. This was completely unacceptable to Tang San who wanted to quickly improve his strength and pursue longevity.

But cracking the spirit power authority is like a shortcut, and it is a shortcut to disguise yourself as technology. Tang San dismissed the mentality of the taboo knowledge of the shadow and sealed it, thinking that it was pedantic and outdated thinking at work. Recklessly began to learn these knowledge that can not only establish an industrial system, but also quickly improve one's own strength.

In this industrial system based on soul power, soul masters have once again become the foundation of production. They are machine tools, electron microscopes, chemical plants, and automated assembly lines. All production is based on soul power, a universal tool. Therefore, if you want to be an excellent industrial, you must first become a strong one, control more soul power, have stronger control over soul power, and obtain higher soul power. With the authority of, turn soul power into divine power, spiritual energy, true essence, and even immortal energy.

In this process, one’s own strength will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and because soul power is the most basic tool, everything that requires huge equipment can be done by the soul master alone, instant movement, void creation, calculation In the future, thinking invasion or palm fusion, hand rubbing a typhoon, will be easy.

Tang San likes this social system. The extraordinary can do whatever they want, because they not only represent the powerful force, but also the most advanced productivity. The strong no longer rely on force and plunder resources to be high, they are also the greatest creators of wealth. It's a matter of course to be high above, even the same forever, and it will never be overthrown.

For Tang San, where could there be a more perfect world? Therefore, his enthusiasm for learning is unprecedentedly high, and his attitude is completely different from when he learned the knowledge of natural sciences. When he heard that a simple internal combustion engine is so complicated, it needs so many industrial systems and so many people to cooperate to produce, he has no interest at all. .

Now that there is a universal tool like the cracked version of soul power, these can be done by one person, so that Tang San now really hates himself for not studying well in class, so that now it is like a mouse that has fallen into a rice tank. In general, facing an endless sea of ​​books with no end in sight, one can only learn a little bit, but can't move it away.

[To be continued]

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