Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 76: princess sheke

   Chapter 76 Princess Xueke

   Tiandou Imperial City, Tiandou Imperial Academy, Education Committee.

  Yun Xiaofeng finally had no choice but to come to the hall of the Education Committee with Princess Xueke holding her arms.

   Because today they are here to sell fakes.

   In the face of Yun Xiaofeng, such a good student. Yun Xiaofeng can't do anything on his own! I will definitely not discredit the academy.

   "The old minister has seen Her Royal Highness Princess Xueke." When Xueke and Yun Xiaofeng entered the Tiandou Royal Education Committee,

The old man    Meng Shenji was taken aback.

  Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Leng Leng, Duguyan gave Yun Xiaofeng a look to explain to us later.

  Xiao Wu has nothing to do with her identity as a princess. She is still the little sister of the super beast in the Star Dou Great Forest!

   Qin Ming was a little stunned.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, this guy won't harm Her Royal Highness again!" I thought so in my heart.

  The two Shimo brothers were already feeling numb, and they thought that Yun Xiaofeng might have done the same.

   Yufeng only mourned Yu Tianheng in his heart at this moment.

   "Princess Xueke, there are so many people here, let go quickly." Yun Xiaofeng was also a little embarrassed when so many people looked at him.

   "What's the matter! We have known each other since we were two or three years old." Xiao Wu and others were also curious when Xue Ke said so arrogantly.

"Well, when Xue Ke was three years old, she was sent to Yuexuan to study court etiquette and so on. You all know that I grew up in Yuexuan since I was a child." People also belong to the relationship of childhood sweethearts,

   "You are the legendary little devil king Yuexuan!" The old man Mengshenji came back to his senses, his voice trembling. asked,

   "Education Committee, I'm only a junior high school student at Tiandou Royal Academy, don't be like this," Yun Xiaofeng was embarrassed to admit that it was the matter of Little Demon King Yuexuan.

   Although that was his glorious history in Douluo Continent, it was a bit embarrassing!

   "That's good, that's good." Mengshenji patted his chest.

  The old man was really afraid that this little devil would tear down the Tiandou Royal Academy.

   "If that's the case, Mr. Qin Ming, you should bring these geniuses to train!" Meng Shenji quickly ordered Qin Ming to take the goods away.

   He is really a little shy.

   "Okay, let's go back to the academy team with me!" Yun Xiaofeng was relieved by Qin Ming's words.

   "Education Committee, I'm going too." Princess Xueke's words rang throughout the hall of the Education Committee.

   The three education committees in front of the hall suddenly felt their brains buzzing.

  Princess Xueke entering the Tiandou Royal Academy is a good thing.

   But he was worried that Qin Ming would cry while training her.

   After all, such a delicate little princess!

   When Qin Ming heard Xue Ke's words, his whole person was not well. He was not so courageous to ask him to train Xue Ke.

   "Don't make trouble. You are a cute little princess to train for something. Go to Yuexuan to learn court etiquette from Yuehua and Yunyun. It's the king's way."

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't want to see Xueke delay their training here. Although it's not that she dislikes Xue Ke, but after all, Xue Ke is too fragile.

   is only a little over 20th grade, barely able to enter Shrek Academy's admissions standards.

   But her physical strength is too weak.

   "Ah! But I want to be with you!" Xue Ke didn't look like a princess at the moment, she hugged Yun Xiaofeng's arm and said coquettishly.

   Yun Xiaofeng has goosebumps all over the place.

   "Your Highness Princess, you should go to Yuexuan to study! This place is really not suitable for you. It's very hard, you can't bear it." Yun Xiaofeng was telling the truth, he was really afraid that Xueke couldn't bear it.

   Yun Xiaofeng has been used to fighting with Xueke since he was a child.

   "Hmph, you look down on me, don't you. The princess will tell you. Today, the princess has to join the academy team." Xue Ke directly lifted her neck.

   "Sure enough, the martial spirit is a big white goose, and the neck is so beautiful." Yun Xiaofeng was also a little emotional at this moment!

   After all, he also knew that Xue Ke was not much older than him now.

   At this moment, Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xue Ke, and he felt that there was a girl next door growing up.

   "Your Highness, Princess, they have been training very hard." Yun Xiaofeng said this because she wanted Xueke to go to Yuexuan.

   A delicate princess, he really doesn't want the people who are trained to be ghosts or ghosts.

   "I really want to keep up with you guys. I'm already in my twenties. Teacher Yuehua even praised me as a genius." Xue Ke said proudly to Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Since you are here now, let's show you what a genius is! Xiao Wu, Xiao Qing, brighten your soul ring!" Yun Xiaofeng didn't want to attack Princess Xueke.

   But there is no way!

  Xiao Wu took a step forward, her spirit possessed, and pink rabbit hair grew on her body.

   Yun Xiaofeng only noticed Xiao Wu's tail at this moment, it was very short, very short. Like a pink-white pom-pom.

  Yun Xiaofeng was thinking about when to touch it.

After the    martial spirit possessed, Xiao Wu's figure was a little taller than before.

   Soul rings began to appear under his feet.

   One yellow, two purple, two black.

   "Yun Xiaowu, Fifty-two Storm King Battle Spirit King"

   When the three education committees saw that Xiao Wu's second ring was a thousand-year-old purple, they instantly stood up from their seats.

   is not calm anymore, the Soul King's cultivation base is so special, and this is so special that the second ring has reached a thousand years.

   This is a monster!

   The third ring appeared before their eyes.

  The Millennium Third Ring is fairly normal.

   Ten thousand years in the fourth ring, they are even more restless.

   What's even more restless is that it belongs to Qin Ming,

   As the youngest Soul Emperor in history, his sixth soul ring is so black! It hurts him a lot. Feeling deeply hit.

  Stone Mill, Shimo, Yufeng, the three fools pointed at Xiao Wu as if they had seen a ghost, "This, this, this, this. How did you do this?"

   However, Zhu Zhuqing next to Xiao Wu also showed his martial spirit and spirit ring at the same time. Two yellow, one purple and two black,

   The same fifty-two agility attack type Battle Spirit King.

   As a result, the three old men of the Education Committee became even more restless.

   "The fourth ring has reached ten thousand years. This, this is so special." Qin Ming was also not calm.

   But the stone brothers, Yufeng is happy! In other words, their future teammates have the ability to absorb ten thousand year spirit rings.

   Then the three of them have the possibility of having the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   "How is this possible. How can they be so powerful, and how old are they." Xue Ke didn't believe it. Especially the black ten thousand year spirit ring, the impact on her was too great.

   "Princess Xueke, the youngest of them all, she is a few days younger than me. She is also my concubine." Yun Xiaofeng hit Xueke in terms of cultivation, and also said that Zhu Zhuqing was his concubine.

   "Impossible, this must be fake, I'm going to Teacher Yuehua to expose you. You liar." Princess Xueke, backed away and left Yun Xiaofeng.

   pointed at Yun Xiaofeng and said.

   One side was tearful, and the other side was pitiful. Looking at Yun Xiaofeng, she was embarrassed to hit her again.

   "If you want to find Yuehua, then go quickly, in Yuexuan, where is the best place for you to study.

  The pain and training of a soul master, I don't want you, a big white goose, to experience it. Go for it. do not Cry. "In Yun Xiaofeng's heart, Princess Xueke's place has been reserved for a long time.

  Since you are a princess, then this young master will make you a princess.

   A princess who knows how to calligraphy, chess, calligraphy and painting.

   He really didn't want this big white goose to fight and kill.

   Duguyan and Ye Lenglen can't see how this dog man, Yun Xiaofeng, spoils Princess Xueke!

  Xiao Wu has a deeper understanding of this kind of thing.

   Zhu Zhuqing doesn't care.

  【Dog host, you are a real dog. In fact, you can train Xue Ke to be an empress. 】

   "Forget it! If she becomes an empress, what will happen to my Bibi Dong?"

  【Your uncle, the dog host. 】

   "Isn't what this host said wrong?"

   (end of this chapter)

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