Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 7: Tang Lieyang came to the door

   Chapter 7 Tang Lieyang came to the door

   After more than a year, Xiaofeng has grown a little taller.

   It is better to call it Yun Xiaofeng than Xiaofeng.

   Once he made a bet with Yun Yun, saying that if Yun Yun had a magic core in his hand, he would lose.

   Who knew that Yun Yun took out hundreds or even thousands of magic cores from her Na ring.

   This little guy changed his name in Yuexuan on the spot.

   Yun Xiaofeng is not convinced, but it doesn't matter if he follows his wife's surname. So it was directly renamed Yun Xiaofeng.

   In the past year or so, the progress of Yun Xiaofeng's rhythm has simply left Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun stunned.

   What is this special person?

   In less than a year, the rhythm level has surpassed Tang Yuehua.

   This made Tang Yuehua hit hard!

   But that doesn't count, in this year's time. Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, brought the dividends from the previous year's milk tea.

  50 million gold soul coins.

   So many golden soul coins made Xue Qinghe and the Great Emperor Xue Ye smile.

   You must know that Yuexuan's share alone has 50 million gold soul coins. Then how many Heaven Dou Empire will he have.

   It’s just that after this technology was transferred to Xue Qinghe, even the Great Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire couldn’t let it be handed over to the royal family.

  The Heaven Dou Imperial Family is not an airtight wall. It would definitely be a blow to the imperial economy if the technology leaked out.

  For example, the Dou Empire royal family is left with two princes, Xue Qinghe and Xue Beng, and the little girl Xue Ke.

  Xue Qinghe also worshipped Ning Fengzhi as his teacher, and the main purpose was to get the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  Xue Beng is a dude, the second ancestor.

   Once Xue Beng came to Yue Xuan, saying that he was picking up his sister. As a result, it was wild in Yuexuan.

   was beaten by Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Jiuyang Zhenjing" has made Yun Xiaofeng practice the second level of perfection. But stuck.

   This question reminded him that he had not awakened his martial soul. But he has the soul power of the innate 20th rank. In addition, he is often carried out by his Yunyun wife to exercise.

   So for Xue Beng, the fourth prince who pretended to be or not, it was easy to beat him.

   This news was suppressed by Xue Qinghe.

  Emperor Xue Ye didn't say much, as long as his stupid son was not killed, he would be fine.

  Ning Fengzhi brought Bone Douluo to Yuexuan today.

   His purpose is very simple, that is, to buy the newly developed products by Young Master Yuexuan.

   A product that can make women in the entire Douluo continent go crazy. perfume.

   In more than a year! Yun Xiaofeng has studied many things.

   But the most lucrative thing should be the perfume.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, these are the two I want to introduce to you this time. The suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. They are also my teacher." Xue Qinghe paused after introducing Ning Fengzhi.

  Yun Xiaofeng looks elegant, personable and gentle. He was holding a waist-high crutch in his hand. The cane is set with a large diamond.

   A white robe makes his temperament more gentle.

   "Uncle Ning, hello." Although Yun Xiaofeng was not afraid of Ning Fengzhi. But in this year, his temperament has also become much more easy-going. suave.

   "Oh, Little Demon King Yuexuan. I didn't expect you to be so polite!" Ning Fengzhi said these words.

   Yun Xiaofeng glared at Xue Qinghe next to him.

   It must be that this guy has slandered his reputation outside.

  Xue Qinghe just smiled awkwardly and politely.

   "Sect Master Ning, please stop complimenting me. I heard that there is a little witch in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect who has beaten the entire sect without any defeat. I wonder if this is really the case!"

   Yun Xiaofeng said, the corners of Ning Fengzhi's mouth, including the old man with a particularly huge skeleton behind him, could not help but twitch.

   "Teacher, please take a seat! Brother Xiaofeng is very easy to get along with." The corners of Xue Qinghe's mouth almost crooked.

   Who doesn't know that Ning Fengzhi's precious daughter, Ning Rongrong, is a lawless existence in the entire sect.

"Sect Master Ning, please come in. Look at me. When you see the richest person in the world, you can't use your head. Don't take offense!" The richest sect in the world is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but The next richest person in the world must be the owner of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi.

  Ning Fengzhi could no longer regard Yun Xiaofeng as an ordinary child. Put away a bit of contempt.

  Yun Xiaofeng handed over two bottles of the perfume he had researched and put them on the table. He slowly pushed it in front of Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe.

   "His Royal Highness, Uncle Ning, how about you taste it." Yun Xiaofeng is a little over a meter away. It looks like the little face is still chubby. Very cute.

   It's no wonder that Xue Ke has been chasing him and pinching his cheek all these years.

   As for Bone Douluo, forget it!

   One elderly single dog.

   "Well, what do you say. My bottle is scented with orchid, and the scent is long and long. It's pretty good, I like it very much." After Xue Qinghe finished speaking, he looked at Ning Fengzhi.

   At this moment, Ning Fengzhi was intoxicated after smelling the perfume, as if he had seen a peerless beauty stripped naked.

   "Fengzhi." Bone Douluo poked Ning Fengzhi behind him to make him come back to his senses.

   "Ah, oh. I made a gaffe just now, I'm really sorry." Ning Fengzhi said embarrassedly and politely.

   "It doesn't matter, Uncle Ning. I want to make a deal with you based on the way these perfumes are made." After Yun Xiaofeng said, he took a sip of the tea brewed on the table.

   "How does the little devil want to trade!" Ning Fengzhi looked at Yun Xiaofeng with great interest.

   Hearing the title of Little Demon King, Yun Xiaofeng could not wait to take off Xue Qinghe's pants and spank her ass.

   "I will give you all the perfume production plan, but I will leave the jasmine fragrance perfume production plan. Including the perfume I will research in the future, I will also give it to Uncle Ning.

   At the same time, I only need one floor of sales. There is also the method of your sect's distraction control practice.

   That's all I want, I hope Uncle Ning can consider it. "After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he stopped talking.

   He needs to give Ning Fengzhi time to think,

   After all, the method of distraction control is the secret book of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  Xue Qinghe was on the side, she also wanted a production plan for this perfume, but she couldn't come up with anything that would satisfy Yun Xiaofeng.

   So she just watched Ning Fengzhi quietly. I hope Ning Fengzhi can successfully trade.

   As a result, Ning Fengzhi owed him a favor. That way her plan of stealing the country will be completed more smoothly.

  Ning Fengzhi's heart is: "It's very cost-effective, quite cost-effective. But I still have to make an expression that I've lost a lot of money."

   "Deal. Happy cooperation."

   "Pleasant cooperation." Soon Yun Xiaofeng walked to another cabinet in the living room and brought a box of documents to Ning Fengzhi.

   "Uncle Ning, this is the production plan for seventeen kinds of perfume." Yun Xiaofeng said.

  Ning Fengzhi also took out his method of distraction control from his storage soul tool, apparently prepared in advance.

   "Little Demon King, can you promise not to pass on the method of distraction control to others?" Ning Fengzhi didn't know if this request was excessive.

   "Don't worry! Uncle Ning, the method of distraction control cultivation, I will only cultivate for my own people! You can rest assured on this point."

  Suddenly, a very tyrannical momentum spread outside the Yuexuan.

   Bone Douluo behind Ning Fengzhi immediately released his aura to wrap everyone in the living room.

   It's just that Xue Qinghe was not feeling well when he saw the indifferent Yun Xiaofeng.

   This is so special, but Titled Douluo came to him.

   "Tang Yuehua, get out of here for this old man!"

   Titled Douluo's aura did not subside, and many people were forced to lie on the ground, unable to move.

   "Old man, you are courting death." A beautiful woman in a cyan dress came to the first floor in an instant.

   The title Douluo, who had released his aura outside Yuexuan Gate, was taken aback by the mere aura.

   "Wife Yunyun. Let's beat the disabled first." At this time, the people in the living room opened. A beautiful young man who was over one meter tall and dressed in brocade walked out.

   "The extreme wind, the death of death." Yun Yun let out a coquettish cry, but no spirit ring appeared under her feet, which indicated that it was her own spirit ability.

   The light cyan sword energy, with unparalleled momentum, seemed to tear the entire space where the sword energy passed.

   "The seventh spirit ability, Haotian avatar, Haotian body protection." Feeling the threat of death, the Titled Douluo who came to look for trouble had to use his life-saving stunt.

  A huge jet-black hammer with electric current creaked on it. The old man was wrapped in it in an instant.

   But it is useless for Yun Yun! Yun Yun's current combat power, let alone the Clear Sky Sect who just entered the Title Douluo. Even if Qiandao Liu came, he would not be able to obtain the slightest benefit.

   Just one sword energy penetrated the Titled Douluo who came looking for trouble.

Yes. Immediately destroyed.

  Bone Douluo, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe came out and saw this scene. The pupils widened instantly.

   They all knew that it was Clear Sky Sect's Titled Douluo who came to make trouble. But I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

   is not right,

   is not that the opponent is vulnerable.

   What a special cloud rhyme is too powerful.

   Indeed. A self-created soul skill that they thought was simple, instantly knocked out a Clear Sky Sect titled Douluo who had opened the Haotian avatar and opened the Haotian body protection at the same time.

   How could Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo Xue Qinghe not be shocked by such fighting power.

   "Seventh Elder, how are you?" Several members of the Clear Sky Sect also came with this Titled Douluo. Seeing the seven elders of their sect be beaten like a bird.

   hurriedly stepped forward to help.

   But Yun Yun doesn't care whether the Clear Sky Sect or the Clear Sky Sect,

   With a single stroke of sword energy, he crippled several Clear Sky Sect disciples. She didn't kill. It's because the little hooligan told her to only beat the disabled.

   Yun Xiaofeng has now arrived at Yuexuan kitchen.

  I changed my clothes by the way. Tang Yuehua's stockings were on her face. Only a pair of eyes were left outside.

   At this time, there were already many people gathered outside.

   But the token of His Royal Highness Xue Qinghe came out. The guards kept everyone out. Heed the order.

   At this time, a little kid with black stockings on his head. An axe in hand. Slowly walked out from Yue Xuan.

   Yunyun saw the stockings on the little hooligan's head. He cursed "shameless." He didn't say anything.

   picked up the axe and walked to several Clear Sky Sect disciples, as well as the seventh elder who came to make trouble.

   "You are called Tang Lieyang, right?" Yun Xiaofeng still remembers what the entire Clear Sky Sect did when they tried to force Tang Yuehua and Xingluo Empire to marry.

   Yun Xiaofeng can be said to hate this old man to the core.

   "Presumptuous, this is the seventh elder of our sect."

  A disciple of the Clear Sky School did his best to maintain Tang Lieyang's dignity.

   "Oh, is that so?" Yun Xiaofeng said lightly, picking up the axe in his hand and slashing at which disciple.

   In just an instant, any disciple was hacked to death.

   should not have been hacked.

   It should be more appropriate to say that he was crushed to death.

   Because at this moment the axe is still embedded in the head of which Clear Sky Sect disciple.

   But Yun Xiaofeng doesn't care about this, even though the scene is very violent and bloody.

   He stretched out his little feet. Stepping on the faces of the disciples of the Clear Sky Sect. He pulled out the axe that had been embedded in it.

   Seeing this scene, whether it was the Crown Prince, Xue Qinghe, or Ning Fengzhi, they all felt that this brat in silk stockings was too scary. Murder without a word. The important thing is that this kid is not yet six years old!

   "Tang Lieyang, old man, tell me what you want to do in Yuexuan." Yun Xiaofeng squatted down. He patted Tang Lieyang's face with his palm.

   Tang Lieyang gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

   "We came to Aunt Yuehua to ask for money." A half-crippled disciple of the Clear Sky School who was beaten answered Yun Xiaofeng's question.

   "Hehe, your Clear Sky Sect is really funny. Before your Clear Sky Sect closed the gate, my wife Yuehua gave you five million gold soul coins. At the same time, I announced that I had withdrawn from Clear Sky Sect.

   Now he is thinking of asking for money. face! The dignified and upright world's first sect is this kind of virtue, I really understand it.

   Just now, this young master just relied on your sentence, Aunt Yuehua, not to kill you. Go back and tell Tang Xiao, if anyone from the Clear Sky Sect dares to appear in Yuexuan, I will let my wife Yun Yun go to Clear Sky Sect to kill a piece of armor in person.

   Don't disbelieve this young master's words. This young master has always said and done it. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tang Lieyang, an old man. "What Yun Xiaofeng said made them not startled and shivered.

The    spirit ring did not appear, and with a simple move, Tang Lieyang, who had activated the seventh spirit ability of the titled Douluo-level Clear Sky Hammer, and then used the Haotian stunt Haotian body protection, became this bird.

  Tang Lieyang didn't speak, just looked at the disciple and nodded.

  The disciple shut up. Knowing that all this is irreversible, I just want to leave this place quickly.

   "Old man, do you still remember when my wife Yuehua took this young master to the Clear Sky Sect. You actually killed this young master.

   The dignified and upright Haotian Sect is shameless to the point of murdering a newborn baby. Your Clear Sky Sect's face is really big enough!

   Again, what are you here for today? To put it mildly, it is to ask for money. But you came here to release the momentum of your Titled Douluo. Is Titled Douluo amazing? It's also garbage in front of my Yunyun wife. What a big tail wolf.

  You hurt so many students in my Yuexuan, how should these losses be calculated? It is estimated that selling your Clear Sky Sect is not enough to accompany you. So you can only use your dog's life to compensate. "

   (end of this chapter)

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