Chapter 350

   "Death, what is my ninth test?" Bibi Dong asked in his heart.

  Because her eighth exam has been completed for one night, she has to be anxious. As long as she obtains the **** of death status, then in the future, she and Qian Renxue will never appear what Yun Xiaofeng said to her, that she died under the Asura sword, and Qian Renxue's divine personality was broken. However there was no response.

   "Bastard." Bibi Dong was very depressed. After the examination given to her by the God of Death, she was sure that Yun Xiaofeng was definitely the son of a big man in the God Realm.

"Xue'er, you have now returned to Wuhun City, and the position of the Pope of Wuhun Palace should be passed on to you. I will talk to your grandfather later, and you should inherit the foundation of this thousand families." Bibi Dong helped Qian Renxue, who was sitting on the stool, comb her blond hair.

   "Ah, but, but I haven't reached level 90 yet." Qian Renxue didn't know why Bibi Dong had passed the throne to her, but she knew very well that the former Bibi Dong was very eager for power.

   Now I don't know what's going on, Bibi Dong's whole person has changed since he obtained the God of Death test.

   became less eager for power, but this change made Qian Renxue very happy.

   For example, at the moment she is enjoying her mother combing her hair. This is a treatment that she has not enjoyed since the awakening of her martial spirit at the age of six.

"You stupid girl, you're already level eighty-ninth, how long will it be before you are titled Douluo, and with your current strength, you're not a match for a Super Douluo or below." Bibi Dong said at Qian Renxue He said angrily behind him.

   "Hehe, it's all thanks to my mother." Qian Renxue was very happy. After all, her soul power level soared to level 89 overnight. For her, this was something she had never dreamed of before.

   "No wonder Yun Xiaofeng asked me to go back to Wuhun City. Don't be the emperor of that Heaven Dou Empire. That's how it is." Qian Renxue remembered that Yun Xiaofeng had asked her to return to Wuhun City before, what kind of crown prince.

   "Let's go, accompany me to meet Yu Xiaogang." Bibi Dong helped Qian Renxue comb her blond hair, and then took her hand to the Pope's Hall in Wuhun City's Wuhun Temple.

   "Yes, yes."


   Spirit Hall, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, these two humming two generals. stand at the door.

  Yu Xiaogang was waiting for Bibi Dong in the hall.

   This time, Qiandaoliu didn't torture Yu Xiaogang.

   He couldn't control Bibi Dong's mood now.

   He only knew that he couldn't beat Bibi Dong now.

   Yu Xiaogang, who was standing uneasy, knew that he was able to see Bibi Dong today, and he was in a very good mood.

   After taking the Immortal Grade Herbs that Tang San brought out from the fake Ice and Fire Eyes, the skin that had changed color had recovered, not only him, but also the other Shrek Seven Monsters.

  This made him feel better.

  Qian Renxue appeared in the Pope's Hall holding Bibi Dong's jade hand.

   When Qian Renxue appeared, Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank slightly.

   Because he felt the undisguised killing intent in the eyes of the girl beside Bibi Dong.

   "Dong'er, long time no see." Yu Xiaogang said to Bibi Dong, who was slowly sitting on the Pope's throne, in a sad, long time no see tone and mood.

   "Be presumptuous. Kneel down." Qian Renxue wanted to kill Yu Xiaogang for a long time, but now in front of Bibi Dong, she didn't dare to make her own decisions.

With a    cry, Yu Xiaogang was instantly overwhelmed by Qianrenxue's spirit Douluo and knelt down on the marble-paved floor.

   "You should call the Pope His Majesty."

  Yu Xiaogang came back to his senses. At this moment, not only he and Bibi Dong, but also other people were in the Pope Hall.

   "Your Majesty the Pope." Yu Xiaogang knelt on the ground and addressed the incomparably noble and tranquil Bibi Dong on the Pope's seat.

   It's just that he saw that indifferent expression in Bibi Dong's eyes.

   "Could it be that Dong'er has moved away from love? Impossible." Yu Xiaogang thought to himself.

   "Tell me, what are you looking for in this seat?" Bibi Dong's incomparably indifferent voice said from her **** red lips.

   "Your Majesty the Pope, what I want to say is some top secrets." Yu Xiaogang meant to let Bibi Dong let the ghosts, chrysanthemums, and Qian Renxue evade.

   "No, tell her." Bibi Dong didn't believe that Yu Xiaogang had any good news to tell her. Even now, she hadn't even looked at Yu Xiaogang.

   Yu Xiaogang was unwilling, but after all, this is Bibi Dong's territory, and Bibi Dong didn't show him the kind of enthusiasm he had more than ten years ago.

   This made Yu Xiaogang a little confused.

   "Could it be that my Yu Xiaogang is no longer attractive." Yu Xiaogang also touched his decadent-looking face by the way.

   "Your Majesty, this matter concerns the safety of soul masters across the continent." Yu Xiaogang became extremely serious at this time.

   "Speak!" Bibi Dong sat on the Pope's chair, holding the two-meter-long scepter inlaid with gems, and leaning her elbow on the armrest of the Pope's chair with her other jade hand. The voice said to him lazily.

   "Your Majesty, it is well known that a spirit master's first spirit ring is over four hundred years old, the second spirit ring is over eight hundred years old, and the fourth spirit ring is over six thousand years old.

   And in this year's Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition, there are many teams whose fourth spirit rings have reached the ten thousand year level. What's more, Huo Wu, the vice-captain of Blazing Academy, had a spirit ring age of two yellow and two purple in the team competition.

   But when it came to the individual competition, it was already two yellows, one purple and two blacks. I suspect that she achieved it through an evil way of cultivation. I would like to ask His Holiness the Pope to investigate thoroughly. "Yu Xiaogang said righteously.

   Qian Renxue secretly said: "My dear, if I hadn't known that Huo Wu's spirit ring age was raised by that old snake skin of Yun Xiaofeng, I would have almost believed it."

   "Stop your father's bullshit, nonsense, nonsense!" Before Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue spoke, Chrysanthemum Pass felt uncomfortable. Because Hu Liena's fourth spirit ring color is also black.

   Isn't that so special that Hu Liena is an evil soul master.

  Evil Soul Master has appeared in Wuhun Hall, and this kind of problem has become serious.

The    Spirit Hall was the holy place for spirit masters in the whole continent, and it was also the organization that hit the evil spirit masters the hardest.

   If Hu Liena was classified as an evil soul master, then the face of such a special Wuhun Temple would be a slap in the face!

"Yu Xiaogang, do you know that what you said will be used as evidence in court, if what you said is false, you will be arrested in the prison of Wuhun Hall, you have to think carefully about it. "Bibi Dong said to Yu Xiaogang indifferently.

"Your Majesty the Pope, I, Yu Xiaogang, report to you on the basis of my reputation as the invincible master of theory in the whole continent. All the spirit masters whose fourth spirit ring is over ten thousand years old were obtained through evil means." Yu Xiaogang one With an upright and awe-inspiring attitude, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment.

  Bibi Dong: "So I'm the Evil Soul Master!"

   Qian Renxue: "Yun Xiaofeng, that old snake-skin woman is all an evil soul master!"

   (end of this chapter)

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