Chapter 348

  Tiandou Empire, Tiandou Imperial City, the gate of the city.

   Rows of luxurious carriages are ready.

  Xueke brought a group of ministers and came to see Yun Xiaofeng and others off.

"I hope that the Heaven Dou Empire can win the championship of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament this time. I hereby promise that the champion team that wins the Continent Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament will be rewarded by the Heaven Dou Imperial Family after returning to China. This thing is also recognized as the most precious thing in the soul master world." Xue Ke, wearing a crown, stood on the city wall, and said to all the participating teams below,

   "Tsk tsk, this stupid goose looks like that." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu next to Xueke, and the two of them winked at him.

   As for Blazing Academy, Huo Wu directly made them withdraw from the competition. Everyone in their team was almost frightened by Xiao Wu's 100,000-year spirit ring, and Huo Wu also told their team members an even more exciting news.

After   Xueke finished speaking, she heard the Shrek team shouting.

   "Your Majesty, rest assured, the champion must belong to our Shrek team." The Shrek Seven Devils, like Erha, greeted everyone's eyes as if they were idiots.

   "This group of idiots are sick, they want to win the championship even with zero points in their personal qualifying. It's a fool's dream."

   "That's the individual competition. Maybe Shrek's team has the ability in the team competition."

   "Have the ability to fart, just like their group of bears, they can win the championship of the elite competition of the advanced soul master academies in the whole continent. I am so special that I am eating upside down live broadcast, five pounds."

   "One thing to say, the Shrek team's results in the team competition are really amazing, they won all of them.

   But the result of the special individual qualifying match was a complete loss. I can be considered as serving this team, no matter how ugly people are, and they have such wonderful results. "

   A group of black fans from the Shrek team, standing not far away, muttered in a low voice.

   Many of the people present here are spirit masters, and they can hear them clearly, but they are none of their business, so they all hold back their laughter.

The   Shrek Seven Devils, they don't even have a teacher in charge of the team, there are only seven of them, and they look out of place.

   They heard the sermon, but what can they do? It’s not that they can only hold back.

   There are no tickets for the individual competitions of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament in the Tiandou Division.

But this did not prevent someone from holding the record crystal to record the detailed information and the battle situation. Although the value of the record crystal is a bit high, after the record crystal recorded the failures of Shrek team, it was sold and sold to those black fans. It's just how much money they buy.

   It is said that a black fan and another black fan auctioned the price of 100,000 gold soul coins at the time, and then lost.

   As for what Xueke said was the most precious thing in the spirit master world, it must be the spirit bone.

   No one could have imagined that Xue Ke had such audacity just after ascending the throne.

   In other words, the championship reward of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament, plus the reward from the Heaven Dou Empire Royal Family, will give you five spirit bones.

   All the contestants who are going to Wuhun City are very happy.

   Even though some of them are relatively weak, after passing the selection of the Heaven Dou Empire, all the academy students from the small academy who have qualified for the competition are extremely happy.

   As everyone prepares to get on the carriage and leave.

   "Little bastard, come with me, I'll tell you something." Tang Yuehua walked out of the crowd!

   Yun Xiaofeng heard Tang Yuehua's exclusive address. He took the initiative to step forward and hold Tang Yuehua's jade hand. The two walked aside.

   "Sister Yuehua has a private message to tell Xiaofeng! Let's get on the carriage and wait." Rou Anran said softly to the girls who were all waiting to get on the carriage!

   "Well, um," Xiao Wu was the first and most obedient. Obediently jumped into the carriage. At the same time, he also waved at Xue Ke on the city wall.

   On the other side, Yun Xiaofeng and Tang Yuehua walked to the side.

   "Wife Yuehua, do you have something on your mind?"

  Tang Yuehua didn't have any extra words, she smiled and put Yun Xiaofeng's hand on her lower abdomen.

   "Stomach discomfort? Or eating something unclean? But you shouldn't! You are already a Title Douluo. You shouldn't have any problems with your body!" The other hand clasped the back of his head.

  Tang Yuehua originally wanted to tell Yun Xiaofeng the truth. But Yun Xiaofeng's words almost didn't make her angry.

   God's stomach is uncomfortable.

   Finally thought about it, forget it, it is estimated that after Yun Xiaofeng and the others returned from Wuhun City. She doesn't need to remind her, as long as anyone with eyes can see it.

"This time, when you go to Wuhun City, be careful. You must not be in trouble, otherwise I will not be alive. Otherwise, you should bring Sister Yunyun with you! I'm worried that An Ran won't be able to protect you." Tang Yuehua was worried about Yun Xiaofeng safety,

"Don't worry about my safety, I can rest assured that Yun Yun stays by your side. Otherwise, if the great worshiper of Seagod Island comes to find trouble in person, I'm worried that she will be unreasonable!" Yun Xiaofeng would not let Tang Yuehua, The safety of Ma Xiaotao and others is threatened.

   "Did you forget, your eldest sister with great powers?" Yun Xiaofeng mentioned Wu Qingying's tiger girls, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "Okay, little bastard, remember to go home early. We are all in the palace waiting for you to bring everyone back!"


   The prosperous Wuhun City is full of people coming and going, a thriving scene. Even if it is already evening.

  Yu Xiaogang came to Wuhun City again alone, in order to ask the secret of Bibi Dong's twin spirits, and to ask Bibi Dong to avenge him.

   As soon as he entered the city, Qian Diliu in Wuhun Hall and Elder Hall noticed that Yu Xiaogang was here again.

   "Xue'er, that Yu Xiaogang came to Wuhun City to find your mother. Do you have any plans?" Qian Renxue stayed in the Heaven Dou Empire Yuexuan for a while, and then came to Wuhun City first.

   "I'm going to ask my mother, Yu Xiaogang is dead." Qian Renxue was the protagonist of Tang Ritian and Yu Xiaogang's recording of the crystal ball.

  She won't forget.

  Qian Renxue heard that Yu Xiaogang's **** actually came to find her mother again. Isn't Yu Xiaogang looking for death?

   But Qian Renxue has a better way to clean up Yu Xiaogang.

   Wuhun City, the Pope's Palace, in Bibi Dong's bedroom.

   Qian Renxue entered the room after knocking on the door.

   "Girl Xueer, what are you doing here?" Bibi Dong in the bathroom was taking a shower. Her precious daughter knocked on the door, and after she agreed, Qian Renxue walked into the room.

   Qian Renxue heard the sound of water bathing in the bathroom.

"Mom, grandpa told me that Yu Xiaogang's **** has come to Wuhun City again. I'm afraid he's here to find you again. I'll just let him evaporate." Qian Renxue sat in Bibi Dong's seat. On the bed in the bedroom.

"Did he come to ask about the training method of twin martial spirits? Is there a way to increase the age of the spirit rings? Forget it, if he comes tomorrow, you can accompany me to see you then." Bibi Dong is going to give Yu Xiaogang introduced Qian Renxue.

   She was already that old snakeskin of Yun Xiaofeng at this moment.

   She even had the intention to kill Yu Xiaogang that dog.

   She now deeply regrets why she was so blind in the first place. She fell in love with Yu Xiaogang and wanted to run away with him.

   After washing up in the bathroom, Bibi Dong put on a looser set of pajamas and walked out.

  Qian Renxue saw Bibi Dong coming out, so she got up immediately, took her mother to the bed, and the two mother and daughter were ready to talk.

   (Archangel Martial Spirit owner, how many years have passed, this emperor finally found a successor, hahahahaha.)

   A voice sounded in Qian Renxue's mind. It was a female voice, she had already confirmed it.

   "Who, who is talking." Qian Renxue suddenly became nervous. You must know that this is the Pope's Palace, and in her mother's room, someone dared to speak to her.

   "Xue'er, what's the matter with you?" Bibi Dong asked when she saw her daughter was nervous.

   "Mom, didn't you hear what someone said just now?" Qian Renxue was puzzled. Is it a sound transmission to enter the secret? But she didn't find anyone in her mental power at the moment.

   "Did someone speak? No. What's the matter?" Bibi Dong was nervous, for fear that someone would peep at him or something. Her powerful spiritual power spread out with her at the center in an instant.

   At this moment, Bibi Dong has passed the Seven Tests of the God of Death. Death's affinity has reached 80,

  Under the investigation of Bibi Dong's mental power, nothing abnormal was found.

   (Okay, the owner of the twelve-winged archangel Martial Spirit, this emperor is a god. If you are willing to accept this emperor's divine position, this emperor is willing to give you a divine test.)

   "The Angel God Test. Mom, my God Test is here." Qian Renxue hugged Bibi Dong excitedly.

"Forget about the angel test. With your current talent, at least the **** king's position is suitable for you." Bibi Dong didn't know who Qian Renxue got the **** position, but after hearing her daughter say the angel **** test, She was a little dissatisfied.

   The twelve-winged archangel spirit, this is already the existence of a super god-level spirit.

   (Oh my go, this woman actually got the **** position of that crazy **** of the **** of death. And look at the relationship between the two of you, this is so special.)

   (Don’t worry, this **** is the king of gods, the test taker, ready to complete your first test.)

   "No, I haven't agreed to accept it yet." Qian Renxue was stunned, she was forced to have such a special position.

   (Because Bibi Dong is a descendant of the **** of death, you cannot refuse the divine test of the god.)

   "Why I can't refuse!"

   (It’s nothing, the **** tester, the nine test of the archangel god, the first test.

  One: Kill the 100,000-year-old soul beast alone!

  2: Kiss the owner of the death legacy. Choose one of the two. Completing any of them counts as a success. The reward spirit power level is increased by one level, the age of the fourth spirit ring is increased to 100,000 years, and the affinity of the Archangel God is 10%. )

   The information about the divine test in his head made Qian Renxue a little confused.

   This is so special. Another stubborn god!

   (end of this chapter)

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