Chapter 346

  Tiandou Empire, inside the Tiandou Palace.

   After overtime maintenance at night, the Royal Family repaired the palace that was destroyed by Sword Douluo yesterday.

  The old man Xue Ye is now sitting on the throne.

"Because some unhappy things happened in the palace last night, everyone must be very clear about it. Prince Xue Qinghe was murdered by gangsters, but this thing was planned by the **** Xue Beng. Now the two princes are both has fallen. I am very sad.

   I am calling you here today to announce one thing.

  My daughter, Princess Xueke, all of them are excellent. So she will inherit the emperor's.... "Xue Ye's voice did not fall, someone opened his mouth to stop it.

   "Your Majesty, should we take a long-term view on this matter?" This person is a close associate of Prince Xue Xing.

  Prince Xue Xing never intended to be emperor, but Xue Ye's sons are all dead, so his chance will come.

  Xueye doesn't have a son, but he has, and there are many more.

   "Shut up." Xue Ye was interrupted when he was talking, which made him very uncomfortable. Especially when he saw the person who was speaking, his face instantly became not so good-looking.

"Big brother, I can adopt Xue Hai to you. He is eighteen years old now, so he can be a prince first. Then you will pass the throne to him in a few years." Xue Xing's suggestion was received. Some ministers' approval.

   But how could Xue Ye agree.

   "My will has been decided, Xue Ke is the next Heaven Dou Emperor and the first female emperor in the history of the Heaven Dou Empire." Xue Ye's words were like a final word.

   But how sinister Xue Xing and other old foxes are,

   In what they think is a little girl Xueke, can't they handle it?

   "My son, thank you." Xue Ke was wearing a light yellow robe today, looking extremely solemn.

   She knelt down on her knees and took the military talisman and jade seal handed over from old man Xue Ye.

   "Ke'er, the Heaven Dou Empire will be yours in the future. I hope you can develop the Heaven Dou Empire well. Don't let me down." Xue Ye smiled at this time.

   Xue Ye really can't do anything about this, this precious daughter is his most beloved child.

   "Father, please rest assured, Ke'er will definitely not be worse than the prince's elder brother." Because in Xue Ke's heart, her prince's elder brother is a more wise choice for the monarch, but it's a pity that some **** Xue Beng killed him.

   Even though Xue Beng has subdued the law now, the Titled Douluo who attacked Xue Qinghe has not yet been found.

   "My minister, I have seen Her Majesty the Empress."

   "My minister, I have seen Her Majesty the Empress."


   A group of old ministers are heartfelt people, whoever supported Xue Qinghe before also supported Xue Ke.

  There is no way, His Royal Highness has fallen, they can only help Empress Xueke, and Xueke has inherited the throne at this moment.

  Xueke got up and walked to the dragon chair. His hands were on the armrests of the chair.

   "Here, Motomiya announces several things.

  The first point, if anyone has evidence of someone who attacked my prince's brother, once confirmed, there will be a big reward.

   The second point, Yunlan Sect, Qibao Glazed Tile Sect, these two sects will be the protector sects of our Heaven Dou Empire.

  The third point, you have heard this clearly to Ben Gong. Ben Gong's husband, the little devil Yuexuan, will see him in the future as if he sees me, do you understand? "

   "In the future, if someone invades the Heaven Dou Empire, this sect master will make him regret coming to this world." The woman in azure robe and brocade, who was sitting beside Ning Fengzhi at the moment, wore a lavender veil. It's just that the murderous aura in her words is very strong. There were a lot of people present, but there were also soul masters.

   Yunyun was not polite, stood up from the stool and walked towards the center of the hall.

   Every time he took a step, a spirit ring would rise under Yun Yun's feet.

  Red, red, red, red...

   "Nine red spirit rings, that's so special." Sword Douluo's mentality almost exploded. He was known as the unparalleled Sword Douluo who attacked the entire continent, but he didn't have a single red spirit ring.

   Yunyun is already nine red spirit rings.

   Standing behind Ning Fengzhi and acting as a maid, Hai Mai Douluo, when she saw Yun Yun's cultivation and the color of her spirit ring, her heart exploded like a bomb.

   Such a powerful Title Douluo, their family's big offerings may not be able to beat them.

   So she expected Bo Saixi to be polite when she came.

   Yesterday, she was arranged to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, under the care of Ning Fengzhi.

  The Sea Girl Douluo saw Yun Xiaofeng's ferocity yesterday, how dare she have other thoughts, not to mention her spirit power is sealed.

   In addition to possessing the physique of a Titled Douluo, his soul power cannot be released at all. Fortunately, Ning Fengzhi did not treat her like a servant.

   Yunyun's nine hundred thousand year spirit rings were displayed, which instantly made Xue Xing and others shiver with fear.

   "The old minister understands."

   "The minister obeys the order." Everyone's heart was like a mirror. The Cloud Lantern Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect became the guardian sects of the Heaven Dou Empire. The strength of these two sects was so powerful that they existed above the sky.

   "If there is nothing important or urgent today, why don't you retreat." Xueke also wanted to ask Yun Xiaofeng how to manage a country.

  In the palace last night, Yun Xiaofeng used absolute benefits to let old man Xue Ye retire early. After retiring, he found a better place to live in seclusion in the mountains. At the same time, Yun Xiaofeng helped Xue Ye treat his body. It would not be a problem to live a healthy and healthy life for decades.

   Many ministers are aware that Empress Xueke just took over the throne today, and many things still need to be dealt with.

   So they all took three steps back wisely, then turned and left respectfully.

   "Ke'er, I hope that you will manage the Heaven Dou Empire well and make the entire empire prosperous and strong." After the many ministers left, the old man Xue Ye said to Xue Ke kindly.

   "Also, I hope you can bring the murderer to justice and condolences to the spirit of your prince and brother." The old man Xue Ye felt very sad.

He had only four sons in his life, some of them were very talented in cultivation, some were very powerful in politics, but both of them died unexpectedly. Originally thought it was Xue Qinghe, but now Xue Ye even suspects the most playful Xue Beng. is the murderer.

   It’s just that there’s no evidence of death now.

"Don't worry, Royal Father, Brother Xiaofeng has already started investigating this matter, and I believe there will be results soon." Xue Ke replied with a serious face, in fact, even if the old man Xue Ye didn't say anything, then Xue Ke The murderer will also be brought to justice.

"Sect Master Ning, Your Majesty Sword Douluo, Your Majesty Bone Douluo, Your Majesty Yun Yun, and Xiaofeng, I hope you will take good care of Ke'er for me in the future. You all know that I am now a child of Xue Ke." Xue Ye's words imply a request. At the same time, he felt that handing Xue Ke to Yun Xiaofeng was the best thing he had done in his life.

   "Old man, don't worry, the Heaven Dou Empire belongs to Xueke, I won't have any coveted heart, let alone I have no interest in power." Yun Xiaofeng said seriously at this time.

"Stinky boy, anyway, I'm also the father of Xueke, you ah you. Hey, but now, I can experience the life of an ordinary old man." The old man Xue Ye was so depressed by the old man Yun Xiaofeng. . Also very happy.

   "By the way, can you and Xueke's son be surnamed Xue in the future, so that he can inherit the family business of the Heaven Dou Empire." The old man Xue Ye said a serious topic.

   He wanted Yun Xiaofeng and Xueke's son to adopt Xueke's side, so that he could easily inherit the throne of Tiandou in the future.

   "Father, what are you talking about, are you ashamed?" Xue Ke was asked Xue Ye and Yun Xiaofeng to discuss the question of whose surname they would have when they had children in front of so many people.

   The originally fair face gradually turned rosy.

   "This is no problem, I will have eight children with Xue Ke in the future." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Xue Ke, who was sitting on the throne, blushed.

   God gave birth to eight.

  Ning Fengzhi held back his laughter, he felt very uncomfortable. He imagined that Xue Ke gave birth to eight, the picture was too beautiful for him to imagine.

   Let the Empress of Heaven Dou Empire give him eight births, which is probably what Yun Xiaofeng can think of.

   Yunyun has some doubts in her heart, does her family's Tong Yanghu have a bit of a grudge against the number eight?

   then shook her head with a faint smile, she was too lazy to think about it. It's all natural.

   (end of this chapter)

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