Chapter 338

   "The Eighteenth Slash of the Gale Demon Wolf, Tang San, you're done." Feng Xiaotian let out a long whistle, and the whole person's aura instantly soared.

   Hearing Feng Xiaotian's words, Tang San's whole face darkened with anger.

   Tang San's wrist was already cracked by the seventeenth slash.

   You must know that Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skill and the chaotic cloak hammer technique are similar in purpose.

   That is, a slash is stronger than a slash.

   "Xuanyu Hand," Tang San's hand holding the handle of the hammer turned ice-cold.

   Xuanyu Shou was a practice technique he secretly learned from the Xuantian Treasure Record of Tangmen in his previous life, but what Tang San didn't expect was that it could still be used on this Douluo Continent.

   "Bang." With a loud explosion, Tang San was slashed by Feng Xiaotian's Blast Demon Wolf 18 times and flew out.

  The Tang San who flew out was embedded in the wall again, the kind that couldn't be buckled.

"Stupid, I told you to pick it up, pick it up, I didn't expect that you would not take my updated Storm Demon Wolf Eighteen Slash to heart." Feng Xiaotian replied with a confident smile on his face. Tang San, who was embedded in the wall, mocked.

  Tang San was scolding mother at this moment. "What's the matter, I want to catch it too. What's the matter, you told me in advance that the final slash of your Eighteenth Slash of the Storm Demon Wolf is the sum of the other seventeen slashes." The corner of Tang San's mouth twitched. Bleeding out, he tilted his head and fainted.

   "Let's congratulate Kamikaze Academy for winning." Doudou hurriedly announced the result of the game.

The members of the    Yuzhi clan walked to the Shrek team and said to Yu Xiaogang with a smile: "Master, hello, do you need our clan's help?"

  Master Yu Xiaogang saw the appearance of the Golden Soul Coin in the eyes of the members of the Royal Family.

   But at this moment, he had no choice. For his beloved disciple, he definitely wanted to save him.

   Fortunately, the Avalanche Prince is still in the Shrek team lounge, and he has money.

   "Hurry up, this is Prince Xue Beng, and he will not give you money." Yu Xiaogang quickly pulled Xue Beng into the water.

   "Well, you guys go and detain Tang San from the wall. Be careful, don't cause him secondary damage." The Yuzhi family members were very kind, after all, their purpose was really to make money.

   Prince Xuebeng, when he heard that Yu Xiaogang directly dragged him to the Shrek team, he was not at all uncomfortable.

   "Since that's the case, then this prince will pay the Shrek team this amount. I don't know how much you charge?" Xue Beng just asked curiously, and he estimated that it was only a few hundred gold soul coins.

"Tang San is already in a coma. In order not to cause secondary damage to him, our clansmen must move very lightly. If you charge a fee, since you are the prince, I will give you a discount and charge you ten thousand gold souls. Coins." The members of the Yuzhi clan said loudly to the Xuebeng Prince Lion.

   "10,000 Gold Soul Coins?" Xue Beng thought that something was wrong with his ears.

   "Yes, Prince Xuebeng, is there a problem? Tang San has already brought him here, he hasn't been hurt twice." The members of the Yuzhi family carried Tang San to the Shrek team lounge on stretchers.

   It's just that Tang San is still in a coma at the moment.

   Xue Beng is the prince, but what kind of power does the Yuzhi family belong to? He can't afford Xue Beng.

   Yun Lanzong's special group of Titled Douluos, anyone who comes here can easily crush them to death.

  What can an avalanche do? You can only pay obediently.

After receiving the money, the members of the Royal Family left happily. After they got off work at the Soul Battle Arena, they had to repair the wall that was dented by Tang San. This is another salary.

   "Tsk tsk, this Shrek Academy is really rich. If they come back a few times, we'll be rich."

  Yu Xiaogang and the rest of the Shrek team turned green when they heard this.

   A few more times, he can guarantee that the Prince Avalanche will have to run away.


"Team Shrek has given up this round. In the next game, Blazing Academy will play against Tianshui Academy. Please prepare for the two academy students to come on stage." The host of Doudou held the microphone of the Soul Guidance Device and announced the result to everyone. .

   However, that day, Shui Binger from Shui Academy and Huo Wu from Blazing Academy boarded the Soul Fighting Stage and released the spirit ring.

   All the academy students, including the Botany Academy and the Alien Beast Academy, took a deep breath.

  The two women are extremely beautiful, one is the ultimate fire, the other is the ultimate ice.

   This gives all the audience the feeling of watching a special effects movie.

   "Huo Wu, what's wrong, the status of a maid can't satisfy you, but you are going to marry the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire." Shui Bing'er didn't know the truth of the matter, she thought that Huo Wu had turned bad.

   "Young Mistress, you won. You will know the truth later on this matter. Now is not the time to talk about this." Huo Wu said to Shui Bing'er through voice transmission.

  Shui Binger nodded.

   didn't say anything, anyway, the young lady Huo Wu was very useful to her.

  Shrek team Yu Xiaogang watched Tianshui Academy so fierce, and even Blazing Academy easily defeated. He knew very well that his father, Yu Yuanzhen, died in the hands of the dean of Tianshui College.

   But he had no choice. In addition, everyone in the Shrek team was injured, so it was simply not suitable for participating in the Soul Battle.

   He had thought about revenge, and even thought about asking Tang Ritian to help him avenge him, but he estimated that Tang Ritian could not defeat the ninety-eighth-level Shui Xianrou alone.

   Yu Xiaogang, who has always had expectations from Bidong, was always thinking in his heart.

   "As long as I get to Wuhun City, as long as I see Bibi Dong, then I will ask Bibi Dong to take action. In that case, don't take it too easy, Dong'er will definitely help me." Yu Xiaogang kept thinking about Bibi Dong.

   He even wanted Bibi Dong to report his father's hatred for him.

   "Tomorrow is the last day of qualifying. The Yunlan Academy team will play against the Shrek team. I hope everyone is prepared. Show your style and show your style."

  Doudou announced tomorrow's event, which made Rogue Rabbit very happy.

   Because she and Kitty want to beat Shrek's group of people, it's not a matter of a while.

  Xiao Wu, accompanied by Zhu Zhuqing, walked to the Shrek team's lounge.

After    knocked on the door, Prince Avalanche opened the door.

   "Uh, what's the matter with you?" Prince Xue Beng asked Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

   "Let's go." Xiao Wu pushed the door like a big sister from Notting City and walked into the Shrek team lounge with Zhu Zhuqing.

   "You bastards, remember this girl clearly. You're going to be beaten on stage tomorrow. Humph." After that, Xiao Wu left the Shrek team with Zhu Zhuqing.

   Zhu Zhuqing never said a word to Shrek team,

   As for Dai Mubai, she didn't even look at it.

   Because she is disdainful.

   Everyone in the Shrek team was completely stunned by Xiao Wu's operation.

   They all knew this girl, Tang San's dream lover.

   It's just that they never dreamed that the little dance would come to their Shrek team to challenge them.

   They all knew Tang San's age, so it meant that Xiao Wu wasn't very old.

  Twin martial spirits, Tang San, who was born full of spirit power, still got a huge opportunity to cultivate to the advanced spirit sect.

   As for Xiao Wu's provocation, their Shrek team scoffed.

   On the contrary, Dai Mubai's heart cooled a bit.

  My fiancée didn't say anything about breaking off the marriage, and even asked someone to rub my parents on the ground for a while.

   This is simply a great disgrace to Dai Mubai.

"Let me play first tomorrow. I'm already at the level of the Soul King now. I believe that the winning rate between me and Yunlan Academy's soul battle is still very high." Dai Mubai is confident. If he plays, then the Yunlan Academy team will definitely be Zhu Zhuqing will be sent to fight with him.

   If he wins Zhu Zhuqing himself, maybe he will make the other party change his mind and become his own martial soul fusion skill partner.

   Now that he has a martial soul fusion technology partner, with his current cultivation, he won't be afraid of that **** Davis,

   For the throne, he had not coveted it before, because he knew that he did not have that ability.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing appears, it suits his taste perfectly: "After I ascend the throne, I will make Zhu Zhuqing the queen, and then there is Davis' fiancee, that is, Zhu Qing's sister, tsk tsk, her figure But it's a little bit better than Zhu Zhuqing's figure." Dai Mubai had already begun to fall into a fantasy.

"Sexy tiger, what are you thinking? The saliva is pouring out. It's disgusting." Yu Tianheng said that he was not depressed. In two days, he was defeated by that stupid robe Yu Tianxin from Thunder Academy. He even quietly told him that he had been abandoned by Yu Xiaogang.

   When Yu Tianheng lost to Yu Tianxin, he realized the problem.

   Yu Tianxin also got a good chance.

  Otherwise, he is also a blue-dotted Tyrannosaurus Rex soul master, but he was promoted to Soul King by immortal grass color at what Tang San thought was Ice and Fire.

   But how did Yu Tianxin's silly robe break through so quickly. He Yu Tianheng said he did not understand.

   For Yu Tianheng disturbing his reverie, Dai Mubai looked at Yu Tianheng speechlessly.

   "My happiness, you don't understand." Dai Mubai's words made Ma Hongjun, who was sitting silently on the sofa, very unhappy.

   "Your happiness is to go to the hook, isn't it hard to understand?" Ma Hongjun's ruthless ridicule made Dai Mubai's face flush red.

   "Fatty, although what you're saying is the truth, can you give me some face?" Dai Mubai had the heart to beat someone.

   "It's just you, and you have to save face." Ma Hongjun said disdainfully.

   "Damn Fatty, you're going too far. At least I still have fun, but you don't." Dai Mubai's words deeply pierced Ma Hongjun's heart.

   Ma Hongjun still remembered that the first loss of his little Hongjun was caused by being abandoned by Tang San, Dai Mubai, Yu Tianheng, and Oscar.

  It was Tang San's fault for that incident at the time, nothing, he had to go to a murderer's house.

   The wretched five-member group provoked you to mess with you.

  Especially that Tang San, who is ready to kill.

   Now the fat man feels tired just thinking about it.

   (end of this chapter)

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