Chapter 333

  Xue Beng was in confinement for a period of time, and today the group of guards guarding him at the gate of the Fourth Prince’s mansion finally left.

   So Avalanche was relieved.

   Being locked in the mansion of the Fourth Prince all day without any freedom, and unable to go out.

   There are also some little palace maids in his house, and the quality is the same. It was all finished by him.

"Tsk tsk, this Shrek team really didn't disappoint me. It actually won the championship in the Heaven Dou Division. Besides, it happens to be the individual competition in two days. Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, why would they reject the empire's solicitation? If they accept the empire's solicitation, they can come to my house in the future. Does this Yu Xiaogang have other thoughts?" Xue Beng listened to his subordinate's report. I don't understand.

"It's just that when the individual competition comes, everyone in the Shrek team except the auxiliary spirit master can have the ability of a string of sevens. Tsk tsk, it's me Xue Beng for such a team, and then he wants to see Xue Qinghe. Is his face looking good? Haha." Xue Beng smiled like an idiot in his mansion room.

   "Go and prepare a carriage for this prince. This prince is going to Shrek team." Xue Beng, as a prince, must have a lot of men.

  Shrek Academy, as always depressed. The grass at the gate even grew half a meter high.

  When Tai Tan saw that his grandson's fifth spirit ring was purple, he left Shrek Academy with the members of the Power Clan, and went back to the family to strike iron.

   At this moment, Tang San and Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang were in Shrek Academy.

   As for the others, Tang Ritian took them to the Sunset Forest to help them obtain soul rings.

   This matter made Tang San very depressed, obviously his talent was the best, but he couldn't break through level 50.

   This led to him and Yu Xiaogang only weeding in Shrek Academy.

   "Little San, you can control several blue silver grass vines at the same time." Master Yu Xiaogang put the sickle in his hand aside.

   When did he do such a rough job, but the people of the power family didn't know what to do with planes, and they all returned to the family.

   "You can control two at most." Tang San answered Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang's words without thinking.

   "Then have you heard of the method of distraction control?" After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Tang San looked at his teacher with a curious look.

   "Could it be that my teacher wants to teach me something to do?" Tang San thought, but still just shook his head in the face of Yu Xiaogang's question.

Yu Xiaogang thought about it, and he could put on another wave: "The reason why the three upper sects are called the upper three sects is because there are not only the existence of Titled Douluo in the sect, but most importantly, they are all Each has its own secrets.

   For example, in my sect, there is the secret technique of dragon transformation, which is most suitable for the cultivation of dragon martial arts.

   The Clear Sky Sect of your family has the unique secrets of the Nine Masters of the Clear Sky.

  Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is an existence with the method of distraction control. This type of inheritance and heritage belongs to the sect. Ordinary outsiders will not let them learn. "The master carried his hands on his back and talked eloquently.

   "Since most outsiders won't let people learn it, why don't you talk to me about a hammer." Tang San was speechless, mowing the grass with a sickle in his hand.

   "Does that teacher want me to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to find Ning Zong's main distraction control method?" Tang San wanted to understand what Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang thought.

"Actually, these secret techniques of the sect are equivalent to self-created soul skills. If you can exchange the self-created soul skills you researched with it, maybe Ning Fengzhi will exchange it with you." The master's words made Tang San feel in his heart. A little angry.

  Tangmen, this is his foundation.

  Tangmen Gongfa is even more sympathetic to Tang San.

  If he jumped off a cliff and didn't die, was hung by a tree with a crooked neck, and then his soul crossed to the Douluo Continent,

   Now Tang San still doesn't know where he died.

"I'm sorry, teacher, my self-created soul skill was taught to me by an old grandfather in the cave, and I promised him that it would never be passed on." Tang San thought about it, his own purple devil pupil, a ghost Shadow fans, Xuanyushou, how precious are these Tangmen exercises.

   Let him and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School exchange distraction control methods, how is it possible.

After    finished speaking, Tang San didn't cut the grass any more, so he was about to become a gardener. He threw the scythe to the side as far as he could, and the use of hidden weapons was superb.

   The master Yu Xiaogang who was watching it secretly clicked his tongue.


  Prince Avalanche sat in a luxurious carriage and was about to leave the city to go to Shrek Academy to see what was going on and to discuss the countermeasures after that.

   But as soon as he reached the gate of the city, he was stopped.

   "Prince Xue Beng, you have been restricted from leaving the country by Emperor Xue Ye, please don't make it difficult for me to wait." The soldiers guarding the city bowed to Xue Beng, and then stopped talking.

  God is very restricted from leaving the country, no matter what, I am also the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and I am not going abroad.

  Xue Beng could only scolded inwardly "Bastard", then he could only turn the carriage around silently and go home.

   Now he really doesn't dare to disobey old man Xue Ye's orders.

   Being locked up in confinement is not a good feeling.


   Sunset Forest.

   It's not too simple to help the other five Shrek Devils find spirit rings.

   With Tang Ritian's ability, the 95th-level Title Douluo is powerful. It took five days to find the fifth spirit rings of Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Yu Tianheng, and Oslo.

   And it's all black.

  Talon also followed Tang Ritian to Sunset Forest.

   When he saw that his spirit ring was purple and the other five were black, he was obviously upset, but he didn't dare to show it.

   "It seems that I will have a good chat with my grandfather after I go back this time." Tailong thought unwillingly in the center of his heart.

  I can’t even think about it,

  Their power clan was abandoned by the ruthless Clear Sky Sect in order to follow Tang Ritian. Although they said that the clan had no losses, they were also targeted by the Spirit Hall. At least the clan couldn't go to the Spirit Hall to receive the Soul Master subsidy.

   And he didn't expect that after Tang Ritian came back, their power family chose to continue to follow.

   Then he, Tailong, didn't think that Tang Ritian took him to hunt for spirit rings, but chose a spirit beast that was less than ten thousand years old for him as his fifth spirit ring.

   This matter not only has a thorn in Taitan's heart, but Tailong, as the young patriarch of the Power Clan, is also the heir of the Power Clan who has the most hope to surpass the Titans, but he was so alive that Tang Ritian took him away.


In the   yuexuan, Yun Xiaofeng is playing the piano.

  The sound of the piano is elegant and tactful. It makes people feel very comfortable, it can make people calm down, and it can make people feel at peace.

   "Ah~~~ Wuhuan, you have one more ring than Sihuan. Damn, wait, you sang it wrong."

   (end of this chapter)

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