Chapter 327

   Didn't get the effect of making the Blue Silver Grass ice and fire free from both attributes. Even if Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit had the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor, it was still rubbish.

   "Fatty, it's your turn to act." As the captain, Tang San met his nemesis for the first time.

   So he had to let Ma Hongjun release his turkey spirit. Fight fire with each other.

   "The third soul skill, Phoenix Wing Sky Soaring. The second soul skill is the phoenix in flames." The fat man with the same height and width, with a round body, stretched out a pair of wings made of flames behind him and flew into the air.

   "The fourth soul skill, Phoenix Little Frog." That's right, it's the Little Frog.

   A turkey-like flame appeared from the fat man, and flew rapidly towards the team of the Blazing Academy.

   This is Ma Hongjun's group attack damage soul skill, a group damage effect. And the range is huge.

   "Brother, dodge. The third spirit ability, resist the ring of fire." Huo Wu wanted to use her third spirit ability to bounce Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Little Frog away.

   But that flame was an energy body, resisting the ring of fire, and deflected Ma Hongjun's whole body out of the Great Dou Soul Platform.

   did not bounce Ma Hongjun's spirit ability.

   Fire dance is eager to save brother. He and Huo Wushuang resisted this wave of damage together.

  Phoenix Xiaotianji exploded among the seven people in Blazing Academy.

   A loud bang.

  The entire Great Dou Soul Platform was covered in ashes.

  Huo Wu has short fiery red hair and dances wildly in the wind.

   "Bastards, Shrek team, you bastards." Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth angrily in the stands.

   Because he saw it, Huo Wu's situation was not good.

   After all, he was definitely not feeling well after receiving the fourth spirit ability that was blessed by that dead fat man's second spirit ability.

   "Pfft." Huo Wu spat out a mouthful of blood.

   She didn't expect that the fourth spirit ability of that dead fat man from Shrek team was so powerful.

   But what she didn't expect was that at this moment she saw Tang San's eyes flashing purple.

  Her head was hit hard with a hammer.


   "Sister Huo Wu." Feng Xiaotian could only be anxious in the stands.

   "Feng Xiaotian, this is a game, it's normal to be injured, okay, you care so much about others, they may not appreciate it." Yu Tianxin, a silly robe, said to Feng Xiaotian.

   But he didn't taunt.

   Because even if he is the Soul King now, if they meet Shrek in a team match, they still won't get any benefit from the Thunder Academy.

   But if it's an individual match, he can slap the **** out of Shrek Academy.

   "You bastards." Huo Wushuang hurriedly supported his sister. He was heartbroken to death at the moment.

   "The Blazing Academy admits defeat." No matter how unwilling he was, Huo Wushuang had to admit defeat, because his sister's condition was really bad at the moment.


   "This Huo Wu's spirit is quite interesting." Yun Xiaofeng sat on the sofa in the lounge of the Tianshui College team, and looked at Huo Wu's spirit on the Great Fighting Spirit Platform and thought it was quite interesting.

   "Huo Wu's spirit does not belong to weapon spirit, nor beast spirit, it should be the result of mutation."

   "Actually, you want to say that Huo Wu is quite interesting, che, that's what you think." Xue Wu seemed to see through the nature of Yun Xiaofeng's old snake skin.

   "The main body Martial Spirit is really good. It's just that Yue'er and I will go to the lounge of Blazing Academy with me." Watching Blazing Academy being defeated by Shrek Academy in a devastating way.

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't want to say anything. However, the Shrek team was obviously preparing to seriously injure a few people, so that the other teams should think clearly. If they wanted to play against their Shrek team, they had to consider the issue of serious injuries. It's downright despicable.

At the same time, it reminded Yun Xiaofeng of the original book, Huo Wu, for the honor of the academy, to prevent Tang San from hitting them with a string of sevens. After fusion, he used the fourth spirit ability, Huo Wu Yaoyang, but was pulled over by Tang San to resist damage. . Then he pretended to save Huo Wu and lied to Huo Wu's first kiss.

   This is just a game.

  Tang San can do such shameless behavior. It simply refreshed Yun Xiaofeng's three views.


  The lounge of the Blazing Academy team.

   Huo Wu lay on the sofa and closed her eyes, she was in a state of confusion at the moment.

   Not to mention being hurt by Fatty Fatty's spirit ability, but also his mental power was hurt by Tang San's Purple Demon Eye.

  Fortunately, Tang San's Purple Demon Eye didn't cultivate to the medium realm, otherwise Huo Wu would become an idiot.

   "Sister Huo Wu, how are you?" Feng Xiaotian came to the lounge of Chi Huo Academy immediately, and he really cared about Huo Wu.

   But Huo Wu, who was lying on the sofa, still closed her eyes.

   She has already blocked the sound of the outside world.

   The mental power in her mind is slowly recovering, if something goes wrong. She could really be an idiot.

   "Feng Xiaotian, be quiet, otherwise don't blame me for driving you out." Huo Wushuang didn't give Feng Xiaotian a good face.

   This guy often goes to Blazing Academy, and then he is caught and thrown out of the academy gate.

   "Team Shrek, I remember Feng Xiaotian, it's just one game, but Huo Wu's sister was hurt so badly. A bunch of bastards." Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth.

   "I have some bad news to tell you. You have to be mentally prepared." The Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition naturally has doctors.

   Accurately speaking, it is a healing spirit master.

   Everyone in the room, including Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian, fell silent.

   At this moment, you could hear a needle falling in the room of the Blazing Academy team.

   all held their breaths, wondering what the bad news was.

   "Huo Wu may never be able to break through level 45. Her meridians were interrupted for some unknown reason. At the same time, her head was also seriously injured. Whether she can wake up depends on her fortune."

   The doctor's voice fell.

   "Team Shrek, I killed you guys." Feng Xiaotian roared and rushed out of the room of the Blazing Academy team. He was going to find the Shrek team.

   It's just a game, why do you have to be so ruthless?

   "Sister, is there no other way?" Huo Wushuang knew that if Huo Wu had the temperament, even if she woke up, she knew that she could only be stuck at level 44 forever.

   Such a result is definitely unacceptable for Huo Wu.

"Now I can only look for Haitang Douluo for help. There may be a glimmer of hope. After all, she is already a titled Douluo-level healing spirit master. Maybe she can be cured." Showing adoration.

   But Huo Wushuang has nothing to do with Haitang Douluo at all. After all, he is a titled Douluo. Could it be that he can invite him if he invites him?


  Shrek team lounge.

   "Boom", the door was smashed to pieces.

   "Team Shrek, you bastards. It's only one game, why do you have to be so cruel?" Feng Xiaotian rushed in, as if he would strike if he disagreed.

   "Feng Xiaotian, you know, this is a competition. Besides, I already saved her life, what else do you want."

   Tang San's words made Feng Xiaotian instantly understand.

   It turned out that Tang San's purple eyes were a mental attack skill when he was on the Great Soul Fighting Stage.

   "It turned out to be your bastard. Very well, I remember it, Tang San, right? I hope you can face my next revenge."

   Feng Xiaotian scolded and left,

   He wanted to defeat Tang San in an upright manner on the Battle Soul Stage.

   And at the same time, Tang San was seriously injured. Abolish him.

   This is justified, even if there is someone behind Tang San, he still can't shoot him.

   (end of this chapter)

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