Chapter 321

  Tiandou Imperial City, outside the city, outside a forest.

  Dai Mubai walked here in a daze.

   When Dai Mubai found out that he was not in the hook bar, but in the woods, his soul was scared away.

   "Who are you? Come out." Two yellow, two purple, four spirit rings rose from under Dai Mubai's feet, rhythmically surrounding his tiger body.

   At the same time, he looked around with great vigilance.

   "It's you, the leader of the Canghui Academy. Why did you bring me here?" Dai Mubai asked an idiot question when he saw Shi Nian's figure.

   "Second spirit ability. The white tiger arrays light waves." A beam of light protruded from Dai Mubai's tiger mouth and sprayed towards Shi Nian.

   But the light beam passed through the body without causing any harm to Shi Nian's body.

   "Hehe, genius, my favorite thing in my life is to hunt geniuses." Shi Nian said with a drowning smile.

   This laughter made Dai Mubai feel like he was in an ice cellar.

   Now that he is outside the Heaven Dou Imperial City, he has no idea how he got here. He only knew that he was clearly heading in the direction of Goulan.

"I have to say, Dai Mubai, you are indeed a genius. You reached the advanced soul sect at a young age, and almost broke through to the level of a soul king. But the reason why a genius becomes a genius is because he can grow up. And I My only hobby is to hunt geniuses like you." Shi Nian smiled grimly.

   He originally planned to attack Tang San, but Tang San didn't come out, so he had to attack Dai Mubai first.

  Canghui Academy was a team that was going to take it to Wuhun City to win the championship and win that 100,000-year-old soul bone.

   is now directly destroyed by the Shrek team.

   He could not be angry at that time.

"Seventh spirit ability, Nightmare Avatar." Shi Nian leaned against a tree and released his Spirit Avatar on Dai Mubai, he could see what Dai Mubai saw in his illusion. Let Dai Mubai die in fear.

   "Dai Mubai, you rubbish, originally your talent was so good, but you were trained by Tang Ritian to become a **** who can only break through to the seventy-ninth level for life."

   "Brother Mubai, tsk tsk, what's up, how can you fight me without a partner with martial soul fusion skills. It doesn't matter even if your soul power is high, you can't beat my ghost white tiger."

   In Dai Mubai's dream, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's spirit fusion skill, the Nether White Tiger, slapped him on the ground with his front paws, and looked at him with contempt.

   Such scenes appeared in Dai Mubai's mind.

  Dai Mubai had a grim expression, but with his eyes closed, he fell to the ground and fell asleep, as if he had dreamed of something quite frightening, making him in the dream a little breathless.

   He wanted to call for help, but he couldn't. He wanted to beg for mercy. Also no sound.

  Dai Mubai fell into a terrifying reincarnation in the dream.

   His martial spirit was abolished by his brother, and he was thrown into the spirit beast forest, where he was bitten to death by the spirit beasts inside. Then eat it.

   This is the dream created for Dai Mubai in those years.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that you are still the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, and you are still related to Tang Ritian, not bad. Such a genius has been trained as a waste by Tang Ritian. You can't break through the seventy-ninth level in your life. Tsk tsk is really interesting. Ah. I just don't know if your emperor, Lao Tzu, will attack the Clear Sky Sect after knowing that you have been tricked by Tang Ritian." Shi Nian leaned against the tree trunk and smiled, his smile extremely permeating.

   "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the dean of Canghui College would actually attack a junior." A cold female voice directly scared Shi Nian into a clever one.

   However, when Nian wanted to turn around, he couldn't.


   "This Mubai is too out of touch, I haven't come back so late, there is still a match tomorrow." Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang stood at the gate of Shrek Academy with his arms on his back, pacing back and forth.

   Their Shrek team has only seven people, and there is no substitute, yes, not even a substitute. If there is a lack of people, the Shrek team will be considered abstained. Even the top six are considered abstentions.

   You must know the combat power displayed by the Shrek team today. If it wasn't for the entire Soul Sect team, no one would dare to fight against it.

   But if you know there are few people in Shrek Academy, Nat is simply a matter of lying and winning.

   In the middle of the night, Dai Mubai stumbled into Shrek Academy.

   "Mubai, what happened." After Dai Mubai returned to the academy, after entering the dormitory, he hid on the bed and shivered.

   After he woke up in the grove on the outskirts of Tiandou Imperial City, he saw Shi Nian.

   To be precise, it is the corpse of the year.

   A corpse with its head separated.

   He was scared to pee.

   To deal with him all the time is damn.

   But the man who killed Shi Nian was a devil, he actually tied Shi Nian's body with him.

   After waking up from a nightmare, he was frightened and fainted again when he saw this scene.

   A corpse without a head appears in front of you the first moment you wake up, and asks if you are afraid.

   Anyway, Dai Mubai was frightened.

  The rest of Shrek's team saw that Dai Mubai's situation was not right, and hurriedly pulled Dai Mubai and asked.

  Oslo handed Dai Mubai a cup of hot water.

  Dai Mubai took the water cup, which trembled uncontrollably in Dai Mubai's hand.

   "Dai Tiger, what happened?" Ma Hongjun wondered, who frightened Dai Mubai like this.

"The Dean of Canghui College, Shi Nian. Do you know? He wanted to kill me, but he died later, I don't know who killed him. He, he used his seventh soul skill on me. Let me keep In a nightmare." Dai Mubai said tremblingly what was going on.

   "Looks like what the teacher said is right, this man is sure to report back." After hearing Dai Mubai's words, Tang San immediately understood. It should be that they crippled Canghui Academy today, so what happened to Dai Mubai should be the revenge of those years.

"Daihu, be honest recently, don't be alone. If everyone is with the third brother, there will be His Majesty Haotian secretly guarding, so we will be absolutely safe." Ma Hongjun was still quite afraid of death, so he said Persuade to Dai Mubai.

   "I see. Recently, I've been more honest, and I don't go out anymore." Dai Mubai felt that it was better to be honest. Otherwise, if there is a big problem, then the small life will be over.


  In the spacious room, a cold woman was sitting at the table, drinking tea gracefully holding tea in her right hand,

   There is a crystal clear skeleton on the table, and this skeleton fell out of Shi Nian's head. The head soul bone of the gem illusion.

"It's kind of interesting, to be able to know that Shi Nian has a head spirit bone, and this spirit bone was the one that was lost by the auction house of the Heaven Dou Empire. I didn't expect a small Shi Nian to have such a big guts. "There was a faint smile on the face of the woman with a cold face.

   "Gret." The woman retched, but didn't care.

   (end of this chapter)

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