Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 32: Yun Xiaofeng was struck by lightning

   Chapter 32 Yun Xiaofeng was struck by lightning

  【Dog host, you are a real dog, you fooled the kitten into the same bed so quickly. 】

   "No, System, don't wrong me, okay?"

【Have it? 】

   "Didn't you find out that I am their power bank?"

   Yun Xiaofeng and Xiao Wu slept on the bed, but Zhu Zhuqing was shy after all, so he chose to sleep on the sofa after getting to know each other soon.

   Ke Yun Xiaofeng's Blue Silver Emperor Domain is really not a vegetarian.

   After falling asleep, Zhu Zhuqing unconsciously moved to the bed in his sleep and slept with Yun Xiaofeng.

  【Whatever you say, the dog host has already won the title of shameless. 】

   "It doesn't make sense!"

【hehe. With Ben Gong, no, and with this system, who will give you the courage. Prepare to face the wind! 】

   "No, I didn't scold you."

  【This system is in a good mood and wants to clean up you. 】

   "I'm so bad, you're in a good mood to clean up me. What's the point."

   [In view of the shameless title of the dog host, I will reward the mad thunder and Tianwei. 】

   "I'm so special."

   "Little dance, kitty, get out of the way."

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't have time to think about it.

   Two feet, respectively, kicked on the buttocks of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

  The two were in a sleeping state, and were kicked out of bed by Yun Xiaofeng.

   Xiao Wu is still dreaming. In a dream, Yun Xiaofeng found a lot of delicious carrots for her.

   But who knew that she was kicked out of bed before she could speak. Her carrot dream was over before it even started.

   Zhu Zhuqing's state is similar to that of Xiao Wu, but at this moment she is very confused, isn't she sleeping on the sofa? Now she was kicked out of bed, her whole head was buzzing,

   However, when Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing fixed their eyes on Yun Xiaofeng who was rolling on the bed. The whole rabbit is not well.

   On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing's situation is similar.

   Seeing Yun Xiaofeng on the bed, the whole cat is not well.

  Xiao Wu saw that Zhu Zhuqing wanted to reach out to Yun Xiaofeng who was rolling on the bed.

   A teleport to Zhu Zhuqing's side. stop it.

   "Don't move. Otherwise, you will be in danger." Although Xiao Wu had never seen Yun Xiaofeng in such a tragic state. But the thunder element energy around Yun Xiaofeng is very unusual.

   If Zhu Zhuqing passed by, he might be electrocuted and not even ashes would be left!

   "Xiao Wu, you and Kitty are hiding in the Vast Sea Universe Cover. Quick." Yun Xiaofeng hurriedly asked the two of them to hide inside the Vast Sea Universe Cover first. It's safer that way.

   Xiao Wu said nothing, and directly activated the Hanhai Universe Cover.

   Zhu Zhuqing was also shrouded in.

   This is a triangular sea blue crystal.

  Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were enveloped inside.

   Kittens and rabbits can see what's going on outside through the navy blue transparent light curtain.

   Both of them looked at Yun Xiaofeng who was constantly tumbling in pain on the bed.

   "Sister Wu, what's the matter with him?" Kitty had never seen it before. Although Yun Xiaofeng was electrocuted once before.

   But the power this time is something that everyone can sense. . Much stronger than before.

   "Uh, it seems that there are too many thunder elements in his body! But it should be fine." Although Xiao Wu was a little worried. However, there is still no concern for the safety of Yun Xiaofeng's life.

   Because of this situation she has been through many times.

   Often inexplicably kicked her out of bed!

   Then she slept in the vast sea universe cover all night.

  The next day, all the furniture in the villa turned to ashes.

   "I'm so sleepy! I'll continue to sleep. Xiaoqing, let's sleep together too! Remember, the thunder and lightning are not over yet, don't step out of the Vast Sea Universe Cover!"

   Xiao Wu reminded Zhu Zhuqing,

   She was afraid that she would fall asleep later. It's not good for a kitten to run out alone and be turned into ashes by electricity.

  Xiao Wu looked a little careless. She looked at the kitten with a frown. She felt that Xiao Wu's heart was too big.

   The space inside the Hanhai Universe Cover is quite large.

  Xiao Wu spreads the blanket. Then he took out the quilt from the soul tool. Soon he lay down by himself, leaving Zhu Zhuqing alone.

   Xiao Wu's worry is useless. She knows it too. Such lightning is only good for Yun Xiaofeng.

   The only downside is that the skin is charred.

   But just take a shower.

   And Xiao Wu has long been accustomed to this situation.

   Zhu Zhuqing was watching Yun Xiaofeng who was rolling on the bed.

   How painful this is.

   No wonder Zhu Zhuyun and the others were frightened by one move.

   This kind of exercise is really amazing!

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't know when the thunder and lightning that this system punished him would come.

   But now Yun Xiaofeng on the bed is not rolling.

   Sitting cross-legged on the bed, ready to meet that mad thunder.

   Yun Xiaofeng has been insisting.

   After half a column of incense.

   "Master System, I'm ready."

  【Oh, I forgot just now, come on, face the wind! Crazy Thunder Tianwei. 】

   "System, you are a serious system!"

   Yun Xiaofeng said with gritted teeth at this moment.

   I'm almost killed by the thunder element in front of you.

   Suddenly you told me that you forgot.

  You forgot, you said it earlier!

   "Split." A loud noise. Lightning as thick as a bucket. It exploded directly on Yun Xiaofeng.

  Zhu Zhuqing is inside the Qiankun cover of the vast sea, which can isolate the sound of the outside world.

   But the moment she saw Yunxiaofeng Power, her heart raised her throat.

   is too scary for cats.

   The lightning as thick as a bucket directly turned Yun Xiaofeng's clothes and everything in the whole room into ashes.

   In addition to the sleeping Zhengxiang of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, who was in a dazed state.

   Inside the room. Yun Xiaofeng sat cross-legged on the floor.

   The bed he was sitting on had now turned to ashes.

   And his long hair. He was also electrocuted and stood up.

   was naked. But it was really pitch black.

   His eyes are dull.

   Mouth opened, teeth blackened by electricity.

   Smoke was still coming out of his mouth.

   And the flash of lightning just now made Zhu Zhuqing see Yun Xiaofeng's bones. It can be seen how strong the electric shock Yun Xiaofeng suffered.

  Dai Mubai, who was attacking the city with two other women in the hotel.

   That loud noise just now.

   made him startled instantly.

   and hugged the woman under him tightly.

   "Dai Shao. Dai Shao, what's the matter with you?" The two women were quite frightened by this scene.

   "It's alright, let me take it easy, who the **** is doing things!" Dai Mubai was frightened and put away his little Mubai.

  There is a Soul Emperor in the city of Tuo who is breaking through level 70. The momentary breakthrough was frightened by the huge thunder and failed.

   instantly wanted to yell.

   But I can't find someone to blame!

   This Soul Emperor felt so wronged,

   "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, wake up." In the room of the Rose Hotel. Yun Xiaofeng was still sitting cross-legged on the floor.

   There was still black smoke coming out of his mouth,

   System Uncle's Crazy Thunder Tianwei is too powerful.

   His bones are now shattered by electricity.

   Ah Yin's spirit bone skill treatment began to slowly repair his body.

   Plus he is naked at the moment,

  What a terrible word.

   "Yeah, what's wrong with him?" After Xiao Wu was awakened by Zhu Zhuqing from the hood of the vast sea, she saw Yun Xiaofeng's state a little confused.

   It was pitch black, smoking, and naked.

  Xiao Wu saw that the furniture around her had turned to ashes. This is relieved. I patted my small **** that are not very full.

   The equipment she put in the Vast Sea Universe Cover received the Soul Guidance Device.

   put away the Hanhai Universe Cover.

   Zhu Zhuqing rushed in front of Yun Xiaofeng immediately.

   "Are you alright!" The kitty's concern made Yun Xiaofeng really useful,

   Unlike the rogue rabbit, he lives heartlessly.

   "Well," Yun Xiaofeng nodded. He was a little depressed at the moment, Zhu Zhuqing was in front of him now, that means his body has already been seen by him.

   Zhu Zhuqing saw Yun Xiaofeng's embarrassment, but she didn't care, as long as one of the two was embarrassed, the other would not be embarrassed.

   "Xiao Wu, come and get me into the tub." Yun Xiaofeng ordered Xiao Wu to her child bride.

   "Zhuqing, come and help." Xiao Wu walked to Yun Xiaofeng's side and supported Yun Xiaofeng's body.

   The other side also needs someone to help.

   So Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu worked together and carried Yun Xiaofeng into the tub.

   "Little cat. You have seen my body, you have to be responsible for me!" When Yun Xiaofeng was carried by Xiao Wu and the little cat and put them in the tub.

   Zhu Zhuqing turned around and left.

   She felt herself blushing.

   Then she heard something even more absurd.

   "Little cat, you've seen all my body, you have to be responsible for me." Zhu Zhuqing felt depressed the moment he heard this,

  Listen, this is such a human word.

  The old lady is willing to see your body!


   Although angry, it was funny.

   "You are dreaming! It's not enough to have Xiao Wu!" Zhu Zhuqing just finished speaking.

  Xiao Wu began to say: "Sister Xiaoqing, you are wrong, he also has a wife Yuehua, and a wife Yunyun. And there seems to be a big wife who doesn't know who it is."

   "Xiao Wu should be four wives! Hee hee."

   Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at Xiao Wu after hearing what Xiao Wu said.

   If it weren't for Xiao Wu, it would be normal at other times.

  Zhu Zhuqing will definitely take Xiao Wu as a silly rabbit.

   This guy is actually willing to be the fourth wife. What was she thinking.

   "Little cat, you've seen all my body, you have to be responsible for me." Yun Xiaofeng began to lie in the tub again and enjoy Xiao Wu to help him clean up the part that was hacked by electricity.

   said with his back to Zhu Zhuqing who was standing at the bathroom door and did not go out.

   "Haha, you are dreaming." Zhu Zhuqing sneered. She wouldn't be responsible for her just because she saw all of her body. This is a little ridiculous.

   "Oh, that's right! But weren't you on the sofa when Xiao Wu and I were sleeping? Why did you suddenly appear on our bed!"

   "Whoever appeared on the bed, don't talk nonsense." Zhu Zhuqing was still in a state of confusion!

  God knows how she got there.

   "It seems so, otherwise, how could little sister Xiaoqing be in the room!" Zhu Zhuqing was stunned by Xiao Wu's question.


   (end of this chapter)

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