Chapter 314

  Tiandou Imperial Palace, outside the residence of His Royal Highness the Prince.

  Ma Hongjun followed behind Xue Beng, with a pair of small eyes, if it wasn't for him and Prince Xue Beng, he would have been caught by the guards on the spot.

   "I'm here to see my eldest brother, go and report it."

  Xue Beng took out his prince token and said to the security guard of the Prince's Mansion.

  The security guard of the Prince’s Mansion naturally knew Prince Xuebeng.

   "His Royal Highness the Prince is not in the mansion. Today, His Majesty Xue Ye asked His Highness to go down to handle government affairs."

   The security guard explained that His Royal Highness the Prince was not in the mansion, and the meaning was obvious, that is, let Xue Beng go back there.

   "Then I'll find the Crown Princess." If Xue Beng didn't bring Ma Hongjun with him at this moment, he would definitely turn around and leave, but with Ma Hongjun all the way, he would definitely show his rights as the fourth prince.

   went straight to the gate of the prince's mansion.

  The muscles of the two security guards were tense, and the two spears were intertwined in an instant, blocking the path of Xue Beng.

  The fourth prince wanted to find the crown prince, and even broke into the palace of His Royal Highness. If Xue Ye and His Royal Highness the Prince knew about this, their lives would be lost.

   And in the absence of His Royal Highness.

   When did Ma Hongjun see the aura of the Jagged Soldiers?

   At this moment, his heart is very bitter, he is so blaming Tang San, that second-hand guy, for giving him some bad ideas.

   Let him come and join Ma Xiaotao in relatives.

  I want him to go out of the way. Why is Xiaotao the same evil fire phoenix as he is still able to cultivate so fast.

   "His Royal Highness Fourth Prince, please respect yourself." The two security guards did not give Xue Beng a good look.

  You are such a prince who came to see the Crown Princess alone with a person who is not a person or a ghost. If this matter spreads out, it will be the people who eat melons in the whole continent. Another big melon was eaten.

   "Go in and tell your Crown Princess that the little brother next to me has the same martial spirit as hers, and also has the same surname as Ma." Xue Beng was helpless in the face of the security guard's actions.

   "Please wait a moment," after the two security guards looked at each other, one of the security guards went in and reported to the princess.

   Because they felt that this matter could be known to the Crown Princess, and even if the Crown Prince knew about it, he would not blame them.

  Xue Beng and Ma Hongjun were outside the Prince's mansion and couldn't get in.

   can only wait in place.

"Oh, you said that your martial spirit is the same as mine, and also has the same surname as Ma? Then release your martial spirit and let Ben Gong take a good look at it." A little frivolous, he didn't care, with a lazy voice, from It was spread from the prince's mansion.

   Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

  Wrapped in a fiery red phoenix feather skirt and long fiery red hair draped behind her, a sexy, enchanting, and drenched fierce woman appeared at the entrance of the Prince's Mansion.

  Ma Hongjun saw the woman's fullness, and the evil fire in his body was already extremely strong, so he immediately turned his eyes to the other side, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it any longer.

   "Sister-in-law, this is Ma Hongjun, he is my friend in an academy. Hongjun, release your martial spirit." After Xue Beng finished speaking, he motioned the dead fat man beside him to release his martial spirit to let Ma Xiaotao see.

   "Martial Spirit Possession." A fat, outrageous, turkey-like martial spirit became possessed by Ma Hongjun.

   The moment he saw this martial spirit, Ma Xiaotao was in a bad mood.

   This martial spirit is an evil fire phoenix, yes, but why is it so fat, it's too ugly.

   "His Royal Highness Fourth Prince, did you make a special trip to the residence of His Royal Highness to humiliate me?" Ma Xiaotao's expression was very bad now, she really suspected that Xue Beng did this on purpose.

"Sister-in-law, how is this possible, how can I humiliate you. You know, this brother Hongjun has reached the forty-eighth-level soul sect at the age of fifteen. Seeing that he is similar to your martial spirit and has the same surname, I still I thought you were relatives." Xue Beng now had a chance to win, yes, he meant to humiliate Ma Xiaotao.

   means that Ma Hongjun is your relative, but Wuhun is fat and ugly, and the key is that people are fat and ugly.

   "Xue Beng, Ben Gong told you before, if you dare to provoke Ben Gong again, that's a word."

Ma Xiaotao's long fiery red hair fluttered: "Phoenix possessed." Two yellow, one purple, three black, and six spirit rings slowly rose from Ma Xiaotao's feet, rhythmically surrounding her feet with flying red hair .

   "Xue Beng, you can see this clearly to Ben Gong, this martial spirit is a fire phoenix, not that dead fat chicken." Ma Xiaotao's terrified Xue Beng slapped smartly.

  Xue Beng and Ma Hongjun came back to their senses, is this Ma Xiaotao planning to kill him in the palace?

   "The sixth spirit ability, Phoenix Piercing Cloud Strike." Ma Xiaotao's body flew above the sky after possessing his martial spirit, the spirit power in his right hand surged, and the surrounding air became extremely hot.

   "The ultimate fire." Contra, who secretly guarded the Avalanche, was so frightened.

   "His Royal Highness Xue Beng, run quickly." The old man Li Gu got on Ma Hongjun, he could see that Ma Xiaotao's goal was Xue Beng.

   He didn't even think that Ma Xiaotao was so courageous.

  Dare to kill the fourth prince Xue Beng outside the prince's mansion.

   "This kind of thing seems to be Prince Xue Beng seeking his own death." The Contra instantly understood that this kind of thing really seemed to be Xue Beng himself running to His Royal Highness's mansion to kill himself.

   But as the **** of Avalanche, he must protect Avalanche no matter what.

   But at this moment he felt something, death.

  The Phoenix Cloud Piercing Strike released by Ma Xiaotao brought him an unprecedented solemnity.

   Ma Xiaotao, with flying red hair, doesn't like Xue Beng, an idiot. As for her reason for killing Xue Beng, she has found out.

   That is Xue Beng who humiliated her while His Royal Highness was not in the mansion.

   There are witnesses to this.

   "The eighth soul skill, Feather Shield." A white swan stood in front of Xue Beng. In the face of Ma Xiaotao's ultimate fire, god-level martial spirit, and fire phoenix attack, he felt that his eighth spirit ability might not be able to resist.

   "Her spirit is not the Evil Fire Phoenix. Prince Xuebeng, are you mistaken?" Ma Hongjun was speechless again at this time.

   He felt that Xue Beng was deliberately trying to trick him and bring him to give away the head.

   This woman is too fierce.

   is really fierce, and if he disagrees, he will enlarge his moves.

   But fortunately, Prince Xuebeng secretly protected his Contra.

  Otherwise, he may be directly burned to fly ash under Ma Xiaotao's sixth spirit ability.

   "Touch," with a collision, Ma Xiaotao's sixth spirit ability, the Phoenix Cloud Piercing Strike, hit the old man Contra's feather shield firmly.

   The old man Contra was knocked into the ground.

   Ma Hongjun is stupid,

  The avalanche almost collapsed.

   The entire palace fight shook.

   Everyone is a little confused.

"Bengong spared you once last time, but I didn't expect that this time I would bring this person to humiliate me. Do you think Bengong is so easy to bully? Ah? Fourth prince." Ma Xiaotao was in the air at the moment, as if Like a **** of fire, flames were burning all over his body.

   However, the flames around her were unusual, the existence of the ultimate fire.

  The two security guards at the Prince's Mansion were a little dumbfounded.

They did not expect that their prince concubine was so sturdy. The one who secretly protected Xue Beng just now was a Soul Douluo-level powerhouse. He was actually beaten into the ground by their prince concubine with a single soul skill, life and death. I don't know, the buckle can't be buckled.

  The flame wrapped around Ma Xiaotao in midair and burned,

   Ma Hongjun's martial spirit felt surrendered under Ma Xiaotao's Phoenix martial spirit.

  Because he already knows, this Prince Avalanche is such an idiot! Don't you know that martial souls are different? It really killed him, Uncle Ma!

  Ma Xiaotao's martial spirit has long evolved into a fire phoenix, the existence of the ultimate fire. It has no relationship with the spirit of evil fire chicken.

  The avalanche came today, and it can be regarded as hitting the iron plate,

   Originally came here full of confidence, even if it can’t be done, but at least it can be humiliated. In this way, the power of the Prince's Mansion can be embarrassed.

   But now he thinks he is wrong! He wanted to make Xue Qinghe lose face, and Ma Xiaotao wanted to make him lose face!

   The one who secretly protected him was Soul Douluo Xiuwei, but now he was beaten and embedded in the ground. Can't buckle up.

   It can be seen how strong Ma Xiaotao's soul skills are. and how strong it is to fight.

   "Xiao Tao, wait, what the **** is going on here!" There was too much movement in the Prince's Mansion, and Xue Qinghe felt that he immediately put down the unfinished government affairs and rushed back.

   At the same time, there was the old man Xue Ye.

  Xue Ye sighed when he saw Xue Beng's stunned appearance. shook his head.

   Ma Xiaotao returned to the ground, and his soul power was withdrawn. She regained her flaming red lips-like appearance, and her extremely **** body.

   "Hmph, you should ask your younger brother about this." After Ma Xiaotao's soul power subsided, he stopped paying attention to everyone, even His Royal Highness. Entered the palace of His Royal Highness. Went to the pretty lady for tea.

   "Come here and tell the prince what happened?" Xue Qinghe pointed at the two security guards who guarded the gate of his prince's residence.

   "Tell me, if there is half a lie, this prince will chop off your heads." Xue Qinghe's usual gentle and elegant temperament became fierce.

   "Go back to His Royal Highness, this is what happened...." The security guard told His Royal Highness and old man Xueye about the fact that Prince Xuebeng came to His Royal Highness's mansion, without any extravagance.

   "Damn," Xue Ye was angry. He didn't expect Avalanche to be so ineffective. How dare you bring a dead fat man to humiliate the Crown Princess.

  Yuexuan's identity as the little devil king sister is also afraid of old man Xueye!

   "Someone! Bring this incompetent son to this emperor." The old man Xue Ye said angrily.

"Fourth brother, you actually dare to come to the prince's mansion and humiliate my crown princess. You are so courageous. So you are ready to face the revenge of the crown prince's junior brother!" Xue Qinghe walked to Xue Beng's side, and it took only two people to do it. The audible voice said.

   Avalanche doesn't know what it means.

   But he knew that the old man Xue Ye was coming, which meant that his little fortune was saved.

   In the end, because Ma Hongjun was only a **** in the hands of Prince Xuebeng, Xue Qinghe did not embarrass him and let him leave.

  Xue Beng was banned from his palace by Xue Ye, and he was not allowed to go out for a month, otherwise he would break the dog’s legs. This kind of punishment is not heavy for Xue Beng, at least Xue Ye saved his dog's life.

   (end of this chapter)

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