Chapter 312

   Heaven Dou Imperial City,

  Shrek Academy,

   In the meeting room of Shrek Academy at this moment, Xue Beng sat on a stool.

   He looked at the Shrek Seven Devils, Yu Xiaogang, Tang Ritian and others, and felt that if these people went out, they would probably die of laughter.

  Xue Beng came to Shrek Academy this time to ask for something, and of course it was impossible to laugh at them in front of them. Otherwise, he might lie down and leave Shrek Academy, or he might leave Shrek Academy.

   Especially when he saw Tang San, his long green hair tied into a ponytail. The face and the bare skin on the outside are like being brushed with paint, an already ugly face is red, green, and milky white, if there is no green in the middle, Tang San's face is like ice and fire. The color of Yi's eyes sticks to her face.

  Tang San still couldn't figure out what was going on with the Ice and Fire Eyes, how could the Shrek Seven Devils turn their skin into this virtue after taking the Immortal Grass.

   There is also the Ice and Fire Eyes. After taking two immortal grasses, he wanted to enter the body to forge his body, but he didn't know that the spring water of the Ice and Fire Eyes was sealed by that **** with his powerful strength.

   He jumped from a height and almost didn't fall to his death. Not to mention, he even got involved in the egg. Now he thinks about it and it hurts.

   Tang Ritian's Clear Sky Hammer couldn't even break the seal, which shows how powerful the powerhouse who sealed the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye Spring Water was. If Yu Tianheng hadn't told that the drugstore was from Dugubo, Tang Ritian would have had the urge to run away.

   "His Royal Highness Fourth Prince, I don't know why you are visiting today." Yu Xiaogang also sat on the stool in the Shrek conference room, and asked Xue Beng lightly.

   He felt that Avalanche must have something important to discuss.

  Otherwise, with his knowledge of Avalanche, Avalanche would not have come here in person.

"Master, as well as His Majesty Haotian, and the seven friends of the Shrek Academy team. I really have something to discuss with you this time." Xue Beng took out the information of Yun Lanzong and put it on the table superior. Then handed it to the master and Tang Ritian.

   As for the Shrek Seven Devils, they didn't understand how terrifying the Title Douluo level was.

  Tang Ritian took the information and looked at it carefully. There were names of people he knew and others he didn't.

   As for Tang Yuehua, Tang Ritian believed that he had betrayed the Clear Sky Sect, and he did not want to have any interaction with him.

   When Tang Xiao gave Tang Ritian the elder token of the Clear Sky Sect and Wuhun Hall, he told Tang Ritian that the seventh elder died in the hands of this so-called Yunlan Sect.

  Tang Ritian was horrified when he saw Tang Yuehua's spirit power level and martial spirit at this time.

   "Jinse Guqin, titled Douluo." Just this information about Tang Yuehua shocked him enough.

   He didn't understand why Tang Yuehua, who was born at the ninth level but couldn't cultivate, suddenly became Titled Douluo.

   "Could it be that Dugu Bo provided him with immortal grass." The more Tang Ritian thought about it, the more he felt this possibility.

  Yu Xiaogang was different, with very few Titled Douluo he came into contact with.

   "The titled Douluo of this Healing Department, Ye Xiaorou, and what kind of martial spirit Jiuxin Haitang is, can your Majesty tell me." I have to say, Yu Xiaogang's thirst for knowledge is still very strong.

  Tang Ritian didn't understand this either, so he shook his head. Yu Xiaogang did not answer.

   The Shrek Seven Devils were encircled collectively.

   and their Shrek Academy team leader, a martial spirit that Yu Xiaogang doesn't know about theoretical invincibility. This is very rare.

"Nine Heart Begonia is a wonderful flower in the martial soul world, and its abilities are too high, so the Nine Heart Begonia is a single lineage, so there can only be two Nine Heart Begonia Spirit Masters in the entire Douluo Continent, if they are members of the family If you want to awaken the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit, then only the owner of the previous generation of Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit can die. At the same time, he has only one ability, which can heal in the whole range.

   No matter what kind of spirit beast she hunts, no matter how many spirit rings she has, there is only one spirit ability, and that is to heal the whole area. "Xue Beng didn't expect that when he was in the academy, he wanted to soak up Ye Leng Leng, and then went to learn about the information of his family's martial arts. Today, it has become the scene of his pretending.

  Yu Xiaogang didn't look so good after listening to Xue Beng.

   "Healing in the entire area is too much. And no matter how many spirit rings, there is only one spirit ability produced by any spirit beast." Tang Ritian summed it up.

   If his stupid son can gather with such a martial spirit owner, then how strong it must be in the end.

"Prince Xuebeng is right, I know this, Leng Leng turned out to be my teammate, she is the successor of Nine Heart Begonia, and her spirit is also Nine Heart Begonia. I and Oslo have both her soul skills. Clear." Yu Tianheng took Xue Beng's words and brought Oslo in at the same time. After all, his grandfather Yu Yuan Zhen died in the hands of Tianshui College.

   He now needs the power of the Heaven Dou Royal Family to help him with revenge.

   "Well, what Tianheng said is true, it's exactly what he said." Oslo nodded and said, agreeing with what Yu Tianheng said.

   "Well, this martial spirit is too rare, I don't know it's normal." Yu Xiaogang found a perfect reason for himself. He rejected the fact that he did not read much, and he had never seen any records about Nine Heart Begonia in the records of Wuhun Temple.

"Teacher, you're right, this martial spirit is too rare. There are only two people in the entire Douluo Continent." Tang San felt that Yu Xiaogang couldn't be blamed for this, after all he knew that his teacher was not omnipotent. , there will inevitably be loopholes.

  Xue Beng sees that the situation is not right. He came here to discuss something with Yu Xiaogang, but he cannot be led astray because of the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit.

   "Master, Your Majesty Haotian, now my eldest brother is about to inherit the imperial power. I'm afraid I can't compete with him." Xue Beng said this, his purpose was very clear, and he did not directly state his purpose.

   "His Royal Highness Fourth Prince, if you need any help from us, just say it." Master Yu Xiaogang directly gave him the master of Tang Ritian.

  Tang Ritian's face was expressionless, but in his heart there was an urge to kill Yu Xiaogang with a hammer. "What kind of thing are you, if it wasn't for my son's face, I would have hammered you to death long ago."

"Then I'm here to thank Master." Xue Beng heard Master Yu Xiaogang say this, very comfortable, and then slowly said: "I want to invite Shrek Academy to join the Royal Fighting Team of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy. During the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament, if Shrek Academy can win a considerable amount of honor for our Heaven Dou Empire, even a championship, then I will have the opportunity to compete with my eldest brother for the crown again."

  Xue Beng said his ultimate purpose of coming to Shrek Academy.

   He knew that there was already a Soul King in Shrek Academy. And everyone else is about to break through to the forty-ninth level soul sect.

   A team like this can at least beat the Star Luo Empire Royal Team to shit.

   And seeing how the Shrek Seven Devils are full of fighting spirit, maybe they can help their Royal Fight Team and come back with a championship.

   At this moment, he really wanted Xue Qinghe to get out of the position of the prince.

   After all, that is the throne, an existence that everyone admires. He didn't want to avalanche, it was so **** good.

   "This matter is not easy to handle." Yu Xiaogang got up and walked back and forth in the conference room, he was thinking about how to retain the name of Shrek Academy and help Xue Beng.

  Because Yu Xiaogang was convinced in his heart that if there was a bonus from the name Shrek Academy, it would be even more beneficial for him to tear off the trash label on his forehead.

"Prince Xuebeng, what do you think? Why don't we change Shrek Academy into a branch of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, so that our team won the championship of the Continent Spirit Master Elite Tournament. It's all in your hands. It's up." Yu Xiaogang had great confidence to get Xue Beng to agree.

   (end of this chapter)

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