Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 300: Afraid of being silenced

   Chapter 300 Fear of being silenced

   "Tell me, why exactly?" After Qian Renxue had finished dealing with government affairs, it was already noon. The first thing she did when she returned to the Prince's mansion was to ask Bibi Dong why.

   Her mood is not very beautiful. I almost got my unhappy written on my face.

   "Xue'er, you are the heir to the **** of angels, and at the same time I also inherit the throne. Do you understand what I said?" Bibi Dong looked at Qian Renxue without any evasion in her eyes.

   She is ready to confess, confessing about her divine test.

   "It can't be that your succession to the divine position has something to do with that guy Yun Xiaofeng." Qian Renxue really didn't believe it.

   That incident happened last night, don’t say Qian Renxue doesn’t believe it. Even if he told Yun Xiaofeng, that guy wouldn't believe it.

   Can be related to the position of God, so that special Yun Xiaofeng is the son of God! Anyway, Qian Renxue didn't believe that her mother's divine test had something to do with that old snake skin of Yun Xiaofeng!

   Yes, that's right, now Qian Renxue can confirm that Yun Xiaofeng is an old snakeskin.

  You said that if you only took Ma Xiaotao hoo hoo, she Qian Renxue could totally accept it. But what the hell, you didn't just **** off to Ma Xiaotao!

  Even if Qian Renxue knew that this **** Yun Xiaofeng didn't know that he was his mother, it was still not possible.

   "Button, button, button, Your Majesty the Pope, the ghost has something to ask for." Bibi Dong was about to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

   "Come in, Ghost." Bibi Dong's voice sounded in Ghost's mind.

   After the ghost entered the room, he saw that there was another Ma Xiaotao in the room, but Qian Renxue said, "This is my Crown Princess, don't be shy, she knows everything."

   Bibi Dong also nodded. Indicates that there is no need to shy away from Ma Xiaotao in the conversation between Ghost and them.

  However, Ma Xiaotao didn't hear anything outside the window, so she picked up the dessert on the table and ate it.

   "Your Majesty the Pope, the last time you asked me to inquire about the God of Death in the God Realm, you have already told me all about it." Ghost really didn't expect that His Holiness the Pope had already reached the level of God.

   "Oh, that bad old man Qiandaoliu said so."

  Bibi Dong still cares about the status of gods.

  If she becomes a **** of death, she believes she can destroy the godhead by not having her own daughter to protect herself.

"Death is one of the god-kings of the gods, Rakshasa is the first-level **** of the gods, and Shura is also one of the gods of the gods, but now among the three gods, only Shura is still alive. Shashen killed inexplicably some time ago,

   The Death God fought with the Shura God many years ago, and was severely injured by the combination of the Sea God, the Shura God and the Seven Sins, and he disappeared. "The ghost told him what Qian Daoliu told him to tell Bibi Dong.

   "Well, then did he tell you why the God of Death fought with the God of Shura?" Not to mention Bibi Dong, even Qian Renxue was very curious.

   Both mother and daughter looked at the ghost with the same gaze.

   "Uh, the big enshrined said that the **** of death was because he robbed the wife of the **** Shura, so that made the **** Shura angry." After the ghost finished speaking, Bibi Dong looked bewildered.

   "That ghostly elder, isn't the God of Death a goddess?" Qian Renxue wondered, the God of Death was her mother's martial spirit, she had seen it well, but it was outrageous to go to rob the wife of God Shura.

   "Miss Hui, Death is indeed a goddess, and she also likes women."

   The ghost finished speaking with a somewhat frightened look. Then she saw Bibi Dong with no expression. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

   He was afraid that Bibi Dong would instantly kill him, and then he would have nowhere to cry.

   "Good guy, good guy," Qian Renxue looked at her mother with a strange look.

   At the same time, she was also thinking, if her mother liked women! But why do you like men? What's more, she likes the man she likes.

  It's alright now, she still has to call Yun Xiaofeng stepfather!

   My chest hurts when I think about it.

   After hearing this, Bibi Dong also felt that this was so outrageous.

   Whenever Bibi Dong released her martial spirit, her martial spirit was as beautiful as her beauty. This is just Martial Soul, if it is the Death God deity that appears.

   That can't be beautiful!

   But such a goddess, who abducted the wife of the **** Shura, who is the ceiling of combat power in the God Realm, was alive,

  It's so ridiculous.

  Bibi Dong is incredible!

   "It won't be made up by that old and unscrupulous thing Qiandaoliu!" After finishing speaking, Bibi Dong stared at the ghost with a pair of lavender eyes.

   Ghost was frightened by Bibi Dong's stare, and his whole heart trembled.

"Grandpa won't lie about this matter! If she dares to lie, then I will ignore him in the future." Qian Renxue still believed that Qian Daoliu would not lie to Bibi Dong. I believe that Qian Daoliu does not have that courage!

   "Maybe that old thing Qian Daoliu just didn't like the old lady's eye, and he deliberately arranged it!" Bibi Dong's eyes turned cold.

   Mainly because Qian Daoliu knew that Bibi Dong’s previous Shenkao was the Rakshasa God, and that he and the Shura God were hostile beings! Then the ghost goes back and asks him about the **** of death, and Qian Daoliu just prevaricates it is also possible.

   "Impossible, trust me, Mom! Grandpa won't lie to us." Qian Renxue's confidence was obviously a bit lacking.

   As far as Death abducted Shura's wife, she felt that the thief was outrageous!

At this time, the ghost continued to say: "The big enshrinment also said that the **** of death has a very close relationship with the other two goddess kings. So in the end, the husbands of the two goddess kings were not invited by the **** Shura to fight the **** of death together. "

   "What the hell," Bibi Dong finished listening to the ghost. The mentality is about to explode in an instant, what is this, what a mess.

   Qian Renxue said in her heart, "Good guy, good guy."

   She didn't expect that the **** of death was too fierce, and she even hooked up with the other two goddess kings.

   Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong. It's just that there is so much weirdness in her eyes now!

  Ma Xiaotao said in a terrifying voice, "Miss, you slept me last night, what's so strange!"

   means why women can't hook up with women.

   Ghost was almost scared to death. "Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

"Go back to Wuhun City first! My disciple doesn't need to take her to hunt soul beasts when she reaches level 60. I'll solve the problem of her soul ring after I go back." Bibi Dong looked at the ghostly appearance, sure A pitiful look.

   Bibi Dong also had a god-given spirit ring in his hand. So leave it to her vixen apprentice!

  The ghost thinks he has heard the earth-shattering news.

   If this news is released,

   will definitely shock the eyes of all the soul masters in Douluo Continent!

   He had to be afraid! Their Pope is a cruel man.

   Afraid of being silenced!

   (end of this chapter)

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