Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 288: Ghost almost trips over the threshold

   Chapter 288 Ghost almost tripped over the threshold

   "Phoenix! Regarding the matter of Tianshui College, you will send a letter to Pope Bibi Dong to express it and tell her not to worry, Tianshui College will not become an enemy of Spirit Hall."

  Yun Xiaofeng said, and sat next to Bibi Dong.

  Xianzhu's hands stretched out to wrap around and embrace Bibi Dong's waist.

   "Die!" With a coquettish shout, Xue Qinghe felt that it was still inappropriate, so he immediately came behind Yun Xiaofeng and her mother Bibi Dong, and slapped Yun Xiaofeng's salty pig hand.

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't care, but he wondered why it was so difficult for Yun Xiaofeng to take advantage of Phoenix when the three of them were together.

   "What does Tianshui College have to do with you?" Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng curiously.

   The dean of Tianshui Academy is a 98th-level Super Douluo, and he is also a ruthless man. It slaughtered one third of the background of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect. This does not count. The most important thing is that the Sect Master Yu Yuanzhen was slaughtered.

   This is outrageous.

   A woman who everyone in the world thinks is Contra, even Bibi Dong didn't think of it.

   "The dean of Tianshui College is my own person. I'll find out later." Yun Xiaofeng smiled slyly.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, you won't put the dean of Tianshui College to sleep!" Xue Qinghe covered his mouth in disbelief.

   She discovered this problem from Yun Xiaofeng's words.

   "It's almost the same anyway!" Yun Xiaofeng shrugged indifferently.

  Shui Xianrou slept with him, and he slept with Shui Xianrou and the result was the same anyway. He did not object.

   "What is it, it's almost the same anyway?" Xue Qinghe asked reluctantly.

  Bibi Dong is also curious, what does Yun Xiaofeng mean.

   "Little Xueer, knowing too much is not good for you." Yun Xiaofeng patted Xue Qinghe's butt.

   "Tell me now, I'm curious too!" Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng, she also wanted to know what was going on!

   "She put me to sleep." Yun Xiaofeng's words caused Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong to look at Yun Xiaofeng like an idiot.

   "Pfft." The ghost, who had not had time to leave after reporting the letter, couldn't help it, and quickly covered his mouth. Don't let yourself be discovered.

   "Miss, someone lurked in the place where you and Xue'er lived, don't you know?" Yun Xiaofeng released the Blue Silver Emperor Domain after hearing the slightest movement.

   also locked the person who was watching secretly, the 97th-level Titled Douluo.

   "Elder Ghost, come out!" Xue Qinghe finished. took a few steps back. He's getting ready to start transforming!

   After a burst of bright golden light, the noble and beautiful Qian Renxue came out of the golden light with blonde hair, lavender eyes, and a noble beauty. She might be a little taller than before because of her golden heels.

   "Elder Ghost, come out! This guy is not an outsider." Qian Renxue had already shown her daughter in front of Yun Xiaofeng. That proves that Qian Renxue recognizes Yun Xiaofeng.

   Ghost also knew at this moment that he couldn't hide.

   So I can only walk out generously.

   "Ghost has seen Miss, seen..." Ghost wanted to say that he had seen His Majesty the Pope. But being stared at by Bibi Dongfeng, she immediately shut up.

   "In the future, there will be no flaming carvings in Wuhun Hall, only phoenixes. Do you understand?" Bibi Dong said sharply to Guimei.

   "The ghost knows."

   "What the **** is Pope Bibi Dong trying to do by pretending to be Phoenix Douluo?" Gui Mei was very confused.

   He didn't understand, and he didn't dare to ask, he was just an errand.

   "Oh, it turns out to be you! Here it is. I'll give you this token." Yun Xiaofeng returned the elder token of the Ghost Hall of Souls, which was robbed in the Star Dou Great Forest, to Ghost.

   "Oh, by the way, old ghost ghost, my thirteenth aunt is okay." Yun Xiaofeng completely stunned the ghost. He feels that his brain is not enough at the moment!

   He held the token Yun Xiaofeng gave him in his hand. It's a bit puzzling, how does this guy have his token? Wasn't his token robbed in the Star Dou Forest?

  Bibi Dong saw the ghostly look on his face,

   "He was the one who robbed you in the Star Dou Great Forest. The thirteenth concubine he referred to was the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall, the direct disciple of Pope Bibi Dong."

  Bibi Dong's voice entered the ghost's mind through her voice transmission method.

   "It's you. Guimei hereby thanked the young master for the immortal medicinal herbs. Her Royal Highness is all well, but I just miss you a little." After the ghost finished speaking, Qian Renxue glared at him with beautiful eyes.

  The ghost stopped for a moment and didn't dare to speak any more.

   "Miss is jealous, my God, this is so outrageous!"

   "Okay, let's go first, Miss is safe with me by my side to protect her!" Bibi Dong wanted to use a stick to drive away the ghost. She was worried that it would be bad if the ghost said something slipped.

"..." The ghost didn't say a word, and then ran away in a hurry. He was really scared away by Bibi Dong's actions. He didn't take the seat of the Pope in Wuhun Hall, and ran to the Heaven Dou Empire to pretend to be Phoenix Dou. Luo.

   "You know what you should say and what you shouldn't say, otherwise..." Bibi Dong's words echoed in his mind before the ghost ran out.

   Ghost almost tripped over the threshold!

   "Tsk tsk, Xiao Xue'er is still so pretty." After the ghost left, Yun Xiaofeng began to approach Qian Renxue again.

   After all, he usually looks like a man when he sees Qian Renxue.

   "Little Xue'er, what did you mean just now?" Yun Xiaofeng hugged Qian Renxue and sat on his lap. He still remembered that Qian Renxue said that he was going to Yuexuan to seduce the little girlfriends he knew.

   Mention this matter, Qian Renxue's face darkened.

"That **** Xue Beng has begun to show his ambitions, and he is against me everywhere, relying on Tang Ritian's reputation as a **** to hold various nobles. If it wasn't for the fact that he was Xue Ke's brother, I would have hacked him to death. "When Qian Renxue said this, she gave Yun Xiaofeng an angry look.

"This morning, Xue Beng offended Ning Fengzhi, and Ning Fengzhi is my teacher. However, some Xue Beng people took the opportunity to attack me. In addition, the scandal between Xue Qinghe and you has been increasing during this time, and the entire palace has I already know." After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she glanced at Bibi Dong. She wanted to see her mother's reaction to being held by Yun Xiaofeng.

   But fortunately, Bibi Dong's expression was calmer, and there was nothing unusual, which made Qian Renxue heave a sigh of relief.

   "That's why the old man Xue Ye wanted me to make a Crown Princess." Qian Renxue explained her difficulties.

   "I see," Yun Xiaofeng understood Qian Renxue's difficulties.

   pressed his face against Qian Renxue's back, and looked sideways at Bibi Dong's delicate face, thoughtfully.

"Xiao Xue'er, I have come up with an excellent and perfect idea, which is to make you a crown princess. And it can also help you deal with things." Yun Xiaofeng thought of something that gave him a headache, so he added Qian Ren The snow thing, then this is easy to solve.

   (end of this chapter)

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