Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 283: Yu Yuanzhen's wife was robbed?

   Chapter 283 Yu Yuanzhen's wife was robbed?

   "Your Majesty, something big has happened this time." A platinum bishop rushed into the Pope's Palace and immediately knelt down on one knee with his hands folded.

   "Your wife was robbed?" Qian Daoliu's rude words instantly dissolved the awkward atmosphere.

  Yueguan, Guimei and Guimei both knew that there was a serious side to their big offerings. At this moment, those who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh were very uncomfortable.

   "No, it's Yu Yuanzhen from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect." Bishop Baijin said here, and Qian Daoliu thought it was over.

"Yu Yuanzhen's wife was robbed. It's a good thing. Let's talk about who has the guts to rob Yu Yuanzhen's wife." Qian Daoliu was stunned that someone robbed Yu Yuanzhen. wife.

   "Hui Da worship, no, Yu Yuanzhen was killed." Bishop Bai Jin finished his words this time.

   "Fuck, such a sturdy man killed Yu Yuanzhen and robbed his wife, how much hatred and hatred for such a special thing." Qian Daoliu's stunned expression couldn't be faked.

Below   , the Platinum Bishop of the Spirit Hall looked at Qian Daoliu in disbelief. How could such a special Pope become a second-hand, the former glamorous and high-ranking Pope?

"Your Majesty, no one robbed Yu Yuanzhen's wife. It was Yu Yuanzhen who brought a thousand people to the Element City to arrest all the teachers and students of Tianshui College. Dean Shui Xianrou of Tianshui College was killed, and none of them remained." This platinum bishop who came to Wuhun Hall was the platinum bishop of Wuhunzi Hall of Element City.

   That night he also witnessed Yu Yuanzhen's death in battle. Thinking about it, I feel terrified. That's a thousand people, not a thousand pigs. Except for Yu Yuanzhen and the Great Elder of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, everyone else can't even find the bones.

   He rushed to Wuhun City and Wuhun Hall the next day.

   Yueguan and Guimei immediately stood up with a swish when they heard the news.

   The two of them were obviously taken aback.

Yu Yuanzhen, a ninety-seventh-level Super Douluo, with his spirit avatar state and his dragon transformation, can completely fight with Jin'e Douluo, but he was actually killed. What is the dean of an academy in Element City.

   Although they don't often go to the Heaven Dou Empire, they are also concerned about the information there. After all, there are four academies in Element City, and the deans of each academy are at the Contra level. This is also the object of the Wuhun Temple to win over.

Moreover, both of them have spirit power of rank ninety-seven, but in the face of Yu Yuanzhen, the two of them are not confident that they will kill him together. Yuan Zhen, this is a defeat, not a kill.

   "Isn't the dean of Tianshui College a Contra level 80? How could he kill Yu Yuanzhen?" Yue Guan asked unceremoniously.

"Shui Xianrou's spirit power level is ninety-eight, and the age of the spirit ring is two yellow, one purple, three black, and three red. The martial spirit is ice. She has been low-key before, this time to protect Tianshui Academy's disciple Wannian The secret of the fourth ring must not be exposed to the cultivation base. Kill all the personalities of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect." The platinum bishop who came from Element City quickly finished the matter, he was a little afraid of Qian Daoliu and so on. It will suddenly become irritable again.

   "Level ninety-eight, what the **** am I. Yu Yuanzhen is a bastard, this is going to do something." Qian Daoliu was stunned, but he didn't expect Yu Yuanzhen to go to the hornet's nest this time. The ninety-eighth-level Wild Title Douluo was stabbed out.

   However, he stabbed himself with his own life.

   He Qian Daoliu was convinced by Yu Yuanzhen, what was this guy thinking?

"Hey, if you die, you will die. It's just that this wild ninety-eighth-rank Titled Douluo is a bit of a headache." Qian Daoliu was particularly troubled at the moment. He would not allow the appearance of hostile forces that threatened the safety of Spirit Hall. Such a powerful energy appeared, but he could not easily leave Wuhun City.

"The matter of His Majesty the Pope may not be as complicated as you think, and the wild title Douluo is not without it, and the spirit power level has reached the ninety-eighth level, naturally it will not be bought by other sects or empires, In the future, as long as we don't make Tianshui College difficult for our Spirit Hall, this matter can be solved very well."

   "After all, Shui Xianrou has been hiding the strength of the Title Douluo to ensure the safety of the Tianshui Academy students? It's just that Yu Yuanzhen slammed into it so deadly that it just gave Shui Xianrou a reason to use him to open the knife, just to shock Xiaoxiao."

  Ghost turned into a little smart ghost at this moment, and started a well-founded analysis. And the head of the analysis is the Tao, and the Qiandao lingering on the main seat of listening nodded.

   "You go back to Element City first, but remember, don't embarrass any academies in Element City." Qian Daoliu asked Platinum Bishop, who came from Element City, to return to Element City first.

   He was afraid that instead of embarrassing Tianshui College, this guy would embarrass other colleges, and then he would stab a Super Douluo out of nowhere. His Qian Daoliu heart couldn't take it.

   "Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." Bishop Platinum took three steps back, then turned and left the Spirit Hall.

   Facing the three Titled Douluos, only after he left the Spirit Hall did he realize that his back was soaked with cold sweat. Too much pressure.

"Guimei, you're fast. You go to the Heaven Dou Empire and ask Xue'er to see if she has any countermeasures." Guimei, a titled Douluo agile attack type, can play the role of running errands to the extreme. The speed of the Spirit Masters of the sensitive clan of the saint level. So it is the most time-saving to send ghosts there.

   "Yes, Your Majesty the Pope," as soon as the voice fell, the ghostly figure had disappeared from the main hall of the Pope's Palace.

"Yueguan, go check the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, I think it's definitely not that simple, the fourth ring of ten thousand years, oh, yes, Bibi Dong's apprentice seems to be the fourth ten thousand years. Huan. Could it be that Yu Xiaogang's purpose in coming to the Spirit Hall this time is this. Tsk tsk," Qian Daoliu instructed Yueguan.

   He felt that the death of the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong Yuyuanzhen was a bit interesting.

   "As ordered, Your Majesty the Pope." Yueguan took the task and went out to find out why Yuyuanzhen, the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong, went to Tianshui College in Element City and died.

   "Hey, it's really hard to be the Pope of the Spirit Hall." Qian Daoliu sat alone in the Pope's seat. He was extremely depressed. Bibi Dong directly flipped the table to strike, what could he do.

   The reason she was looking for was to go to the Heaven Dou Empire to take care of her precious daughter. Also his granddaughter. What can he do, he is helpless.

   "Now that Yu Yuanzhen, the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, is dead, I just don't know if other people covet the status of the top three sects of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect. Do you know that these are the top three sects?"

"It's better to warn those four sects who have taken refuge in the Spirit Hall, and tell them not to act rashly. After all, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect must still have his background." Qian Daoliu began to step by step in the Spirit Hall. Arrange the next thing.

   (end of this chapter)

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