Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 259: Yun Xiaofeng "Qian Renxue, someone wants to be your step dad.

   Chapter 259 Yun Xiaofeng "Qian Renxue, someone wants to be your step dad

"Yun Xiaofeng, are you telling the truth? The Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect led thousands of people to the Element City." Qian Renxue was a little surprised when she heard that Yun Xiaofeng had brought a thousand people to the Element City. Unexpected.

   Is this so special that everyone in the entire Element City will be slaughtered to ashes?

   Qian Renxue wondered if Yun Xiaofeng had made a mistake.

   But when she heard this, she stood up instantly. In my heart, I was also frightened by the fierceness of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

   "You have to believe me, this young master will never fool his daughter-in-law." Yun Xiaofeng was not happy with Qian Renxue's question.

   "Crack." It was a slap on Xue Qinghe's butt.

   It’s just that this shot happened to be hit by a passing patrol guard.

  The guards dare not speak out.

  The last time they saw Yun Xiaofeng and His Royal Highness enter the room in the daytime, and they are still alive now, they don’t want to live short.

   This time, in the middle of the day, you will spank our Crown Prince's ass. Several of their guards want to say something.

   "Hey, are you a man? Besides, the young lady next to His Royal Highness is so beautiful, shouldn't you have thoughts on her? Why do you have thoughts on our Highness Crown Prince?"

   "Don't be ridiculous, someone is watching." Qian Renxue was slapped on the bottom, she said something very unnatural.

   After all, her current body is Xue Qinghe disguised as Xue Qinghe.

"Aunt Fifteen, there is one more thing to tell you, but you have to prepare yourself." Yun Xiaofeng wondered if telling Qian Renxue that Yu Xiaogang was going to find Bibi Dong would make him run wild. . Catch up directly and hack Yu Xiaogang to death.

   "Well, you said. What's the matter." Qian Renxue was curious, if there was anything else that made her run wild.

   "There is a shameless person who wants to be your stepfather." Yun Xiaofeng was actually talking about Yu Xiaogang.

   But Bibi Dong was on the side, the tea he had just drank in, when he heard what Yun Xiaofeng said, all of it spewed out in an instant.

   She looked at Yun Xiaofeng in shock.

   "Could this kid see through my identity, but it shouldn't be." Bibi Dong really felt that her disguise was well done. She also dared to guarantee that no one could see through her true identity.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, what nonsense are you talking about?" Qian Renxue said speechlessly, looking at Yun Xiaofeng who was stroking her mother's beautiful back. Isn't that the dog man who wants to be his step dad?

"Theoretical invincible master, Yu Xiaogang, also known as your mother's old lover, went to Wuhun City to find your mother, I think his purpose should be to learn from your mother the cultivation method of twin souls and how to use them. How the fox upgraded her fourth spirit ring to ten thousand years."

   Qian Renxue looked at Yun Xiaofeng and Bibi Dong strangely.

   "What an old lover of God."

  Bibi Dong heard that Yu Xiaogang went to Wuhun City to find her way of cultivating her twin souls, and then wanted to get the secret of Hu Liena's fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   But the killing intent towards Yu Xiaogang disappeared in her eyes.

   She already knew about Yu Xiaogang's character, the investigation during this period, and the news that the spy she sent to Nording Junior Spirit Master Academy to inquire about the news came back. I learned that Yu Xiaogang is no longer the original Yu Xiaogang, but an extremely bad scumbag.

   But she really wasn't sad.

  Because she figured it out, why should she be unhappy for a scumbag.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, I warn you, don't speak ill of my mother, or I will fight with you." Qian Renxue was a little afraid that Yun Xiaofeng would speak ill of her mother in front of her mother.

"Don't worry, Aunt Fifteen, your mother is such a beautiful beauty, and I have met her, although she doesn't know that I am so handsome, Yushu Lingfeng, romantic and suave, looks like Pan An, Wen If you can draw a pen to rule the world, Wu Neng can immediately decide the world.

   But, how could I speak ill of such a beautiful woman. "Yun Xiaofeng shameless, he felt a little scared himself.

   "Who did you learn your shameless skills from?" Qian Renxue was speechless, Yun Xiaofeng praised himself, and it was estimated that he could praise him for three days and three nights without repetition.

   "Fifteenth Auntie, don't slander me, what I said is true, if you don't believe me, ask the young lady." Yun Xiaofeng also gave Bibi Dong a few winks,

   Qian Renxue really wanted to kill Yun Xiaofeng, but she knew that Yun Xiaofeng didn't even know that the little sister he was talking about was Qian Renxue's mother.

   "Little Guitou, then let me ask you, is Bibi Dong beautiful or Miss I am beautiful." Bibi Dong sat on the stone bench and held up the tea cup on the stone table, drinking tea gracefully.

   "This is a sending proposition.

   Fortunately, Bibi Dong is not here, otherwise he really doesn't know what to say, but although Bibi Dong is not here, her daughter Qian Renxue is there. "Yun Xiaofeng was stopped by this question.

   Qian Renxue was also curious how Yun Xiaofeng would answer.

   She wanted to see if Yun Xiaofeng's answer was wrong or not.

   But Yun Xiaofeng did not play cards according to the routine.

"Miss, your question is so hard to answer, maybe I can't answer it at all, just like I said before, Miss, Bibi Dong, Xue'er, Yun Yun's wife, Yuehua's wife, and my eldest wife. You are all the most beautiful. Really." Yun Xiaofeng could only say so at the end.

"By the way, Aunt Fifteen, why don't I call you Lao Xue now, or it's always a little weird to call you a concubine looking at your body." Yun Xiaofeng felt that calling Xue Qinghe a man was a tenth. The fifth aunt is indeed a little weird.

   At the same time, he kept staring at Xue Qinghe's chest.

   "Rogue." Qian Renxue saw that Yun Xiaofeng's eyes were aggressive, so she replied without thinking.

   "A hooligan is a hooligan. Anyway, my wife Yunyun called me a hooligan since I was a child. I'm used to it, hehe." Yun Xiaofeng was a little complacent.

"By the way, little ghost, how do you know that Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang went to Wuhun City for the cultivation of the twin martial souls under the crown of the Pope and the cultivation of Saint Hu Liena's fourth spirit ring of ten thousand years." Bibi Dong Curiously asked Yun Xiaofeng, one jade hand supported the snow-white chin, and the elbow rested on the stone table, and the other jade hand was elegantly holding the teacup in his hand, and asked meaningfully.

   "Yu Xiaogang has an apprentice, who is also a twin martial spirit, and he is the future owner of the Asura Divine Sword." Yun Xiaofeng's words were simply unsurprising and endless.

   "What." Yun Xiaofeng had told Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue about the Asura Sword before that she and Bibi Dong were both killed by the Asura Sword and the existence of the godhead shattered.

"Okay, Lao Xue can rest assured. I will kill him, but now is not the time. I won't let Pope Bibi Dong and you, Lao Xue, fall into danger." Yun Xiaofeng said here Become very serious, very strict.

   "Thank you for taking care of the young master and Pope Bibi Dong." Bibi Dong said.

   (end of this chapter)

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