Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 254: Slaughter Tianshui College

   Chapter 254 Slaughter Tianshui College

"Yu Xiaogang, what exactly do you mean, make it clear, don't play dumb riddles with us old men." Yu Luomian really did not expect that Yu Xiaogang was planning to rob Tianshui College's fourth ten thousand year spirit ring secret. .

"Second uncle, the spirit master world is always respected by strength, and their Tianshui Academy can't keep this secret, even if we don't take action against them, what about Spirit Hall, Clear Sky Sect, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, these sects, don't you? Do you dare to promise not to come and **** it?" Yu Xiaogang dared to be sure that if Wuhun Hall knew that Tianshui Academy had such a secret, these sects would still be his virtue.

   "The Fourth Ring of Ten Thousand Years? Xiaogang, are you sure?" Yu Yuanzhen couldn't believe it. If this secret was obtained by the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong, then it was certain that it would grow stronger in the future.

   "Their original spirit ring was a thousand years, and through some secret they were raised to the fourth ring of ten thousand years." Yu Xiaogang told the secret again.

   Now Yu Yuanzhen is a little restless,

   The matter of increasing the age of the soul ring is something they have never heard of or seen in the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

   Yu Yuanzhen was already moved at this time, and they must get this secret from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

Yes, Yu Yuanzhen also thought to himself, if his own fourth spirit ring is raised to ten thousand years, then his own fourth ring is raised to ten thousand years, then he can have a chance to further reach ninety-eight. The level of super Douluo.

  What if there is more than just a period of time to upgrade the fourth ring of ten thousand years?

   Yuyuan Zhen kept thinking.

   The last three sects of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect have their own heritage. Don’t just think that the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect has only one True Dragon Douluo at level 97, it would be a big mistake.

   Not only that, but Yu Yuanzhen also has his own ambitions. Their Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect was known as the No. 1 Beast Spirit Sect in the world, but the gap between them and the Clear Sky Sect was still very obvious.

  Before Tang Ritian was not angry with his father, the Clear Sky Sect was already the number one sect in the world.

   The reckless men of the Clear Sky Sect were proud of Tang Chen's prestige for a long time.

   The first weapon in the world, the Clear Sky Hammer, has been suppressing the world's number one beast spirit, which makes Yu Yuanzhen very unhappy, and he can only endure it.


   But now there is such a good opportunity, can he not be excited? impossible!

The   Haotian Hammer had suppressed the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex for hundreds of years, and then the opportunity to turn over came. He couldn't not be moved.

   "I support the idea of ​​Young Master Xiaogang. This is an opportunity for our Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect to rise." A direct elder, level 85 Contra, said.

   After he said this, everyone in the conference room started to talk a lot. Everyone was thinking about how to deal with the reputation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School if they attacked Tianshui Academy!

   "I object, the reputation of my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect will be lost! Such a practice is simply a disgrace to my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

  You, Yu Xiaogang, are a shameless piece of trash,

   I, Yu Luomian, want a face. "Yu Luomian, who is the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School, is not generally transparent in his mind.

   Since the three students of Tianshui College dared to make their fourth ring of ten thousand years public, it also shows that they have the energy to protect this secret.

  This world is not as simple as Yu Xiaogang's trash saw.

   For example, how many wild Titled Douluo still exist in the shadows on Douluo Continent.

Nobody knows,

   Maybe if he didn't pay attention, the person behind the three girls jumped out and stabbed Yu Yuanzhen to death.

   "Second Uncle, you." How could Yu Xiaogang know such a tempting thing, Yu Luomian would actually refuse. It was really beyond Yu Xiaogang's surprise,

Of course,

   If you want to take action against Tianshui College, you must get the help and affirmation of the Presbyterian Church.

   "Don't call me second uncle, I don't have a nephew who takes advantage of my cousin's feelings to do anything unscrupulous!" Yu Luomian looked at Yu Xiaogang with contempt.

   What happened between Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong at the beginning, the entire Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Zong Yu Luomian almost became a joke!

   Yu Luomian is still very clear to this day. He wouldn't forget what Yu Xiaogang wanted to do with Liu Erlong.

"Yu Luomian, that's enough! You're a piece of trash. I admit that Xiaogang's talent is not good, but he can learn by himself and achieve the title of an invincible master in the spirit master world. This is also his ability!" Yu Yuan Zhen saw that Yu Luomian kept scolding Yu Xiaogang,

   He couldn't stand it anymore, even if he was trash, he was Yu Yuanzhen's son!

   "Theoretical invincible master in the soul master world?

  Yu Yuanzhen, you feel your own conscience and ask yourself, do you believe it?

   That big family didn't scoff at his ten major theoretical core competencies.

   I borrowed a lot of materials from the Hall of Souls, and said that the materials of others were researched by him.

   Just because he is a 29th-level great soul master, if he dares to enter the Star Dou Great Forest to survive for ten days, I will give him the position of the second elder, Yu Luomian. "

   At this moment, Yu Luomian still has the suzerain Yu Yuanzhen.

   In his eyes, Yu Xiaogang is a scumbag who is even more scumbag than him.

   After Yu Luomian later found out that Liu Erlong was his daughter, he made up for it anyway.

   But Yu Xiaogang is a dog!

   "Bang," Yu Yuanzhen's face was like the bottom of a pot at Yu Luomian's words, his head was smoking, and a large and strong palm slapped on the coffee table beside him.

   At the same time, the momentum of the Titled Douluo was released,

   reminded Yu Luomian to let him know his identity.

   is just the second elder of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School.

   "Humph," Although Yu Luomian still had a lot to say, he really couldn't stand Yu Yuanzhen's overwhelming attitude. Is Titled Douluo amazing?

   "Mass, it seems that the title Douluo is really amazing."

   "This time against Tianshui College, I, Yu Luomian, won't go to death, because I don't want to be ridiculed by all the soul masters in the world. They say that our Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School looks ugly."

   Yu Luomian still followed his inner feelings in the face of Yu Yuanzhen's imposing pressure.

   Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect has long been divided into two factions,

The    faction supports Yu Yuanzhen, and the other faction supports Yu Luomian.

   After Yu Luomian raised objections, all the other elders also expressed their standing.

"I personally think it's really inappropriate for us to do this. After all, the world's number one beast martial arts sect, if you do something like this, you will indeed be ridiculed by the world." At this time, it was the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School who spoke. The elder, a tall and thin old man.

   This Great Elder belongs to Yu Yuanzhen's faction, I didn't expect him to put forward such an opinion.

   Yu Luomian never expected that the great elder of their sect would have such a vision. When he was about to praise. Hearing the words of the Great Elder again, it was like a thunderclap.

   even made Yu Luomian feel that the little emotion in his heart was so special to feed the dog.

   "Since you are afraid of being ridiculed by the world, let's dispatch a thousand people from the sect for this operation. Take everyone from Tianshui College back to the sect, and behead those who can't be taken away."

   Great Elder's words made Yu Luo Mian shudder.

   is too ruthless.

   This is the rhythm to slaughter Tianshui College.

   Engage the master, Tang San, start.



   (end of this chapter)

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