Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 249: Xue Ke kisses Bibi Dong

   Chapter 249 Xueke kisses Bibi Dong

  Tiandou Empire, on the streets of Tiandou City.

   Yun Xiaofeng, Bibi Dong, Xue Ke, and Zhu Zhuqing were shopping.

  Xueke and Zhu Zhuqing were the wingmen invited by Yun Xiaofeng.

   He recently either appeared at the Prince’s mansion every day during the day or invited Bibi Dong to go shopping together. The angry Xue Qinghe almost lost the position of the prince, and fought with Yun Xiaofeng. ,

   "Boss Dai, look, those three girls are so pretty." An extremely lewd voice entered the ears of the four of them, Yun Xiaofeng, who were shopping.

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't need to look back to know that it was Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai.

   Bibi Dong's eyes flashed coldly.

   If she just said something like Ma Hongjun before, then she would kill him without hesitation.

  Xueke is different. She is a princess herself and has a noble status. There was room for Ma Hongjun to tease him.

   Zhu Zhuqing didn't even look at Dai Mubai.

   As if looking at it would make her eyes dirty.

   Even though she now knows that Yun Xiaofeng has so many women, she doesn't care. At least Dai Mubai couldn't compare with Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Look again, Ben Gong dug out your dog's eyes." Xueke snorted softly, startling Yun Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing.

   Even Bibi Dong was taken aback by this girl's actions.

   You must know that Xue Ke has learned court etiquette since she was a child.

   It can be said that she is Tang Yuehua's direct disciple.

   to say such vulgar words on the street. This is Sheke's first time.

   "Stupid goose, you are amazing." Yun Xiaofeng praised Xueke.

"Hmph, I've already said it before, don't call me a dumb goose. My martial spirit is no longer a swan." Xueke has been dissatisfied with Yun Xiaofeng's name for her since the evolution of her martial spirit, but she It has never changed.

   Zhu Zhuqing and Yun Xiaofeng both knew that Xueke's spirit was really beautiful.

   But Bibi Dong doesn't know.

   "Oh, what is the evolution of Little Sister Xueke's martial spirit?" Bibi Dong was a little curious.

   "Hehe, do you want to fight the little girl? If you lose, it's mine." Ma Hongjun thought he was already one of the Shrek Seven Monsters. He had already swelled up, and his spirit power had reached level 43. In his opinion, Xue Ke was a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old aristocratic little girl, who could have any fighting power.

   "Since you want to die, this palace will fulfill you." Xue Ke is the princess of the Heaven Dou Empire. Seriously, even if she is here and kills Ma Hongjun, nothing will happen.

  Xueke didn't give Ma Hongjun a chance to speak,

   "Martial spirit possessed, the first spirit ability, feather sword." A beautiful and outrageous martial spirit, with six white wings like angel wings on his back. Wuhun's body is dressed very coolly. Two yellow, one purple, and one black four spirit rings rose up under his feet.

   However, Xue Ke shouted the first spirit ability, but her fourth ring of ten thousand years flashed.

   Yun Xiaofeng looked a little dumbfounded at Xueke's operation.

   Now, does this stupid goose know how to hide people?

  Xueke showed a longbow in the color of snow jade in her hand.

Holding the    in her hands, she held the bow and arrow with both hands, only to see the wings behind her spirit flutter gently, and Xue Ke's body gently flew off the ground.

The    spirit power condensed into two arrows, and flew towards Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai quickly.

   Dai Mubai reacted, what a disaster he had suffered.

   hurriedly rolled on the ground, dodging the arrow from Xue Ke.

   But Ma Hongjun was not so lucky. The moment Xueke's martial spirit appeared, he became addicted.

If   Xueke's martial spirit can be compared, then there is only the Goddess of Light Butterfly.

   Moreover, Xueke's martial soul is still a humanoid martial soul, which even the Goddess of Light Butterfly can't compare. This is a god-level martial spirit, a little more beautiful than an angel martial soul!

   "Ow. A scream." Ma Hongjun screamed and fell to the ground, covering his little Hongjun.

   I have to say that Xueke's arrow is too ruthless. Ma Hongjun's little Hongjun is only one-third of the original size, and now Xueke has completely reimbursed him.

   "Second soul skill, sacred bow and arrow." With a coquettish shout, Xueke's third soul ring lit up, this operation made Yun Xiaofeng a little confused.

   Isn't it the first spirit ring to shine, or the first spirit ability? This Xue Ke's Martial Spirit is a bit unreasonable!

   An arrow with a light attribute shot towards Dai Mubai at an extremely fast speed.

  Dai Mubai hated Ma Hongjun to death at this moment, you said you have nothing to do with flirting with other girls.

   "The third spirit ability, White Tiger King Kong Transformation." Dai Mubai could only defend, and he had no choice. In the face of Xue Ke's attack, he has a good chance of defending.

   If the other three were Yun Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing, they would definitely kill them instantly. As for Bibi Dong, that's why it doesn't turn the two of you into a blood fog.

There was a crisp sound of    "Nails", and the silver-white arrow slammed into Dai Mubai's White Tiger King Kong soul-changing ability.

   However, Dai Mubai's body retreated nearly twenty meters and slid through a ravine thirty centimeters deep on the street. As for his third spirit ability, the White Tiger King Kong Transformation was like a glass cover.


   As for Ma Hongjun, he fainted.

   "Girl, stop, I don't mean to offend you, it's because my friend is too arrogant. I'll go back and teach him a lesson, and please don't bother with us." Dai Mubai seemed to have a gentlemanly demeanor.

  Otherwise he was afraid that Xueke would beat him and Ma Hongjun to death.

   He hated Ma Hongjun to death now.

  I thought I would be out of control after breaking through to the Soul Sect, but I had to beg for mercy! Dai Mubai reckoned that if he didn't beg for mercy, the girl in front of him whose martial spirit was so beautiful and so cute would continue to beat him to death.

"Well, this palace will let you go today. If there is another time, I will arrest you in the prison of the Heaven Dou Empire to eat." Xueke Wuhun gently waved her wings and landed next to Yun Xiaofeng. .

   "How about brother Xiaofeng, am I good?" Xueke leaned her head in front of Yun Xiaofeng as if seeking praise from Yun Xiaofeng.

"Well, it's alright, it's just that your soul skills are all messed up." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he glanced at the dead fat man who was covering his Xiao Hongjun's position. He didn't even think about saying it for Ma Hongjun. A nice word,

   "Soul masters who dare not cause trouble are not good soul masters." This sentence is still Ma Hongjun's honorable name.

   He glanced at Dai Mubai and said indifferently, "You can't live by doing your own fault, get out with this dead fat man."

  Dai Mubai put the dead fat man on his shoulders, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Actually, I don't know. Soul skills are like that. Anyway, don't call me a dumb goose in the future." Xueke stood up proudly, but after he looked at Zhu Zhuqing next to him, he became angry again, so don't Then she showed off her figure in front of the choppy kitten.

   Looking at Xueke's appearance, Bibi Dong unconsciously lowered her head and looked at her own mountain, thinking it was okay.

   Kitty is a bit arrogant.

   "Xueke, there are so many guards here, won't they arrest you?" Zhu Zhuqing knew that Xueke was a princess, so he joked.

   "How is that possible? It's alright. Besides, the little sister still has the token of my brother, the prince." Xue Ke and Yun Xiaofeng both called Bibi Dong the little sister, including Zhu Zhuqing. The same is true.

   "Xiao Xueke, you didn't bring your princess token." Bibi Dong raised her forehead.

   "Hee hee, Miss, you are too smart." Xue Ke suddenly kissed Bibi Dong's face,

   Just this moment, Bibi Dong's head went blank.

   Zhu Zhuqing was also stunned, what is this operation?

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   (end of this chapter)

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