Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 247: Shrek seven monsters return to the city

   Chapter 247 Shrek Seven Devils Return to the City

  Tiandou Empire, Tiandou Imperial City, Shrek Academy.

  Tang San, Oscar, Oslo, Dai Mubai, Yu Tianheng, Tailong, Ma Hongjun.

   This is the current Shrek team.

   The training in the Sunset Forest has made them all Soul Sect.

  Tang Ritian drove them out of the Star Dou Great Forest.

   He also knew a truth, he couldn't put some people in this team under too much pressure.

  Tang Ritian still understands the principle that extremes will reverse. Not only that, it squeezed some of their potential, but it doesn't matter to Tang Ritian, except Yu Tianheng has a little background, Dai Mubai has a little background, everyone else is scum.

   As soon as he entered the city, Ma Hongjun's small eyes were looking all over the place.

   Even a little girl who can talk, and an old woman who can't speak, have not escaped the glances of Ma Hongjun's wretched eyes!

  Dai Mubai couldn't stand it any longer, he patted Ma Hongjun's head, "Fatty, pay attention to your image. I'm going to spend a night here tonight. How about a treat?"

  Dai Mubai was indeed much richer financially than Shrek Academy's evil fire chicken Ma Hongjun.

   "Yanhu, what you said is true, then I'm welcome." Ma Hongjun is not stupid, of course he is very happy when someone treats this kind of thing.

   "Let's go back to the academy first! After all, I haven't seen the teacher for a while." The group continued to walk in the direction of Shrek Academy. Tang San heard the conversation between Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun in the team, he said casually.

"You must go back to the academy to see the teacher first! Otherwise, we have suffered during this period of time, and now that we have become a soul sect, of course we will have to gossip." After Oscar finished speaking, the six people in the team all smiled. .

   During this period of time, Tang Ritian treated them as a completely impersonal training method, which boosted their confidence in the Shrek Seven Devils. But the body also left a lot of hidden diseases.

   But they didn't find it at the moment.

   The seven people walked back to Shrek Academy chatting and laughing along the way. When entering Shrek Academy, Tang San's Ziji Demon Eye suddenly looked at the Academy, because he found that the Academy was strangely quiet at the moment.

   "There might be something wrong with the academy." Tang San left a sentence on the spot, then took his miraculous steps, the ghost shadow fan trail rushed to Shrek Academy at a very fast speed.

   He couldn't understand in his heart, Shrek Academy is also a high-level soul master academy, how could something go wrong.

   The six Shrek monsters in the same place were a little confused.

   "Go, follow." Today's Shrek Seven Devils already have the strength of the Soul Sect. Immediately behind Tang San, he hurried to Shrek Academy.

   When they arrived at Shrek Academy, what they saw was not a scene of prosperity, but a scene of depression.

   also saw a man in the square, Tainuo the King of Power.

  Tang San still cares about the existence of Tai Nuo as a slave.

   "Tainuo, what's the situation in this academy?" Tang San found that since Tainuo was here, he naturally ruled out the academy being attacked. In addition, the building of the college is also intact.

Tai Nuo saw Tang San and his party appear in front of him, glanced at his son, then knelt down on one knee to Tang San and said, "Go back to the young master, all the teachers and students of Shrek Academy have dropped out. Now Master Jade Xiaogang is the dean of Shrek Academy."

   "As for the reason, we are not very clear. It seems to have something to do with the master offending Dugu Bo." Taino told him everything he knew.

   "No, how could my uncle provoke Dugu Bo," Yu Tianheng quickly opened his mouth to defend Yu Xiaogang, he didn't believe that Yu Xiaogang offended Dugu Bo and could still live well.

"That villain doesn't know. As for Master Yu Xiaogang, he should be in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy now. Because he agreed to cooperate with His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, Xue Beng, all the teachers who had come from the city he entrusted before also left. That's it." Tai Nuo replied to the Shrek Seven Devils after getting up.

   "Why did the teacher go to the Tiandou Imperial Academy. How could he have anything to do with the fourth prince of the empire?" Tang San was stunned by Tai Nuo's words.

   He couldn't understand what his teacher, a twenty-ninth-level great soul master, had done so earth-shattering events that Shrek Academy had no students at all.

  Dai Mubai was dumbfounded. He could remember that there were some good-looking junior girls in Shrek Academy, and he could even pick up girls.

   As a result, he simply admired Dead Yu Xiaogang.

   Ma Hongjun doesn't matter, because as long as he's a soul master, he won't be attracted to him, just his body shape, his appearance, and his vulgar expression.

   In the past, some ordinary people took a fancy to Ma Hongjun because of his status as a soul master, and he could receive gold soul coins for a month.

   Now that Ma Hongjun is level 40, he has no more gold soul coins. Moreover, Shrek Academy was also blacklisted by Spirit Hall.

   "But, what does this have to do with the students and teachers dropping out of the academy?" Oslo asked directly without understanding.

"The Spirit Master subsidy from Spirit Hall has directly put Shrek Academy on the blacklist. As long as Shrek Academy's people will not give out the Spirit Master subsidy, all Shrek students have dropped out of school. There are no students. Naturally, there is no teacher. During this period of time, the academy was taken care of by me and a few clansmen." After Tainuo finished speaking, he wanted to say, if it wasn't for their power family to take care of it here, what kind of academy would it be? The grass is two meters tall.

   "The Hall of the Spirit..." Tang San almost vomited blood, and it was the Hall of the Spirit.

   He will definitely destroy the Spirit Hall after Tang San. He thinks that their Shrek Academy is now withering talents, and the students and teachers are all gone. It was Wuhun Temple's fault. The existence of Spirit Hall on Douluo Continent is a scourge.

   But he, Tang San, never thought about how much the one hundred gold soul coins that he received from the Spirit Hall when he was first promoted to Soul Sovereign helped him.

   Actually Tang San didn't know that this blow to Shrek Academy was caused by his invincible theoretical teacher Yu Xiaogang.

   He thought that he used the name of Tang Ritian to get on the line of Xue Beng, the fourth prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   I want to go to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to force Yun Xiaofeng to hand over the method of the 4th Ring of Ten Thousand Years.

   If Yun Xiaofeng didn't want to play with him, he would have killed him by now.

   Ma Hongjun and Oscar heard that they had lost their golden soul coins. Both of them were poor, and they could receive a large amount of soul master subsidy from the Spirit Hall just because they had just broken through the soul sect. Get a fart now.

   If he can't receive the Soul Master subsidy, what will happen to his little Hongjun?

   His evil fire must be released, otherwise he will not be able to cultivate.

   "What about my teacher Flender." Ma Hongjun believed that Flender would not ignore him.

"Mr. Flender left Shrek Academy after a big quarrel with Master Yu Xiaogang. Before leaving, let Master Yu Xiaogang give you a storage soul tool. I will also know the specific reason for the quarrel. I don't know." What Taino said was true.

   (end of this chapter)

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