Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 227: Shui Binger

   Chapter 227 Shui Binger

   "Sister Xue Wu has been at the fortieth level for over a year, but she just hasn't found a suitable spirit ring yet." Shui Yue'er said, while being a little arrogant.

   "What about you, little beauty, what's your name?" Yun Xiaofeng felt that Shuiyue'er had a cute feeling at the moment, which was comparable to that of Jiangzhu.

   Not the kind of Xue Ke, nor the kind of Ning Rongrong.

   "Hmph, my name is Shui Yue'er, and my spirit power is only about 30 levels, mainly because I'm lazy and don't want to cultivate. My martial spirit is a dolphin, it's very cute." He also pouted his cute little lips.

"ok, I get it."

   "This is for you, you can absorb it. By the way, it will generate the most suitable soul ring for you." Yun Xiaofeng walked into the fairy grass and found a snow silkworm.

  Xue Wu stared blankly at the snow silkworm in Yun Xiaofeng's hand. Even though she really wanted a soul ring at the moment, she didn't know what the man in front of her had made her absorb.

"This is called Xue Can, and it will help your martial spirit. These are all cultivated by me. In addition to improving your spirit power, it can also generate the fourth spirit ring that is most suitable for you." No thanks, take it. Absorb refining.

   "No merit, no reward, senior, I can't ask for such a precious thing." Xue Wu was very polite, she knew that once she received something, she couldn't go back.

  Shui Binger also looked at Yun Xiaofeng with a little vigilance, and kept her sister Shui Yueer behind her.

   "I need your captain to help me later." Yun Xiaofeng still said about asking Shui Binger for help later.

   "Senior, what do you need me to do?" Shui Bing'er politely stepped forward and bowed to Yun Xiaofeng.

"Which girl over there is my maid, her martial soul is a fire dragon, if I guess correctly, your martial soul should be the top martial arts ice phoenix. I want her martial soul to evolve into the ultimate fire. So I need your help."

   "The ultimate, the fire of the ultimate." The students of Tianshui College do not know the terrible thing about the ultimate martial spirit.

"Well, yes. In fact, you didn't come here by mistake. I kidnapped the three of you. But I will give you corresponding benefits. It can be regarded as compensation for my rudeness this time." Yun Xiao The wind is very polite.

   "Well, senior, please tell me, do you need Bing'er to help me? Even if you say it, please don't hurt my sister." Shui Binger protected Shui Yueer behind her. He looked at Yun Xiaofeng with a wary expression on his face.

   "Hey, in fact, your sister is the one who will benefit the most this time," Yun Xiaofeng said,

  Shuiyue'er was stunned. She was the one who benefited the most this time, but she didn't know it. She is very confused now, she is the beauty of greedy cloud Xiaofeng.

"If I want to harm you, you won't be able to do anything against me at all, so take this snow silkworm and absorb it." Yun Xiaofeng said this to make Xue Wu and the others believe that he is a righteous gentleman and that he is a gentleman. It didn't hurt their minds.

   "Thank you, senior." Xue Wu also figured it out, so she took the snow silkworm, walked to the side and started to sit up and absorb the snow silkworm.

   The growth experience of this snow silkworm in the eyes of ice and fire is still quite happy, but now he has to go through to become Xue Wu's soul ring.

   "Senior, you look so handsome, how old are you this year." Shui Yue'er's sudden question from her soul left Yun Xiaofeng stunned.

   How should he answer? Could it be that he was just over fourteen years old.

Don't say Shui Bing'er and the others don't believe it. With his cultivation and combat power, he is comparable to his twenties, and with his combat power, he is equivalent to a level that no one in his thirties can achieve, except for that Xiao Wu in the Spirit Hall. A crazy woman whom Herou Anran thinks.

   "Ahem, we were our opponents in the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Tournament." Yun Xiaofeng could only say that.

   "Because this is my place, the three of you entering my place will make you unable to resist."

   Even so, Shui Binger and Shui Yueer also looked at Yun Xiaofeng with vigilance.

   "You can't be a liar, right?" Shui Yue'er's words made Yun Xiaofeng almost choked to death.

   "Have you ever seen such a handsome liar?" Yun Xiaofeng's shameless words made Shui Yue'er's face turn slightly red.

   "Boom." There was a slight sound.

   Liu Erlong's 100,000-year spirit ring was locked at the position of her eighth spirit ring.

   "One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand year spirit rings." Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er covered their mouths in disbelief. Some can't believe it.

   They both looked at Yun Xiaofeng vigilantly, this guy won't wait to kill people.

   "Why are you two looking at me like that."

   Yun Xiaofeng is not happy anymore.

   "Senior, junior Shui Binger begs senior to never hurt my sister no matter what." Shui Binger didn't understand at this moment, the three of them had entered a rather terrifying place, and there were too many secrets in this place. I am afraid that all the soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent will be very yearning.

   "Why am I hurting her?" Yun Xiaofeng wondered, is it okay for Shui Bing'er to protect her sister like this?

"Don't worry, look at Xue Wu, didn't she begin to condense her spirit ring?" Yun Xiaofeng said here, and Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er turned their beautiful eyes, quietly looking at Xue Wu's body again. The white turned yellow, and then began to turn purple spirit rings.

   On the other side, Liu Erlong's spirit power began to soar after he obtained the eighth spirit ring. Finally, it stabilized after reaching the eighty-fifth-level Soul Douluo realm.

   "Oh, I forgot one thing." Saying that, Yun Xiaofeng walked to the fairy grass and picked out a golden chrysanthemum, and handed it to Shui Yue'er.

"You refine this flower, it will make your King Kong not bad, and then you can resist a little bit." Yun Xiaofeng remembered that Shui Yue'er was seriously injured by an idiot from Tailong when Tianshui and Shrek were fighting. . He felt distressed for a while.

  Shui Binger heard that she should make her sister resist a little bit of beating. She was speechless. But judging from Xue Wu's situation, she already believed that Yun Xiaofeng would not lie to the two sisters.

   "Really?" Shui Yue'er asked mischievously.

   "Well, really, I'm not going to lie to you, go and absorb it."

  Yun Xiaofengba handed the golden chrysanthemum to Shuiyue'er, so that she has the point of being indestructible and resistant to beatings, which is indeed a good thing. When the time comes, let her beat Tyrone.

   "This is to add three little sisters to us." After Liu Erlong broke through the level, he came to Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Don't talk nonsense, these three are kidnapped by your eldest sister to help you get the ultimate fire." Yun Xiaofeng said in front of Shui Binger.

   said Shui Binger with a blank face, she didn't know what happened.

  Xue Wu is absorbing and refining snow silkworms.

  Shuiyueer is absorbing and refining Qirongtongtianju.

   "Erlong, since you are already well, then you two come with me." Yun Xiaofeng took the two women behind him to the side of Binghuo Liangyiyan.

   "What a powerful cold air, if I cultivate here, it will definitely be good for me. I feel that my martial arts are excited." Shui Binger thought excitedly while standing on the side of the ice spring.

   "Shui Bing'er, your martial spirit is an ice phoenix. Now it depends on your luck whether you can achieve the ultimate ice phoenix spirit." Yun Xiaofeng said lightly.

   "The ultimate, the ultimate ice." Shui Bing'er never thought of it.

   But Yun Xiaofeng believes that Shui Binger achieves the ultimate ice, and Liu Erlong achieves the ultimate fire.

   Such an operation should be normal. Anyway, with his eldest wife here, she told Yun Xiaofeng the way before, Yun Xiaofeng also thought so, there should be no mistake.

   (end of this chapter)

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