Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 223: Xiao Wu's thoughts

   Chapter 223 Xiao Wu's Missing

  Tiandou Empire, Tiandou Imperial City, Yuexuan.

  Tang Yuehua and Liu Erlong had broken through to level 90 and 80 some time ago, and they had been waiting for Yun Xiaofeng to come back.

   "The hooligan is back" At this moment, the girls in Yuexuan gathered together.

   I haven’t been with Yun Xiaofeng this month, they all miss them so much,

   Yunyun suddenly spoke, and the rascal came back.

  Xiao Wu ran to the door in an instant.

   "Xiao Wu, come down quickly, don't be ashamed at all." Yun Xiaofeng took Ah Yin and Rou Anran walked into Yue Xuan,

   Yun Xiaofeng is coming towards him, throwing himself into Yun Xiaofeng's arms with a delicate body.

  A pair of long legs tightly clamped Yun Xiaofeng's waist.

   "Humph." Xiao Wu heard her mother's scolding, and then hummed lightly.

   There are not many people here who know that Rou Anran is Xiao Wu's mother.

   There are only a few.

   She is very dissatisfied with her mother now.

  During the time when Yun Xiaofeng left, Xiao Wu missed it and didn't want it.

  In the six years of elementary school, they have never been so separated.

   She ignored her mother's scolding.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, come down quickly. This time, I'm going to meet your eldest sister. Make everyone anxious." In fact, if Yun Yun hadn't stopped Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu would probably have run back to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. .

   "En en." Xiao Wu had no choice in the face of Yun Xiaofeng's head-to-head killing. I enjoyed it very much.

  Xiao Wu got off Yun Xiaofeng naturally, but she squeezed her mother aside, holding Yun Xiaofeng's wrist. The two took the initiative to walk in front.

   Rou said with peace of mind. "Xiao Wu, you don't know how strong your man is, and you will still beg your mother in the future."

   Ah Yin and Rou Anran looked at each other and followed.

   "Everyone is here. It's just right," Yun Xiaofeng walked into a large room with training equipment. This is the training place for the girls like Yuexuan.

   "You still know how to come back, little bastard." Tang Yuehua was also very jealous. She broke through to Title Douluo not long ago, and now with Yun Yun's help, she has condensed a red spirit ring and successfully advanced to become Title Douluo. A titled Douluo who uses the sound of the piano to control, attack from a distance, and assist.

   The tough ones don’t want them. The energy of a 100,000-year spirit ring directly pushed Tang Yuehua to rank ninety-three Titled Douluo.

   "Cough, wife Yuehua. I was wrong, I will definitely take you with me next time." Yun Xiaofeng comforted Tang Yuehua.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, I want to be with you too." Ning Rongrong, Bai Chenxiang, and Xueke said.

   Zhu Zhuqing smiled. She looked at Yun Xiaofeng with tenderness on her face.

   Yun Xiaofeng said bluntly about their request, "I will take you with me next time if I have a chance."

   "Next, I will take you to a place." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, his powerful mental power locked everyone present.

After a    moment, everyone in Yuexuan disappeared.

   The scene changes,

  When everyone came back to their senses, only those who had been here before knew, "Binghuo Liangyiyan."

  Xiao Wu is bouncing towards the eyes of Ice and Fire.

   Arrived at the shore of the spring: "Brother Xiaofeng, are we going to swim together?"

   "Cough," Yun Xiaofeng blushed because of Xiao Wu. Of course he wanted to swim with so many wives, but now all he had to do was to help them improve their cultivation.

   "Not for now, but if you want to go on, I won't stop you." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he glanced at Duguyan, Ye Lenglen, Yunyun, Tang Yuehua. Zhu Zhuqing.

   His meaning is very simple, that is, these wives have already taken them, and they are bored here anyway, but they can swim in the eyes of ice and fire.

   Today's ice and fire eyes, fairy grass can be said to have grown all over the place.

  Tang Yuehua and Zhu Zhuqing, Yun Yun, Ye Leng Leng, Dugu Yan, Xiao Wu, they have no need for immortal grass. Several of them approached the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and it seemed that they wanted to go swimming.

   Yun Xiaofeng ignored them.

   Go to the fairy grass pile to pick the fairy grass.

   "What is this place?" Ning Rongrong was surprised to ask the questions in the minds of everyone present who had never been to this place.

   "This is Grandpa Duguyan's pharmacy. It was just requisitioned by me. Because there are immortal grasses here. I brought you here because I want you to improve your strength here." Yun Xiaofeng's words made their hearts tremble.

   "Immortal grass." They are not unfamiliar with the word. Zhu Zhuyun took a piece of catnip, and his soul power level soared to more than 50 levels. This is too scary.

   Yun Xiaomiao took it once, and her martial spirit mutated again. Although Yun Xiaofengmi has now asked what her soul skills are, she will never forget the young master who bought her 800,000 gold soul coins from the auction.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, is it some kind of fairy grass that can make my martial soul fly after eating it?" Xue Ke didn't forget that Yun Xiaofeng told her that it would make her martial soul fly in the future.

   "Well, Xueke is still smart." Xueke said it well, the immortal grass here can make your martial spirit evolve and improve your cultivation, and it has no side effects.

"This eight-petal fairy orchid has a very mild medicinal effect and is very easy to absorb. It is very suitable for Jiangzhu. Give it. Go to the side to absorb and refine." Grass. "I have a share too?"

   "Well, if you want to be moved, give me eight babies in the future."

   Jiangzhu was just moved by the fairy grass sent by Yun Xiaofeng, and then he was no longer moved when he heard Yun Xiaofeng's hooligan words. Holding the Eight Petal Celestial Orchid, he turned around to absorb it.

   Just the moment she turned around, her face was blushing with blood.

  Yun Xiaofeng doesn't care, anyway, everything here is his, fairy grass, and his wife.

   "This is a phoenix sunflower called Cockscomb, which can improve the flame attribute. Erlong, you should try it first. The longer you persist, the more benefits you will get."

  Liu Erlong took the immortal grass. He was very moved and wanted to say something.

   She was afraid that Yun Xiaofeng would suddenly give her a sentence asking her to help him give birth to eight, then she would become a pig.

   So he quickly took the immortal grass and quickly fled to the side to practice.

   Yun Xiaofeng wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, so he had to hold back.

   After Liu Erlong, he must let her give birth to eight.

   "This is the Qiluo tulip, this flower is graceful and luxurious, suitable for gem-type martial arts, forget it, I won't talk nonsense, there are many people queuing behind.

  Ning Rongrong, this fairy grass is suitable for you. It absorbs the stamens first, and then refines them. I hope you can break through the soul sect in one fell swoop. "As for asking Ning Rongrong to thank him, he must wait until the Seven Treasures become Nine Treasures.

   (end of this chapter)

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