Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 217: Building height

   Chapter 217 Building Height

   One of the cities of the Star Luo Empire,

  The buildings here are all made of metal. The breath like a torrent of steel gives a special heaviness.

   This is Gengxin City, the Blacksmiths Association of Douluo Continent!

   is also the trading center of all ore on Douluo Continent!

   At the same time, there is also one of the three great master craftsmen of Douluo Continent. High!

   is also a holy place in the hearts of all blacksmiths in the whole continent.

   At the same time, this is also one of Tang San's pretense points in the original work.

   "Zao Wou-Ki, will you give it to me? If you don't give it to me, I will stay here today." A rude voice came from the Spirit Temple in Gengxin City.

   You must know that the Spirit Hall is a place where spirit masters all over the world respect!

   I also know that the majesty of the Spirit Temple cannot be offended!

   A person who has the guts to shout in the Spirit Temple, his identity is really unusual.

   "Lou Gao, I beg you to be a person! Are you the Platinum Bishop of the Spirit Hall, or am I!" Zao Wou-Ki was really speechless.

   Since he was caught by Title Douluo in a daze some time ago, Zao Wou-Ki thought he was going to die.

   But which Titled Douluo arranged a pretty good job for him.

   Geng Xincheng, the platinum bishop of the Spirit Temple!

   This is a little flattery for him, a little soul saint who was chased and killed by the people of Wuhundian for so long and then hid to teach!

   He never imagined that he would have such a bright moment one day.

   But Zao Wou-Ki was happy.

The tasks that    Wuhun Temple arranged for him were also very simple.

   But simple is simple. But facing the old man with white hair and white beard, who hadn't washed for a few days, he was really speechless.

   "As long as you tell the old man the secret, the old man will leave immediately." Lou Gao was stunned by the innuendo that Zao Wou-Ki took out.

   Such a delicate weapon is like a life-saving straw for the blacksmiths in the world!

   Although they were oppressed and exploited by Thralls before, all the blacksmiths in their blacksmiths' association were very dissatisfied with and hated the Spirit Hall.

   But some time ago, since a titled Douluo came to Gengxin City to be very decisive and executed him in public, he pushed Zao Wou-Ki out to serve as the bishop of Gengxin City.

  Zao Wou-Ki, not to mention the fierce name of King Ming, and the most wanted criminal in the Hall of Souls for many years.

   The people of the Blacksmiths Guild still know this.

   At that time, the more motherly titled Douluo announced in Gengxin City at the same time that everything Sars did in Gengxin City was his own behavior,

   and was executed in public, showing the determination of Wuhundian. Then Zao Wou-Ki was introduced to serve as the platinum bishop of Gengxin City. As a result, all the blacksmiths in Gengxin City had more trust in the Spirit Hall.

   In addition, when the guy from Yueguan left, let Zao Wou-Ki use this weapon called innuendo to seduce Lou Gao.

   So today there is a scene where the height of the building makes Zao Wou-Ki laugh or cry.

   "Lou Gao, you are a **** craftsman anyway, what about the dignity of a **** craftsman?" Zao Wou-Ki was so puzzled, isn't it just a hidden weapon? At the same time, he didn't think Tang San's hidden weapon could do anything.

   "Dignity, Zao Wou-Ki, I told you. This is a weapon that can change the fate of all blacksmiths in the whole continent." Lou Gao was full of praise for the innuendo.

   "Fuck, it's so serious?" Zao Wou-Ki and Lou Gao quarreled for a while and also realized the importance of this matter. If this is the case, after mass production of this gadget, it will benefit the world.

"Don't you have no credit in the Spirit Hall? As long as you help me make this weapon. Then you will dedicate it to the Pope of the Spirit Hall. This credit is not small. How about Zao Wou-Ki, don't you cooperate? "

   Lou Gao painted a big cake for Zao Wou-Ki.

   "Old Man Lou Gao, wait for me to think about it! After all, what you said. I don't have any gadgets for the time being." Zao Wou-Ki was moved.

  If that kind of weapon were mass-produced, he would definitely be able to get the reward from the Spirit Hall. Because it's definitely a big deal.

  Although Zao Wou-Ki was extremely dissatisfied with Tang San's character and character, it didn't mean that the weapons Tang San created, he absolutely admired it.

   Just ordinary people have the ability to shoot and kill Soul Venerable, which is indeed a weapon that changes the status quo of blacksmiths in Douluo Continent.

   Not only that, but colleagues also changed the pattern of Douluo Continent.

   If such a weapon was obtained by Xingluo, Tiandou, and the two great empires, it would definitely be a fatal blow to the Spirit Hall.

  Zao Wou-Ki has been arranged by Yueguan to become a platinum bishop in Gengxin City, and he lived a pretty good life. He would not let the Spirit Hall be hit.

   "Fuck you, is there any way to get me a few more weapons like this, I don't know which **** it is, and set up a mechanism in it. Once it is disassembled, it will be scrapped."

   When the building height thinks of the switch in the innuendo, he gets very angry.

  Yes, innuendo, well-crafted.

   But the switches inside have a mechanism, as long as you are not careful, the structure inside will be destroyed.

   "That's so special, you don't know how to be careful, you need so much, where can I find it for you." Zao Wou-Ki is also a rude person, and he didn't show much politeness to the tall old man, just scolded him directly.

  The height of the building is also rough. He was in favor of Zao Wou-Ki's appointment as Bishop of Gengxin City.

   You must know that Zao Wou-Ki has been wanted by the Spirit Hall for decades. Now that he is suddenly arranged to be a bishop in Gengxin City, it is certain that all the blacksmiths in Gengxin City think that Wuhun Temple really does not know what Thralls did in Gengxin City.

  In addition, after Thralls was executed in public, his belongings were also handed over to the Blacksmiths Association for them to handle by themselves.

   During this time, Zao Wou-Ki had a very harmonious relationship with the Blacksmiths Association in Gengxin City.

  There is no open and secret struggle, some just carry forward the Blacksmith Association. This is the current president of the Blacksmiths Association, Lou Gao. One of the three great master craftsmen alive today.

   "Wuji, there is a friend who claims to be your friend in the city you entrusted to visit you." A figure appeared in the room where Lou Gao and Zao Wuji were talking.

   "Hello, Lou Gao." At the same time, the woman gave Lou Gao a very gentle salute.

   "Hahaha. Xiaoxia. Good, good." This woman, Lou Gao also knew, was considered a relatively beautiful existence in Gengxin City. He never thought that Zao Wou-Ki was so charming, and actually married Xiaoxia.

   "The City of Tuo?" Zao Wou-Ki thought about it for a while. Aren't the friends in the City of Tuo the old ones from Flanders?

   "Wouji, do you want to meet?" Xiaoxia looked at Zao Wuji suspiciously. I don't know why he suddenly froze.

   "See you, of course I want to see you. This is one of my old brothers." Zao Wou-Ki remembered, it was definitely Flanders.

  Because after he became the platinum bishop of Gengxin City, he sent a letter to Flender, and mentioned that if he could not get along one day, he would come to him.

  Under the leadership of Xiaoxia, Zao Wou-Ki, Lou Gao, and the three quickly met Flender.

   Who knows that Flander's coming is worse than it is a coincidence.

   Because inside his soul tool, there happened to be a hidden weapon made by Tang San.

   was successfully bought by Zao Wou-Ki for one hundred gold soul coins.

   In Zao Wou-Ki’s words, these are all public expenses. Wuhundian will reimburse him.

  Flander envied Zao Wou-Ki.

   It's not bad to marry a girl who looks like a flower and a jade, and she has become the platinum bishop of Gengxin City, the Wuhun Temple.

   "By the way, Flender, what's the matter with you?" The old man Lou Gao took the hidden weapon that Zao Wou-Ki bought from Flender, and happily went back to the Blacksmiths Association to split it up.

  Zao Wou-Ki and Flender sat at the dining table in the Spirit Hall of Gengxin City and started chatting.

   "Hey, Wuji, didn't you know that the traditions of Shrek Academy were ruined by Yu Xiaogang." Flender was angry when he thought of this.

   "Hey, tell me, what's going on." Zao Wou-Ki was also very curious.

  Which master Yu Xiaogang destroyed the traditions of Shrek Academy.

"... Now Shrek Academy belongs to the power of the Heaven Dou Empire Prince Xue Beng. Several old brothers and I from Tuocheng to Heaven Dou City have all retired. They are old enough to do whatever they want. Find a remote area, and then retire, as for me, I just come to see you first, and then I'm going to find a place to retire."

   After Flender had left Zao Wou-Ki from Soto City, Liu Erlong came to the door and beat Tang San violently. Master Yu Xiaogang gave him a meal.

   Zao Wou-Ki didn't feel anything strange when he heard such words. Because Zao Wou-Ki didn't think it would be surprising if Tang San was beaten to death one day.

   "I just didn't expect Tang San to be Tang Ritian's son." Zao Wou-Ki really didn't expect Tang San to be the son of Tang Ritian, who is known to everyone in the Hall of Souls.

"Flander, don't worry, what you told me today, I have heard it, why won't it spread." Zhao Wuji wouldn't spread the news about Tang San being Tang Ritian's son, otherwise, he would Dangerous old brother Flender.

"Flander, let me tell you, it's definitely not Poison Douluo who makes Shrek Academy unable to receive the Spirit Hall subsidy." Zhao Wuji heard Flender say that Yu Xiaogang suspected that Poison Douluo had blocked him. I went to their Shrek Academy, and then I thought it was impossible,

   "Why." Flender raised the wine glass on the table in confusion.

"Who is Poison Douluo, a titled Douluo who dominates the world with poison, would he care about Yu Xiaogang, a little big soul master?" Zhao Wuji thought of the Poison Douluo's behavior recorded in the Spirit Hall of Gengxin City, and couldn't help it. think.

   "But who is it if it's not Poison Douluo?" Flender continued to ask.

"Flander, let me ask you, if Poison Douluo directly killed Yu Xiaogang, would the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect take revenge? Dugu Bo is now a real 96th-level Super Douluo." Zhao Wuji knew Dugu Bo's soul power level is not exaggerated at all.

   After all, Dugu Bo is a Douluo registered in the Spirit Hall. It is not an exaggeration to know his level Wuhundian,

   "Ninety-sixth level? Where did he kill Yu Xiaogang, but he wasn't afraid at all. Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect didn't dare to trouble him." Flender also understood the horror of Dugu Bo.

   "Since that's the case, the one targeting your Shrek Academy will definitely not be Dugu Bo, and he won't use the power of the Spirit Hall to attack Shrek's small academy.

  If I guess correctly, this matter must have something to do with your sister Liu Erlong. "

   Zao Wou-Ki's analysis, Flender didn't even think of it.

   "But Erlong has already handed over the management of the academy."

  Flander didn't understand, why did this matter have something to do with Liu Erlong again.

"Have you ever thought about why Yu Xiaogang went to the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou Empire, didn't he rely on Tang Ritian's name? And you think that Dugu Bo will be afraid of Tang Ritian, which is a joke." Rand was shocked.

   "But Tang Ritian is able to tie with Qiandaoliu, who is enshrined in the Spirit Hall." Flender told Yu Xiaogang that Tang Ritian was able to compete with Qiandaoliu.

   "Pfft. Flender, I have to say that there is still some problem with your vision. Here, I will correct you a little.

  Title Douluo realm, after reaching level ninety-five, it is the first level, even the current Poison Douluo, Tang Ritian needs to use all his strength to win. You see what I mean. But the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's Sword Douluo Chen Xin, level ninety-seven, Tang Ritian is definitely not an opponent. Just him, he still wants to beat the 99th level sacrifice. I want to eat shit. " Zao Wou-Ki's remarks made Flender feel a little enlightened.

"No wonder Yu Xiaogang suggested Tang Ritian to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to ask Ning Fengzhi to send his precious daughter to Shrek Academy to help Tang San and others. Tang Ritian didn't go. It was because he was afraid of being beaten to death." Rand understood.

   "But then, isn't Yu Xiaogang killing himself?" Flender asked in shock.

"Since you have withdrawn from Shrek Academy now, it's none of your business whether he will die or not." Zao Wou-Ki was very disdainful. theoretical knowledge. Carry out the title of theoretical invincibility to the end.

   He also learned the exact information through Wuhun Palace, which means that Yu Xiaogang was indeed in Wuhun City at the beginning and stayed for a long time.

   "But that disciple of mine, hey." After all, Flender still couldn't bear Ma Hongjun.

"Forget it, do you still want to go to Tang Ritian's hands to rob people, you must know that the Shrek team today is considered by Tang Ritian as the soul bone of the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor's right leg that won the Wuhun Hall reward. It's the only chance." Zhao Wuji knew why the Spirit Hall would take out such a piece of spirit bone to reward the champion team of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament.

   He just wanted to trick Tang Ritian into being fooled, after all, Tang Ritian is such a peculiar dog hiding in the dark.

  Flander wanted to persuade Ma Hongjun to leave, but he did feel a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of Tang Ritian.

"By the way, Lao Zhao, you are now a member of Wuhun Temple. How do you know what Tang Ritian did in Wuhun City? Is his wife really the Blue Silver Emperor of 100,000 Years?" After a lot of rumors, it was passed around. When it reached Flanders' ears, it had become another version.

   "This thing was real in real time, someone recorded it with a recording crystal ball;

   It’s just that the crystal ball was put away by the Hall of Souls. It may take the entire continent's high-level soul master elite competition before it will be open to the entire continent again.

   "Fuck, what kind of Tang Ritian is really talented." At this moment, Flender also believed what Zao Wou-Ki said, there was nothing he could do. Zhao Wuji has been his brother for many years, and he has the identity of the Spirit Hall, so it is absolutely impossible to deceive him.

"Fu Laogui, you can stay in the future, my profession can give you the status of a guest of the Gengxin City Martial Soul Hall, and we are all getting old, I think we can also try to have children. If If you are willing to stay, I can ask my wife to introduce you to someone, how about it. It's better than going to Goulan. "

   "Old Zhao, don't talk nonsense, who is going to go to the bar?" Flender was directly stabbed in the key by Zao Wou-Ki, and his old face flushed. said very displeased.

"Come on, old ghost Fu, don't pretend to me. If you have a father, you will have a son, and if you have a teacher, you will have an apprentice. As for what's wrong with you and Ma Hongjun, I know very well." Zhao Wuji said directly. A sharp stab at the heart of Flanders.

Flender immediately got up, covered Zao Wou-Ki's mouth and said, "Old Zhao, be merciful. I have already planned to hang out with you in the future. No matter what, I am still a soul saint, marry a daughter-in-law and live a good life, Not bad."

   "Hahahaha. Okay, old ghost, good brother." Zao Wou-Ki was also very happy.

   Facing the direct old brother who came to rely on him, he was really moved.

   (end of this chapter)

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