Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 205: fifteenth aunt

   Chapter 205 Fifteen Aunt

   "Hello, please help me deliver this letter to Yun Xiaofeng. Thank you!" Qian Renxue looked at a girl in front of her with two cute bunny ears on her head and said.

  Xiao Wu is a little confused now.

   Because she was there when she robbed Qian Renxue!

  Xiao Wu's first reaction was "Come for revenge?"

   "But it shouldn't be! Has she beaten Brother Xiaofeng?"

   "Then what did she write in this letter?"

   But when Xiao Wu wanted to ask Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue had already left.

   Xiao Wu holds an envelope in her hand. He ran upstairs quickly: "Brother Xiaofeng. A girl asked me to give you this letter just now. It's very beautiful. It seems to be your fifteenth aunt!"

   Yun Xiaofeng was a little surprised.

   "What about the little girl?" Yun Xiaofeng asked curiously. Then start unpacking the envelopes!

   "She came in to see me, then asked me to give you this letter, and then she left. I thought she recognized me then!"

  Xiao Wu is still a little restless at this moment! I thought Qian Renxue recognized her. But that girl is so pretty!

   Yun Xiaofeng opened the envelope and wrote two words inside. and a map!

   A location on the map took a circle. Wrote two simple words! "One-on-one!"

   See this super work by Qian Renxue! Yun Xiaofeng felt so speechless.

   When he first started, he thought Qian Renxue appeared as a daughter. Then maybe she came to be his fifteenth concubine. result. That's it? That's it!

  Yun Xiaofeng put away the letter! Then he said to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, do you think that the fifteenth aunt just now should be spanked?"

  Xiao Wu's cute bunny ears shrugged, then stood up again. Said: "Well. It's time to hit. I dare not call you Sister Xiao Wu. Brother Xiaofeng, remember to help me spank her **** twice."

   "No problem. Wood!" Yun Xiaofeng lightly kissed Xiao Wu's pale pink cheeks. He left Yuexuan!

  Xiao Wu is standing still and giggling non-stop!

   Yun Xiaofeng wanted to see how much Qian Renxue owes!

   To what extent does this have to be inflated to be so arrogant!

   "Can't get used to it. Yes. Just can't get used to it." The location given to him on the map is the edge of the Sunset Forest. Where there are few people.

   Yun Xiaofeng put on stockings on his head and arrived at the scene, and found Qian Renxue standing there alone. There is only grass around.

   "Aunt Fifteen, I haven't seen you for such a long time and want to kill me. Come and give my husband a hug!" Yun Xiaofeng, who was smiling, was very excited when he saw Qian Renxue's women's clothes coming out!

   In fact, the same is true. Qian Renxue and Yun Xiaofeng have not seen each other for a long time.

"Aren't you curious about how I found you? How do you know that it was you who robbed me at the time. The little devil of Yuexuan, Yun Xiaofeng?" Qian Renxue didn't want Yun Xiaofeng to suspect her. Another identity is on Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   "Wo, you're not threatening my thirteenth aunt! You're going too far! Everyone is a family, why should you embarrass her?" Yun Xiaofeng pretended to shake her head and sighed.

   Qian Renxue knew that Yun Xiaofeng was the one who robbed her in the Sunset Forest and kissed her in stockings. The robber was actually very simple.

   It was Ning Fengzhi who named the goods back then.

   Because several of Yun Xiaofeng's daughters-in-law are carrying the storage soul tool that Ning Rongrong collected!

  Yun Xiaofeng didn't mean to shy away.

   There is a pool between them! Under the radiance of moonlight. Qian Renxue's face really twitched a few times.

   She didn't expect that vixen to know the information of Yun Xiaofeng! Thanks to her mother for loving her so much!

   Actually, Bibi Dong didn't ask, if Bibi Dong did. Then Hu Liena will definitely tell her.

   "When you took advantage of the crowd to rob me, I swore that I would give you some color to see." Qian Renxue walked forward, and the spirit rings under her feet jumped out one by one.

  Two yellows, one purple, three blacks, and one red!

   Yun Xiaofeng was stunned when he saw it.

   When will the fifteenth aunt of her family be able to resist the spirit ring created by the death of a hundred thousand year spirit beast at level seventy?

   "No, your spirit ring is wrong. There is no resentment of the spirit beast after the death of the spirit beast!" Yun Xiaofeng looked at Qian Renxue's lavender eyes and asked!

"Hehe, if you have some skills, then I will tell you that this is the soul ring bestowed by the gods. He can condense the most suitable soul ring and soul skills for me!" Qian Renxue said a little arrogantly. .

   Indeed, when her mother told her that the spirit ring was bestowed by God, she was stunned. So far, she has not passed the examination of the God of Angels. She is not very clear about these so-called divine tests and rewards!

"Fifteenth Auntie, you won't accept the **** test!" It stands to reason that Qian Renxue's 100,000-year-old spirit ring of the seventh-level seventh ring can indeed obtain the test of the **** of angels, but at this moment Yun Xiaofeng nervous. He didn't want Qian Renxue to be assessed by the God of Angels!

   Looking at Yun Xiaofeng's nervous face and nervous tone: "Are you nervous, afraid of being taught by me?"

   "I'm afraid of your big head. Aunt Fifteen, listen to my husband, don't take the angel test for the time being! This is only good for you. Do you hear it?" Yun Xiaofeng's voice was full of sternness!

  If Qian Renxue were to take the divine test now, wouldn't it be the test of the **** of angels? It would be of no benefit to her in the slightest.

   "You even know my divine test. Tell me how you know, or I will kill you today." Qian Renxue began to threaten Yun Xiaofeng.

   Yun Xiaofeng knows too many secrets.

"I'm helping you, you are my fifteenth concubine, I will definitely not harm you, believe me! Really." Yun Xiaofeng was really afraid that Qian Renxue would return to Wuhun City so soon to accept the divine test .

  Then what he did for Qian Renxue to evolve her martial spirit was not a waste!

   So Yun Xiaofeng quit now. He would definitely not agree to Qian Renxue returning to Wuhun City to accept the so-called Angel God test.

"It's okay if you want me to agree. Unless you defeat me, I'm willing to temporarily not accept the angel test. How about it." Qian Renxue raised her smooth and white chin, and stood proudly looking at the pool of water that was less than ten meters wide. Yun Xiaofeng!

   "This little girl. She really deserves a fight!" Yun Xiaofeng was speechless for a while.

   His combat power is also the level of 90 Soul Douluo.

   Qian Renxue is now about level seventy-three.

   But with the blessing of a hundred thousand year spirit ring angel avatar, she can also reach the title Douluo,

   "No wonder this chick thinks she can beat herself. It turns out that she exposed too much when she was in the Royal Fighting Team!

  Unfortunately, what she could not have imagined was that this young master also had self-created soul skills such as the Six Meridians Excalibur! Gee! "

   "Yun Xiaofeng, if you lose today, when you see this young lady in the future, you have to respectfully call your sister, remember, you have to be respectful every time!" Qian Renxue was already happy at this moment.

   After she won today, she appeared in front of Yun Xiaofeng one hundred and eighty times every day. Then let Yun Xiaofeng call her sister. Tsk tsk, thinking of that scene, Qian Renxue was overjoyed.

   "Hey, silly girl, what are you laughing at?" Yun Xiaofeng almost thought Qian Renxue was going crazy!

   "Hurry up and agree to my terms. Otherwise, I'll kill you later." Qian Renxue said viciously.

   "Okay, I will agree to your conditions. But I also have conditions. If you agree to this, I will fight you. How about it?" Yun Xiaofeng and Qian Renxue were both calculating.

   "You said." Qian Renxue said.

"If you lose, you have to obediently be the fifteenth concubine for this young master, and every time you see me in the future, you have to obediently call your husband! Do you agree?" Yun Xiaofeng stood there, proudly looking at Qian Qian. Ren Xue.

   "I will lose? Hahaha. It's just a joke!" Qian Renxue is still Qian Renxue!

   She was born with a level 20 soul power. What kind of talent this is.

   Even though she knew that Yun Xiaofeng's innate soul power level was the same as hers. Then don't be afraid. After all, the gap between the fifty-seventh-level spirit power level and her seventy-three-level spirit power level is still quite large.

"Stop laughing, just say you agree or disagree! If you don't agree, this young master will leave immediately and go back and hug my wives to sleep!" Yun Xiaofeng yawned, meaning you didn't Agreed then I went back to sleep.

   "Bastard, this lady won't lose!" Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, and Yun Xiaofeng's words seemed to stimulate her.

"Hey, little girl, you are so immoral! If I lose, I have to agree to your conditions. If you lose, you don't have to pay anything. That's such a good thing." Yun Xiaofeng had already begun to speak. Pretend to be impatient.

   "That's good, Miss Ben will promise you." Qian Renxue's voice just fell.

   came from her ear.

   "Fifteenth concubine, you lost." Yun Xiaofeng's humble voice reached Qian Renxue's ears.

   A dark red dagger was placed around her neck. Made her a little confused.

   "Pop. Call my husband." Yun Xiaofeng held a dagger in one hand and slapped Qian Renxue's buttocks with the other!

   "Well, Aunt Fifteen. It feels good." What Yun Xiaofeng didn't know was that Qian Renxue was in a state of rage at this moment.

   She was angry.

   "Bastard, I'll kill you." Qian Renxue didn't pay any attention to whether the dagger that Yun Xiaofeng was holding around her neck was a super artifact.

   She just wanted to kill Yun Xiaofeng, the grandson.

   "No, haven't you already lost? You don't accept the loss!" Yun Xiaofeng was bounced off by Qian Renxue's furious state. He had already seen Qian Renxue summon her spirit.

   With the blessing of the twelve-winged archangel Martial Spirit.

   Qian Renxue became more beautiful, holy and noble. Sacred and inviolable!

   (end of this chapter)

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