Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 197: The jacket is leaking

  Chapter 197 The little padded jacket is leaking

   Xie Yue then read all the names of the students in the team.

   She knew when she heard that Yun Xiaofeng was in the team.

  Hu Liena secretly said: "Good guy, good guy." A girl named Yun Xiaoqing did not have a bright soul ring, which means that she must be at the level of a soul king, and the fourth spirit ring must be Wannian.

   As for another one named Xue Ke, this guy is a princess. There is still some information in their Spirit Hall.

  Bai Chenxiang, the eldest lady of the Minzhi clan.

   These two are still Soul Masters. Hu Liena doesn't have to think about it to know that the fourth soul ring of these two beauties will definitely be cultivated by Yun Xiaofeng into the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   "Hmph, I won't be weak either." I thought to myself, then Hu Liena got up, and the nine fluffy tails on her back were particularly beautiful. Coupled with a pair of fox ears on the top of the head, it is simply an existence that brings the charm to the extreme.


  Yue Xuan.

   "Ah." Who scolds me like that.

  Yun Xiaofeng guessed that someone was worried about him, who was it?

   shook his head and forgot about it.

   Lie between Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun and continued to sleep.

   Now that Yun Xiaofeng is staying in Yuexuan, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and the Imperial Fighting Team will not go back for now. He just wants to see how composure the old Mengshenji is.

   Or to see if Prince Xue Qinghe has the courage to arrest Yu Xiaogang and put him in the dungeon for half a year.

   The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, the Imperial Fighting Team and the Star Luo Imperial Academy in the Heaven Dou City Soul Fighting competition had spread throughout the Douluo Continent, big and small.

   As soon as I heard about Dugu Yan in the fourth ring of ten thousand years, I wanted to take back my sect.

   then learned that Dugu Yan was the granddaughter of Dugu Bo.

   Scalp started to go numb.

   There is still this courage.

   Including the Clear Sky Sect also knew that Dugu Yan was the existence of the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   But even though their suzerain Tang Xiao has reached the rank of the 97th titled Douluo, he still does not dare to provoke Duguyan.

   With the existence of her grandfather, this special thing is a big killer.

   Come to your sect and put a mouthful of poison, and everyone below the title Douluo will die.

   Now the title Douluo on the bright side is also Wuhundian, the upper three sects, the Xingluo royal family, and the wild Dugu Bo.

  No one wants to be the enemy of Dugu Bo.

   This is known to the Spirit Hall.

   Otherwise, Spirit Hall would not have sent two Titled Douluos to hunt them down, but Nai He hadn't caught up.

   Actually, Yun Xiaofeng has always thought that the two titled Douluos, Yueguan and Guimei, are really that bad?

   Not to mention, both of them have spirit fusion skills.

  Reminiscent of the original work, Qianxun Ji, Guimei, Yueguan, three titled Douluo, chased and killed Tang Ritian, and was almost hammered to death by Tang Ritian who had just entered the titled Douluo.

   This battle has made Tang Ritian famous.

   The youngest titled Douluo in the entire continent.

   "Little rascal, be honest with your paws." Yun Yun took Yun Xiaofeng's hand out of her belly pocket. Hit it lightly.

   "Little bastard, don't make trouble." Tang Yuehua was also caught.

   "Hehe. Wife Yuehua, Wife Yunyun, I have good news for you." Yun Xiaofeng is happy, now he is really happy.

   "What good news." Tang Yuehua didn't open her eyes, she continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

   "Your eldest sister is coming, tsk tsk. Haha." Yun Xiaofeng thought that as soon as Wu Qingying arrived as the system said, she would be Fa-rectified on the spot.

   Then it's all his, it's all his.

   "Well, I know." Yun Yun thought that Yun Xiaofeng was going to say something unpleasant news.

   Bai Yun Xiaofeng, who is full of amorous feelings, gave him a glance.

   "The little rascal is sleeping, don't let your claws come over." Yun Yun's face was blushing.

  Yun Xiaofeng also knows that he can't play too much, otherwise it will catch fire. Not anymore.

  Tang Yuehua didn't speak or open his eyes, he fell asleep as if he was exhausted. ,

   But she is actually practicing hard. She wants to reach level ninety as soon as possible.

   She knew that after she broke through to the title Douluo, his little **** would be able to get away with it.

   "We Yuexuan have so many Titled Douluos, I'm just asking if you're afraid." This is what Yun Xiaofeng thought, right?


   The next morning, everyone gathered in the Yuexuan conference room.

   watched Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo come out of the room full of energy.

"Little Demon King, thank you. By the way, is there any other Naduo you gave me called Qiluo Tulip? I'm willing to pay a high price or exchange spirit bones with you." Ning Fengzhi knew that such treasures could be found but not sought after, but Yun Xiaofeng already has one, maybe not anymore. He really should have given Qiluo tulips to his daughter yesterday.

   "Oh, Uncle Ning, who are you going to use it for." Yun Xiaofeng asked.

  If Ning Fengzhi wanted to use it for other people, then it would not work. But if it was given to Ning Rongrong, wouldn't he be a piece of white soul bone.

  Since Ning Fengzhi wanted to exchange his soul bone with him, then Yun Xiaofeng shouldn't be too **** Ning Fengzhi.

"Isn't this my precious daughter yet? If you have it there, I can use the spirit bone in exchange." Ning Fengzhi's spirit of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda broke through to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. He was so happy that he had already sold Ning Rong Rong had already forgotten about marrying out.

   "Then I'm welcome, Uncle Ning, I hope Uncle Ning will be honest. Don't worry, I only need a soul bone." Ning Fengzhi didn't expect Yun Xiaofeng to still have it.

   "Haha, that's what you said, little devil. Don't go back." Ning Fengzhi thought that he had taken advantage.

   "Whoever regrets is a puppy." Yun Xiaofeng was happy. Ning Fengzhi was giving him his soul bone.

   "Haha, okay, Uncle Jian, let's go, let's go back to the sect and bring a soul bone." Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo hurried away.

   The other girls looked at Yun Xiaofeng a little strangely. "Brother Xiaofeng, why are you so generous today, not like you."

   "I'm a generous ass, my father-in-law wants to give me a soul bone, can I still pick and choose." After Yun Xiaofeng said this, everyone else was stunned.

   "Originally, Rongrong was already Xiaofeng's auntie too, even if Sect Master Ning didn't need anything, Xiaofeng would be absorbed by Rongrong. Now you understand," Yun Yun said with a smile,

"Well, my wife Yun Yun is still smart. Tsk tsk, don't worry, you all have a share, and of course the ones you have used will be gone." Yun Xiaofeng's meaning is also true, if you can eat the fairy grass all the time, then you can cultivate shit. Immediately become a god.

   "But brother Xiaofeng, you should ask my father for two more soul bones. Anyway, there should be more in our sect's treasure house." Ning Rongrong said, if Ning Fengzhi was present, he would definitely feel that the little padded jacket was leaking.

   "Forget it, I'm afraid your father will say I'm not being kind after you react." Yun Xiaofeng patted Ning Rongrong's hair.

   "In here, Yunyun, Yuehua, Poisonous Old Man, Yanzi, Xiaowu, and Kitty. Leng Leng. Just a few of you have used it."

   Zhu Zhuyun said, "But haven't I used it before?" Yun Xiaomiao also nodded.

   "The leaf you eat doesn't count, it's only effective against cat spirits." Yun Xiaofeng explained to Zhu Zhuyun.

   "As expected, it's a good thing to follow this stinky girl Zhu Zhuqing." Zhu Zhuyun thought to himself.

"By the way, Yanzi, let your grandfather inform Leng Leng's parents and let them both come to Yuexuan. Let's just say Leng Leng's father should break through to Title Douluo. By then, our Yuexuan will have enough Title Douluo. Surprise everyone, quack." Yun Xiaofeng's words shocked everyone.

   If it is really counted, the number of Titled Douluo Yuexuan has is indeed a bit scary.

  Tang Yuehua, Yun Yun. Yun Xiaodie (A Yin), Rou Anran, Dugu Bo, Ye Xiaorou, Ye Qi.

   There are only seven of them, and each of them is an existence with outstanding combat power.

   Liu Erlong is about to break through to Contra, so is he still far from Titled Douluo?

   Then it must be up to Liu Erlong's chances.

   I still can't tell the female Tyrannosaurus rex, or the bigger her hopes will be, the bigger her disappointment will be.

   (end of this chapter)

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