Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 192: More monks than meat

   Chapter 192

"Little witch, look at your father, he sold you for two soul bones. It's too cheap." Yun Xiaofeng started to ignite the flames. about him.

"Dad, is Rongrong only worth two soul bones in your heart? I said it last time, but I didn't expect you to hurt my heart so much. Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Skin's little hand, while rubbing his eyes, said.

  Yun Xiaofeng watched Ning Rongrong's acting skills from the side, if this was on Blue Star, those little traffickers would probably have nothing to eat.

  Ning Feng had a headache. "This little witch, the little devil, it's really not a cover. If these two people are together, they should be able to tear down their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and rebuild it."

   "Of course there won't be only two soul bones, my family Rongrong is my precious daughter." Ning Fengzhi glanced at Yun Xiaofeng with a twitching mouth.

  Yun Xiaofeng didn't care at all about it.

  Since you, Ning Fengzhi, have a dowry, if I, Yuexuan, don’t return the gift, wouldn’t it be unreasonable.

   "Then Dad, hurry up and take a look at it." Ning Rongrong had already guessed that his father and Grandpa Jian couldn't have brought only two soul bones with known parts when they went back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

   "Look." Ning Fengzhi took out five crystal clear soul bones.

   "You don't even have a soul bone in your right leg, you're really poor." Yun Xiaofeng's words made Ning Fengzhi really seem to be hitting someone.

   "The right leg spirit bone is the cheapest of all spirit bones. Don't tell me what you know about it. Among my five spirit bones, I even have the most expensive torso spirit bone.

  You think this can represent the sincerity of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. "Ning Fengzhi's voice was a bit loud, if it wasn't for the better sound insulation of Yuexuan's room, then everyone outside would have heard it.

   "Just do it, seven soul bones, um. Then your precious daughter will be my auntie." Yun Xiaofeng's words made Ning Fengzhi feel relieved.

   These are seven spirit bones. If the news is released, you Yuexuan has seven spirit bones. Let’s see if anyone on the mainland comes to trouble you.

   However, Ning Fengzhi thought about it, if Yue Xuan's energy was announced, it is estimated that no one would dare to ask for trouble.


   Isn't his purpose in doing this just to find a backer for his daughter?

   "Since it's your family's dowry, I'll give you something too." Putting away the seven spirit bones Ning Fengzhi gave him, Yun Xiaofeng took out a flower from the system space.

   This flower was taken out, and Ning Fengzhi felt that his spirit was longing for it.

   "The name of this flower is, Qiluo Tulip, forget it, I won't talk nonsense, you take it back to the sect and absorb it, first absorb the stamens, and then slowly refine it."

  This flower can distinguish the characteristics of all heaven and earth spirits, command the heaven and earth spirits, and all the abilities related to taste - it has all, and its aroma can change a person's breath. In front of him, all plant-type soul beasts had their combat power halved.

   This is the Qiluo tulip that Yun Xiaofeng presented to Ning Fengzhi.

   But Ning Fengzhi was tempted by Qiluo Tulips at this time. He didn't seem to hear what Yun Xiaofeng said that he should take him back to the sect to absorb it.

  Ning Fengzhi looked at Qiluo Tulips as if he was watching a peerless beauty naked on the sofa, with her long legs cocked to tempt him.

   "Suck the stamens first." Ning Fengzhi couldn't wait to start absorbing them in Yuexuan's room.

   "Fuck me." Yun Xiaofeng now has the heart to beat Ning Fengzhi, didn't he agree to let him go back to the sect to absorb it?

   "Ning Rongrong, your father is really good." Yun Xiaofeng really admired Ning Fengzhi, he even took seven soul bones as dowry when he married his daughter.

   "Well, I think it's okay too. I guess my father doesn't want me." Ning Rongrong said.

   "Well, I actually think that, otherwise, you wouldn't use the seven soul bones as your dowry. Look at you, your father really worked hard." Yun Xiaofeng's words made Ning Rongrong want to beat him.

   "You mean no one wants this young lady?" Ning Rongrong stared at Yun Xiaofeng with a pair of glazed eyes.

   "There are still many people who want it. But I don't think I'm as handsome. I'm right." Yun Xiaofeng stroked his face lightly.

   "Well, what you said is indeed correct. After all, there are thick-skinned people on the mainland, and I have never seen a few." Ning Rongrong and Yun Xiaofeng quarreled.

   Yun Xiaofeng is not afraid of Ning Rongrong,

   "Hey, yes, you said that your father is true. He actually used seven spirit bones to marry you." Yun Xiaofeng's words left Ning Rongrong speechless.

   "Hmph, this is my father's love for me, what do you know." After a long time, Ning Rongrong chose to answer.

   "Let's go, let's go out, just ask your grandfather Jian to come in and watch over your father. This young master is not interested in seeing this bad old man." After speaking, Yun Xiaofeng took Ning Rongrong's little hand and walked out of the room.

   Since she is already his own auntie, Yun Xiaofeng will not be polite to Ning Rongrong.

"This little girl's skin is really good, and I don't know how to take care of it. It's actually so well maintained. It's smooth, tender, tender." Yun Xiaofeng took Ning Rongrong's hand and walked into the hall .

   Everyone watched this strange scene,

   Yun Xiaofeng took Ning Rongrong's hand and walked to Tang Yuehua's side.

   "This young master has something to announce to you. This one is called Ning Rongrong. She will be the youngest in the future, my auntie." After Yun Xiaofeng introduced it, she understood everything.

"I don't know what kind of stimulation Fengzhi got, but he actually went back to the sect to get seven spirit bones, and even gave his most beloved granddaughter to this **** as his auntie." Sword Douluo was very cool in his heart. What can so many women do.

   Do you feel bad about practicing your sword?

   "Boy, where's Fengzhi?" Only then did Sword Douluo realize that Ning Fengzhi didn't come out.

   "Oh, your sect master is cultivating in the room, you can guard it." Yun Xiaofeng pointed to the room where he and Ning Rongrong came out. Signaled Sword Douluo to go in and wait.

   "Cultivation, isn't Fengzhi already at level seventy-nine? What are you still cultivating?" Jian Douluo was a little dumbfounded by Yun Xiaofeng's words, but he still walked into the room.

   "Wife Yuehua, she is still level 89, right?" After Yun Xiaofeng introduced Ning Rongrong to everyone, he began to care about Tang Yuehua.

   "Well, if we want to break through, it should take a few days." Tang Yuehua was also very helpless, her cultivation speed was too fast,

   If she had such talent for cultivation since she was six years old, then she would be the first 20-year-old Titled Douluo in the entire continent.

   "Well," Yun Xiaofeng originally considered whether to give Tang Yuehua a soul bone so that he could break through to Title Douluo.

   But now that I think about it, forget it.

   Ah Yin and Rou Anran, the two girls haven't come back yet. He is not in a hurry.

   Yun Xiaofeng took out a few spirit bones that Ning Fengzhi had given him.

The    torso soul bone is the most precious. The second is the head soul bone.

   This can be divided into five spirit bones, one torso spirit bone, two head spirit bones, one left hand spirit bone, and one left leg spirit bone.

   Yun Xiaofeng took a look at the attributes of the soul bone and the attributes of his wives.

  He had a headache.

   It is obvious that monks have more flesh and less flesh.

   (end of this chapter)

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