Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 189: Nalan Yanran

   Chapter 189 Nalan Yanran

   "Don't worry! Your precious apprentice has the same attributes as yours. Don't worry." Yun Xiaofeng didn't have to think about it to know that it was Nalan Yanran!

   Yun Yun looked at Yun Xiaofeng in disbelief at the beginning. After thinking about it carefully, there is a big sister with supernatural powers.

  It's not surprising that the little rascal knows this.

   Yunyun is one of her favorite goddesses.

   Gentle, kind, and beautiful enough to make life without a trace of blasphemy.

   "Wife Yunyun, I want to discuss something with you." Yun Xiaofeng felt that some of the people in this group would come out and put them in Yuexuan to practice.

   After all, the Emperor Fighting Team can't be loaded too fast.

   "Well, little rascal, say it. I'll listen." Yun Yun said softly,

   "I want to leave a few people to study in Yuexuan, you have to work harder. After all, the Royal Fight Team can't hold so many people." Yun Xiaofeng meant this.

   "You still have to discuss this matter with Sister Yuehua! I can't be the master!" Yunyun shook her head and laughed!

   Her little hooligan wants to kill first and then play!

   "Don't worry, I'll keep a few gentle girls. For example, Liu Erlong, I'll definitely take it to the academy." Yunyun still knew exactly what Liu Erlong's temper was.

   "Well. Erlong, just don't knock down the house." Yunyun seemed to be prepared.

   "Liu Erlong, stop. I'm just making an analogy. Look at you, why are you excited." Yun Xiaofeng admired Liu Erlong. This is simply a special female tyrannosaurus, and the rhythm of the action will be done if a word disagrees!

   "Humph." Liu Erlong snorted coldly.

   Then the flames all over his body were closed.

  's murderous aura made Xue Ke and Zhu Zhuyun very nervous.

   "You've swelled up recently! Aren't you afraid of my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? This is a self-created soul skill specially designed to deal with you!"

  【Dog host, shameless! 】


  …[……] The system doesn’t want to talk anymore!

   "Shameless." Liu Erlong said to Yun Xiaofeng.

  Liu Erlong clearly remembered the final form of Yun Xiaofeng's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon!

   Yunyun also understands Liu Erlong's character and is domineering. Fierce, that kind of punching to the flesh, she Yunyun also wanted to try it.

   But she was afraid that she would not be able to throw it away once she learned it.

   After all, her style is too different from hers.

  The important thing is that her defense is now invincible! At least it's invincible now!

   "Oh, by the way, Big Cat Mi, this is for you. After taking it, hurry up and refine it! It should allow you to increase your spirit power to ten levels!"

   Yun Xiaofeng took out the divine catnip and gave Zhu Zhuyun a leaf.

   When Xueke and Liu Erlong heard that they could increase their ten-level soul power, their eyes almost popped out.

   After arriving at the Soul Sect, it takes a long time to cultivate one level of Soul Power each time. And Zhu Zhuyun's talent is not as good as her sister, Zhu Zhuqing's. However, what Yun Xiaofeng gave to Zhu Zhuyun. A divine herb, catnip, which can increase the tenth-level soul power level.

   "Stupid goose, Liu Erlong, don't be envious of the two of you. I have some good things for you." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Liu Erlong and Xueke and knew they were envious.

   "It's just that now is not the best time for you." Yun Xiaofeng knew that it was indeed not the best time to give them fairy grass!

   Among them are Ning Rongrong, Bai Chenxiang, Xue Ke, and Liu Erlong. descending strains. Even if the last two are considered by Yun Xiaofeng as maids!

   "Well, thank you brother Xiaofeng, we got it." Xueke smiled sweetly.

   She is different from Liu Erlong.

   But Liu Erlong never thought that there was something about her in it.

   She knew that she was just Yun Xiaofeng's maid.

   He didn't expect Yun Xiaofeng to count himself among his women.

   Thinking of this, Liu Erlong's face became hot.

   There was a blush on her face, who looked like she was eighteen years old. Like a ripe peach.

   It would not be an exaggeration to say that Liu Erlong will be the one who will benefit the most from the next group of people!

   Yun Xiaofeng is indeed helping her plan a very important thing.

   Zhu Zhuyun took the catnip handed over by Yun Xiaofeng. Her martial spirit was unconsciously possessed on her body!

   Nether civet.

   "Really, really, really," it's not really Zhu Zhuyun's disbelief.

  What Yun Xiaofeng said was a bit too shocking.

   She is now level 44. Raise more than ten levels. Then it is the soul king level.

   Face this problem. The only person who answered Zhu Zhuyun was Yun Xiaofeng who nodded lightly.

   "Let's absorb it here! It's just so that everyone can see the power of the Immortal Grass." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking.

   Zhu Zhuyun sat cross-legged in the room.

   Today's Yuexuan is not the only five-story Yuexuan it used to be.

  Although it is still five stories high, it is no longer a building.

  Yuexuan has a lot of gold soul coins. After adding the belly to the royal family. They helped build it.

   Therefore, every lounge in Yuexuan today is very spacious.

   After Zhu Zhuyun swallowed the catnip, he began to refine it.

   The first thing to change is her spirit! The original ghost cat. The appearance of a humanoid creature slowly began to appear.

   Yun Xiaofeng sees here. He knew that Zhu Zhuyun's martial spirit would be the same as Kitty's. Will evolve into ghost spirits.

"I feel like these two cats should be able to fuse their martial spirits. Add me one more. At that time, I don't know what kind of life they will merge into." After Zhu Zhuyun's martial arts evolved, the sudden increase in spirit power made Liu Erlong The others were a little stunned.

  From the forty-fourth level, the soul power soared directly, like riding a rocket. The speed thief rushed to level 50, and because he didn't get the spirit ring, he was stuck here.

   If you get the fifth ring, maybe you can directly break through to level 55, or level 56.

   "This should be the best decision I've ever made in my life." Zhu Zhuyun still didn't wake up. she is feeling

   The feeling that her martial spirit brings to her now.

   A cat-like martial spirit, after taking the fairy queen, was actually promoted to a humanoid martial spirit. This is outrageous.

   After feeling the attributes of his martial spirit, Zhu Zhuyun opened his eyes.

   A pair of charming eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng. He smiled slightly and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, what's there to thank you for? It's okay to help me have ten or eight children in the future! Anyway, you are already one of my young masters and concubines." Yun Xiaofeng's remarks made Yun The rhyme is not light to Lei.

   "If it were me, I might give birth to a little **** in the future! Anyway, he has a lot of concubines. But it seems that Sister Yuehua is very happy to have a child." Yun Yun thought to herself.

  Xueke and Liu Erlong were both stunned by Yun Xiaofeng's appetite!

   "You treat me like a pig!" Zhu Zhuyun gave Yun Xiaofeng a strange look.

   It's just that touch of charm, and there are all kinds of amorous feelings.

   (end of this chapter)

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