Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 185: sister xueke

   Chapter 185 Sister Xueke

  Yuexuan, this time is already the second day.

   Yun Xiaofeng woke up from Tang Yuehua's bed.

   gave Tang Yuehua a good morning kiss and said, "Wife Yuehua, you are so kind."

   "Yeah, that's good, Younger Sister Yunyun is running the Star Luo Empire for the second time for you. And it's still a pair of sisters." Tang Yuehua said with a bit of jealousy, but not really jealous.

   "Hehe." Yun Xiaofeng smirked. Yun Yun hasn't come back yet, it should be soon.

   "By the way, little bastard, are you going to let your sisters all learn etiquette in Yuexuan?" Tang Yuehua's etiquette teacher said.

   "Okay, I've been fine lately anyway, it's mainly Yu Xiaogang's dog thing, it's really not that annoying. I want to raise my sword and cut him." What Yun Xiaofeng said was true. He really wanted to hack Yu Xiaogang to death.

"Wait a few more days, I estimate that with you by my side, my cultivation speed will be more than doubled. In a few days, I will be able to break through the title Douluo, and then I will directly announce Yue Xuan's strength. "

   "Well, let's do it." After Tang Yuehua finished speaking, Yun Xiaofeng gave a positive affirmation.

  Yun Xiaofeng walked to Tang Yuehua's dressing table. I helped her draw some eyebrows.

   Then he was kicked off the fifth floor by Tang Yuehua.

   "Master, good morning." Yun Xiaofeng went downstairs, Yun Xiaomiao bowed slightly after seeing it.

   "Well, good morning, Xiaomiao." Yun Xiaofeng was very casual.

   "Young mistresses haven't got up yet, do you need me to call them?" Yun Xiaomiao had convinced her young master, and brought her a group of young mistresses back.

"Forget it, don't worry about them, you can just take care of Yunyun and Yuehua. You don't need to worry about others. Uh...if your eldest young grandma comes after a while, then you have to serve her well." Yun Xiaofeng suddenly thought of this question.

   When Wu Qingying came, no one paid any attention to her. It was estimated that Yun Xiaofeng could laugh for a year.

   "Rogue Rabbit, this way." Yun Xiaofeng saw Xiao Wu sneaking out his head, and looked around. Get her right away.

  Xiao Wu came over and smiled sweetly at Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, we discussed it before going to bed last night, we are going to go shopping, will you pay us to go there?" He took Yun Xiaofeng's arm and said coquettishly,

"Go on, I have something to do later. By the way, just leave my Erlong maid for me." Yun Xiaofeng couldn't figure out why the old man of Tiandou Royal Academy, Meng Shenji, would let me That scum, Yu Xiaogang, entered the training room of the Imperial Fighting Team.

  Everyone had breakfast.

  Tang Yuehua didn't have class today, so he went shopping with Xiao Wu and the rest of the group.

   Yun Xiaofeng is now only Xue Ke, Liu Erlong,

   Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi are probably going crazy today, because they are going to be bodyguards for a month, and the time has not yet come.

   Yun Xiaofeng went out with Xueke and Liu Erlong.

   His destination was the Royal Palace.

  He Yu Xiaogang wanted to do something, so he Yun Xiaofeng would do something for him to see.

   Let him see who is more ruthless.

   "Stupid goose, take us to see your brother prince. I have something to discuss with him." Yun Xiaofeng said to Xueke who was beside him.

   "Okay, brother Xiaofeng, sister Erlong, come with me." Xueke was still very polite to Liu Erlong.

  Although Yun Xiaofeng claims that Liu Erlong is her maid, but what a bed-warming maid. Her status at home is not at all lower than hers.

   "Yes." Liu Erlong replied with a slight smile.

   Today's female tyrannosaurs have changed too much. Not much like a female tyrannosaurus.

   "I'm going, this is the Prince's mansion. It's so big and luxurious. It's the first time I've come here." He looked at the three-meter-high fence, the majestic gate, and the gatekeeper of the Soul Emperor level. Yun Xiaofeng was stunned.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, if you have time, go to my princess mansion?" Xueke asked tentatively.

   "No problem, you can stay for a few days at that time." Yun Xiaofeng is still looking forward to Xueke's princess mansion.

   "That's good, then I can let the Princess Mansion make a lot of delicious food." Xue Ke naturally believed in Yun Xiaofeng's words.

   "His Royal Highness." The security guard of the Prince's Mansion, seeing Xue Ke, immediately prepared to salute.

   "You're welcome, this palace is here to look for the prince's brother, he should be in the mansion." Xue Ke asked the security guard,

   "His Royal Highness has just returned to the mansion. Do you need to report to the youngest? Her Royal Highness."

   "No need, just go in the palace directly." Xue Ke didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. With Yun Xiaofeng, Liu Erlong walked directly into the Prince's Mansion.

   "Tsk tsk. It's so corrupt." Yun Xiaofeng saw that the garden of the prince's mansion was so big. You must know that the Imperial City of the Heaven Dou Empire is an existence that is worth every inch of land.

  Yun Xiaofeng feels that the land of His Royal Highness's mansion can be sold for tens of millions of gold soul coins,

   "Lao Xue, this young master is here to see you." Yun Xiaofeng and Xueke started shouting while they were entering the corridor of the Prince's Mansion.

  Xue Qinghe is discussing matters with her mother Bibi Dong. Hearing Yun Xiaofeng yelling at him made him a little confused.

   "Why did this thing come to my house today. It's never happened before," Xue Qinghe said to himself,

   "Xueer, who is it. Do you need mother to avoid it?" Bibi Dong didn't want to ruin her precious daughter's mission.

   "Little Demon King Yuexuan, you don't have to avoid him, this guy is a weird one." Xue Qinghe got angry when he mentioned Yun Xiaofeng, but this guy actually insulted her mother in front of her.

   "Old Xue, you're really not funny. You actually played the Golden House Hidden Charm." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Bibi Dong generously.

  Xue Qinghe was thinking in his heart at this moment how he wanted to be upright and honest, and how to beat Yun Xiaofeng with confidence.

   The current Bibi Dong's appearance has changed so much that Yun Xiaofeng is absolutely unrecognizable.

   If you want to describe the current Bibi Dong, you have to use all the words that describe beauty.

   After summarizing, it is beauty.

   "Well, hello beauty. My name is Yun Xiaofeng." Yun Xiaofeng felt that Bibi Dong was attracted by something.

   "His Royal Highness Princess, Young Master, Miss, how are you." Bibi Dong didn't say what her name was, so she just made up a random name.

   "Well, the beauty is polite," Yun Xiaofeng said politely compared to Bidong,

   "Sister Xueke, what's the matter with you bringing this stuff today?" Xue Qinghe really didn't like to see Yun Xiaofeng in her prince's mansion.

   She was afraid that if Yun Xiaofeng had any bad intentions towards her mother, then she would have to fight with Yun Xiaofeng,

   "Old Xue. How could you say that to me in front of a beautiful woman." Yun Xiaofeng sat on a chair in the Xueqinghe meeting room.

   Liu Erlong stood behind his chair.

   "Tell me, what's the matter, there are a lot of things for this prince." Xue Qinghe was obviously a little unhappy.

   "Erlong, take out your record crystal ball and let His Royal Highness see it."

   At this moment, Liu Erlong heard Yun Xiaofeng talking about recording the crystal ball. She didn't know where she was at the moment. This guy is the one who gave her the recording crystal ball.

   "It turns out that the old lady is a maid for you, you have already figured it out." Liu Erlong roared in his heart. Then took out the recording crystal ball.

   (end of this chapter)

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